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Tax agency

Iranian Tax Agency to Profile Owners of Cryptocurrency Exchanges

Iranian Tax Agency to Profile Owners of Cryptocurrency ExchangesCryptocurrencies have been a cause for concern in Teheran as the digital assets have attracted capital from other, traditional markets. The parliament’s leadership has now asked the tax agency to profile the owners of Iranian platforms facilitating cryptocurrency trading and report to the Majlis. Parliament Speaker Asks Tax Agency to Report on Crypto Trading Platforms […]

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IRS Will Seize Cryptocurrencies From Investors to Settle Tax Debts, Official Warns

IRS Will Seize Cryptocurrencies From Investors to Settle Tax Debts, Official WarnsAn official of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has clarified that the agency is prepared to seize cryptocurrencies and sell them to satisfy tax collection if taxpayers fail to meet their tax obligations. Robert Wearing, IRS’ deputy associate chief counsel for Procedure & Administration, explained Wednesday that the agency can seize cryptocurrencies from taxpayers, […]

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