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The Flippening Watch

Third-Generation Blockchains Will Pick Up the Defi Slack Left by Ethereum

Third-Generation Blockchains Will Pick Up the Defi Slack Left by EthereumWith the ETH 2.0 upgrade still months, if not years, from a full launch, third-generation blockchain protocols are quickly racing up to dethrone Ethereum as the “go-to” hub for dapps and defi. Blockchain Metamorphosis to Catalyze Future Defi Growth Although many people may only be discovering it recently, blockchain technology has been around long enough […]

New York introduces new bill to crack down on crypto rug pulls and private key theft

Survey: Crypto Traders Predict Ethereum’s ROI to ‘Crush’ Bitcoin’s 2021 Year-End Return

Survey: Crypto Traders Predict Ethereum’s ROI to ‘Crush’ Bitcoin’s 2021 Year-End ReturnBitcoin and a slew of digital assets have seen massive drops in value during the last few days, while the top two leading crypto assets bitcoin and ethereum have been battling for market supremacy. This week, bitcoin’s towering dominance over the crypto economy has dropped to a three-year low tapping 41.9%, while ethereum’s market cap […]

New York introduces new bill to crack down on crypto rug pulls and private key theft