The founder of Telegram has announced plans to support TON-based non-fungible token (NFT) gifts later this year. This new feature will allow users to convert limited-edition animated gifts into NFTs on the TON blockchain. These tokenized gifts can be displayed on user profiles or traded for Telegram’s in-app currency, Stars. Additionally, users will have the […]
Pantera Capital has made a significant investment in Telegram’s The Open Network (TON) blockchain, highlighting the platform’s large user base and potential for fostering cryptocurrency adoption and innovation in decentralized finance. This partnership is set to reinforce the principles of digital freedom and privacy advocated by Telegram’s founder, Pavel Durov, potentially increasing TON’s adoption and […]
Since the introduction of USDT on the TON blockchain, the supply of this stablecoin has grown by over 70 million within just two weeks, totaling 130 million. While USDT operates across multiple blockchains, its presence on TON has positioned it as the eighth largest in terms of circulating supply. TON Blockchain Sees 70 Million Increase […]
Tether has partnered with the TON Foundation, launching $60 million of USDT on The Open Network (TON) blockchain as announced at the Token2049 event in Dubai, making TON the 11th largest blockchain out of 16 supproting Tether. This collaboration also introduced the gold-pegged Tether Gold (XAUT) stablecoin on TON, with cross-border payments touted as free, […]
Three African countries — namely Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and the Republic of Congo — are reportedly planning to adopt cryptocurrency and blockchain solutions powered by The Open Network (TON). Separately, Cameroon is considering issuing a national stablecoin that is based on the same blockchain network. Phased Adoption of the Solutions The […]