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Japanese Firm Metaplanet to Add $659M in Bitcoin to Its Treasury, Shares Soar 90% in Response

Japanese Firm Metaplanet to Add 9M in Bitcoin to Its Treasury, Shares Soar 90% in ResponseAccording to the latest figures, Metaplanet, a company listed on the Japanese stock exchange, witnessed its share price soar by nearly 90% in just one day. This significant jump came on the heels of the company’s announcement regarding its intention to incorporate 1 billion yen in bitcoin into its balance sheet. Metaplanet Joins Forces With […]

Introducing USDG: A new era in stablecoins

Brazilian Voting Authority Might Include Blockchain Tech in Future Elections

Brazilian Voting Authority Might Include Blockchain Tech in Future ElectionsThe Brazilian voting authority (TSE), has publicly declared it is studying blockchain as a technology that might help the organization in its task of organizing ballots. Celio Castro Wermerlinger, coordinator of modernization of the institution, stated that this decentralized ledger tech was included in a research program called “Elections of the Future.” Brazilian TSE Is […]

Introducing USDG: A new era in stablecoins