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US dollar reserve currency

Warren Buffett Sees No Alternative to US Dollar as Reserve Currency — Berkshire Holding $188 Billion in Cash

Warren Buffett Sees No Alternative to US Dollar as Reserve Currency — Berkshire Holding 8 Billion in CashWarren Buffett, chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, asserts that there is currently no viable alternative to the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency, suggesting that U.S. debt will remain acceptable “for a very long time.” Berkshire currently sits on a cash pile of $188 billion, which Buffett views as “quite attractive.” Insights From […]

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BRICS Leaders Set to Discuss Common Currency to Challenge US Dollar Dominance in Upcoming Summit

BRICS Leaders Set to Discuss Common Currency to Challenge US Dollar Dominance in Upcoming SummitThe BRICS nations are set to discuss the feasibility of a common currency at the upcoming leaders’ summit. “It’s a matter we must discuss and discuss properly,” a South African minister stressed, noting that a growing number of countries are saying: “Why can’t we trade in our own currencies? Why are we committed to trading […]

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Bank of America: Threats to US Dollar’s Dominance Largely Domestic — Not BRICS Currency or Chinese Yuan

Bank of America: Threats to US Dollar’s Dominance Largely Domestic — Not BRICS Currency or Chinese YuanBank of America has warned that the key threats to the U.S. dollar’s dominance are largely domestic, as opposed to competition from other currencies, including a BRICS currency. “U.S. fiscal brinkmanship, with risks for government shutdown, or even worse a default, keeps coming up during debt ceiling discussions,” the bank’s analysts stressed. Bank of America […]

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Economist Peter Schiff Advises ‘Get Rid of Your US Dollars Now’ — Warns USD’s Reserve Currency Status in Jeopardy

Economist Peter Schiff Advises ‘Get Rid of Your US Dollars Now’ — Warns USD’s Reserve Currency Status in JeopardyEconomist Peter Schiff has urged people to get rid of their U.S. dollars now as a growing number of countries have escalated their efforts to reduce their dependence on the U.S. and the USD. “The dollar’s reserve currency status is in jeopardy, as is the American standard of living that depends on it. The best […]

ETH/BTC hits 5-year low as trader suggests rotation into stronger alts