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US Law Enforcement

South African Court Releases Former Monero Developer Riccardo Spagni From Custody

South African Court Releases Former Monero Developer Riccardo Spagni From CustodyA South African regional court recently ruled to release former Monero lead maintainer, Riccardo Spagni, from custody. The ruling came just a few days after his arrest by local law enforcement agents, a report has said. Prior to his release, Spagni aka Fluffypony told the court he had returned to South Africa voluntarily and that […]

Trump may sign Bitcoin reserve executive order at crypto summit: Report

Jailed Onecoin Mastermind Accused of Using Contraband Mobile Phone to Move $20 Million

Jailed Onecoin Mastermind Accused of Using Contraband Mobile Phone to Move  MillionKarl Sebastian Greenwood, one of the masterminds behind the Onecoin pyramid scheme, recently used a contraband mobile phone to move at least $20 million while holed up in a prison in the United States, an attorney for one of the scheme’s victims has said. Onecoin Mastermind Taking Advantage of Regulators’ Failures The lawyer representing victims […]

Trump may sign Bitcoin reserve executive order at crypto summit: Report

FBI Seizes 800 Beverly Hills Safety Deposit Boxes With $86M, Attorneys Claim Fed’s Raid ‘Unconstitutional’

FBI Seizes 800 Beverly Hills Safety Deposit Boxes With M, Attorneys Claim Fed’s Raid ‘Unconstitutional’The Federal Bureau Investigation (FBI) is under fire for an alleged unconstitutional seizure of 800 safety deposit boxes in Beverly Hills. According to reports, the FBI confiscated $86 million in cash, jewelry, and thousands of gold and silver bars. Box holders and their lawyers are calling out the federal law enforcement agency for lacking sufficient […]

Trump may sign Bitcoin reserve executive order at crypto summit: Report

John McAfee’s Bodyguard Pleads Not Guilty in the $13M Crypto Fraud Case

John McAfee’s Bodyguard Pleads Not Guilty in the M Crypto Fraud CaseThe legal tussle between the U.S. authorities and John McAfee continues as his associate Jimmy Watson has entered a plea. The former antivirus tycoon’s bodyguard has pleaded not guilty to the alleged cryptocurrency fraud case. McAfee and Watson Jr. Are Accused of Having Built a ‘Pump and Dump’ Scheme According to court documents, Jimmy Gale […]

Trump may sign Bitcoin reserve executive order at crypto summit: Report