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World Gold Council survey

Data From October Shows Gold Reserves Held by Central Banks Tapped the Highest Level in 47 Years

Data From October Shows Gold Reserves Held by Central Banks Tapped the Highest Level in 47 YearsFollowing the World Gold Council’s (WGC) third-quarter report that shows central banks purchased a record amount of gold, data released by the WGC shows that central banks are buying more gold during 2022’s fourth quarter. Statistics show that the gold held by the world’s central banks is at the highest level since 1974. Central Banks […]

Zimbabwe Devalues Gold-Backed Currency by 44%

Central Bank Gold Buys This Year Reach an All-Time Quarterly High in Q3, 400 Tons Purchased Is the ‘Most on Record’

Central Bank Gold Buys This Year Reach an All-Time Quarterly High in Q3, 400 Tons Purchased Is the ‘Most on Record’According to the World Gold Council’s (WGC) latest quarterly report, worldwide gold demand, excluding over-the-counter (OTC) markets, was 28% higher year-over-year. While demand jumped higher than last year in the third quarter, central bank gold buying tapped an all-time quarterly record in Q3 2022. The quarterly report indicates that the world’s central banks purchased close […]

Zimbabwe Devalues Gold-Backed Currency by 44%