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XRP stash

Jed McCaleb’s ‘Tacostand’ XRP Wallet Is Near Empty, After the Ripple Co-Founder Transferred 9 Billion XRP Over the Years

Jed McCaleb’s ‘Tacostand’ XRP Wallet Is Near Empty, After the Ripple Co-Founder Transferred 9 Billion XRP Over the YearsLast month, it was reported that the co-founder of Ripple, Jed McCaleb was close to emptying his xrp wallet that held 81 million tokens worth $26 million. Following a transaction that saw 3,898,451 xrp transferred out of the address, McCaleb’s wallet is now close to being empty as there’s only 47.6912 xrp worth $17 stored […]

Arthur Hayes Says Bitcoin Primed To Skyrocket to a ‘Numerically Interesting Number’ Before Market Hits Top

Jed McCaleb’s Ripple Stash Down to 81 Million — Co-Founder’s XRP Cache Likely to Dry Up This Year

Jed McCaleb’s Ripple Stash Down to 81 Million — Co-Founder’s XRP Cache Likely to Dry Up This YearAfter selling billions of xrp tokens since 2014, the former Ripple Labs executive Jed McCaleb only has 81.53 million xrp left to sell. In mid-February 2021, it was expected that McCaleb’s stash would run dry that year in May. However, the selling took much longer, but today’s data shows there’s only $26 million worth left. […]

Arthur Hayes Says Bitcoin Primed To Skyrocket to a ‘Numerically Interesting Number’ Before Market Hits Top