Power Money Moves in Crypto (Digital Currency Group EXPOSED II)
In the world of Crypto there are a host of principalities and powers that are vying for influence, control and history changing amounts of wealth. They see this as a moment to become the next Carnegie, Vanderbilt or Rockefeller. But the power barons of the early 20th century had businesses and decision making was centralized in one person. To grab a large slice of the pie today it’s better to operate as a cartel. What’s a cartel and how is the Digital Currency Group positioning itself as the first cartel in crypto? I’m gonna break it down for you.
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0:00 Intro
0:51 The one-in-millenium opportunity
2:14 Cartels in crypto
3:07 Glenn H Hutchins and Barry Silbert
4:44 How market is manipulated
6:22 XRP
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