Prime Time Bitcoin (INCREDIBLE Trading Platform for Cryptocurrency)
Check out PrimeXBT ➡️ https://primexbt.com
So you want to get into margin trading. Or maybe you think its time to dust off the old gloves after a stint on the sidelines. But with a wide array of exchanges to choose from, it can be hard to know where to begin. You know the main players: Binance, Huboi, and Kraken name but a few. And if you’ve been following the channel for a while, you’ll know where we tend to do most of our leverage trading. But there’s a host of great options out there and they each come with their own unique set of benefits. Today, we’ll be taking a look at PrimeXBT, which has steadily implemented a range of improvements and upgrades you won’t want to miss.
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0:00 Intro
0:54 PrimeXBT Rundown
1:18 Security
2:04 Usability
3:04 Leverage Trading
4:10 Covesting
5:19 Upcoming Features
6:05 Customer Service
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