Worst day for stocks and Bitcoin in 2021 (Fed Dragging down Crypto)
Around the Blockchain is your favorite Cryptocurrency show discussing Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cardano, and the top altcoins. Our four crypto experts include DaVinciJ15, Gareth from InTheMoneyStocks, Kursat from Mega Crypto and Ben Armstrong. Tune in for their insightful crypto analysis!
Today we’ll be discussing whether or not stock market volatility drags down crypto. What can we expect in the coming months? Also, what EXACTLY are the Bitcoin miners doing? What they do WILL affect the price. Finally, institutions are jumping in the space, but what does the future hold?
Don’t forget to check out our guests’ socials!
Tweets by Davincij15
Mega Crypto:
Tweets by bugrasukas
In The Money Stocks:
Tweets by ITMS
Intro music by Gregario Franco. Song – Nacht
We’re giving away 5 ETH when the Bitsquad community breaks 5 million total across all platforms! ➡️ https://gleam.io/QoxHy/5-eth-to-5-million-giveaway
How to join Cardano (ADA) BPool ➡️ https://bitboycrypto.com/how-to-stake-ada-with-bpool/
ByBit, Market Cipher, Ledger, TokenMetrics, Crypto.com & more!
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