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Bitcoin staking

DeFi Technologies launches Core chain validator, stakes 1,498 Bitcoin

In May, the partners launched the first yield-bearing BTC ETP in Scandinavia.

DeFi Technologies will launch a validator node on Core Chain and stake almost $100 million in Bitcoin (BTC) on it. Toronto-based DeFi Technologies will receive rewards for validating transactions and staking rewards through its subsidiary Valour. 

Staking is enabled by Core’s Ethereum Virtual Machine-compatible consensus mechanism on its layer-1, BTC-powered blockchain. DeFi Technologies CEO Olivier Roussy Newton said:

Stakers retain custody of their BTC throughout the lockup period and receive rewards in CORE token, which is reinvested in the product. Staked CORE provides a reward of 11.66%.

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Binance-backed pSTAKE Finance launches Bitcoin liquid staking solution

pSTAKE is among the most recent protocols making Bitcoin a yield-generating asset with more capital efficiency.

Binance Labs-backed liquid staking protocol pStAKE Finance has unveiled its liquid staking solution for Bitcoin in the latest development for Bitcoin-native decentralized finance (DeFi).

pSTAKE Finance’s solution, built on top of Babylon’s Bitcoin staking protocol, aims to simplify the Bitcoin staking process and offer additional yield generation opportunities for Bitcoin (BTC) holders.

The protocol decided to build Bitcoin-based staking solutions from a fundamental belief in the world’s oldest cryptocurrency, aiming to make it a yield-generating asset, according to Mikhil Pandey, the co-founder and chief strategy officer of pSTAKE Finance.

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$30,000 Drained From JPMorgan Chase Account As Criminal Buys Car, Pays Girlfriend’s Bills, and Bank Refuses To Reimburse: Report