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THORSwap hammers home the point: Aligned incentives are a crypto superpower

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice — shame on me. Fool me three times... or four? How a community-focused project regained its footing, where others stumbled and fell.

THORChain hasn’t had an easy year. After three exploits in the space of a month during the summer the protocol’s native token (RUNE) took a beating, plummeting from all-time highs over $20.00 in May to a low of around $3.50 in late July.

Billed as a way to exchange crypto assets across different blockchains without an intermediary, the protocol disabled swaps completely as it looked to harden the network against exploits. With the relaunch of Ethereum swaps in late October, however, THORChain’s recovery was virtually complete — and the price of RUNE was within striking distance of the $20.00 mark again.

And then there was the THORSwap public sale. 

THORSwap, a decentralized exchange powered by THORChain, had a successful initial capped sale that was oversubscribed by 198%, as community members stumped up a maximum of $300. But a second uncapped sale went badly wrong, as bots front-ran the Initial Dex Offering (IDO) and THORChain's own treasury seized tokens before the public was even able to access the app.

Yet just one day later, a dip in the price of RUNE appears to be reversing, and previously-disaffected community members on Twitter are singing the praises of the THOR team. So how did THORChain succeed where countless other DeFi projects have failed to recover following hacks or exploits?

Why, following the three exploits, did some wallet holders actually donate Ether (ETH) to the THORChain protocol to help cover losses? And why, following a botched IDO, is THORSwap's Twitter account receiving comments like "This is real @THORChain . They know how to be with the community. They know how community should be treated."

The answer, according to some members of the community, lies not only in the fact that there is a deep commitment among participants to the decentralized ethos of the project; or even that the mostly anonymous developers and managers behind the THOR ecosystem are as diligent about community development as they are about technical implementation.

It’s about a virtuous circle of aligned incentives between the developers, the managers, the moderators, and the community that creates a genuinely antifragile economic system.

Following the IDO, THORSwap and THORChain rapidly addressed the community outrage at the mistakes that prevented many supporters from participating in the sale. 

In a post mortem the THORSwap team said that "The $THOR token launch on THORChain was, frankly, a bad experience for everyone involved. We have built up trust over the years, and we understand it can easily be broken from one event like this. Many lessons were learned and we hope to regain your trust." 

But rather than simply apologizing, the THOR team went significantly further — with the THORChain Treasury at first promising to donate 10% of its tokens back to the liquidity pool, and later reallocating its entire $11.25 million THOR position to be distributed between those liquidity providers who were unable to secure tokens. 

THORSwap Admin, an anonymous contributor to the protocol, told Cointelegraph that "THORSwap — the products, ideas and contributors — was literally born from the community. So we took it personally when the launch didn’t meet the community’s expectations. We worked feverishly to offer a solution that would suit as many people as possible.”

In addition, the THORSwap team has announced plans for an additional airdrop to prove that "We love the THORSwap and THORChain community and are absolutely committed to you."

But even apologies and 'free money' have their limits. Which is why THORSwap has been developing a passionate community for almost a year. “We have over 18,000 members in our Discord channel,” explains pseudonymous representative CrowdPleasr, “And we still provide 24/7 one-to-one support whenever a community member has a question. Our response time averages under 30 minutes. And I don’t think any other DeFi project has worked that hard to provide service to its supporters.”

Moderating Discord channels is a challenge that has stumped many crypto projects — they often devolve into cesspools of spam and phishing expeditions — but THORSwap’s lead moderator and Product Manager, ‘The Bull’, explains that the overwhelmingly positive mood in their channel has been fostered by the transparency and continuous communication of the team. “We’ve always been the first to make announcements about the hacks,” they explain, “And we’ve announced every phase of the recovery… so the community feels comfortable talking with a member of the team.”

The team at THORSwap has been deeply hands-on with moderation, actively recruiting and paying experienced community mods rather than relying on volunteers to keep the peace.

Beyond their attempts to create a safe environment for users in online communities, THORSwap has introduced multiple product lines that specifically reward positive contributors to the project; a trend that has accelerated as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) become an increasingly popular (and let’s face it, inexpensive) way to create loyalty.

The THORChads DAO has its own website, described as “...a LAUNCHPAD and… the primary destination for all of THORChain’s creative projects” where users who satisfy various criteria can “prove their Chadness'' and take advantage of rewards such as avatars, NFTs, airdrops, and increased allocations in the recently-concluded public sale. It will also act as a launchpad for developer grants to further the development of the ecosystem.

(While the online etymology of ‘Chad’ has connections to the incel world and aggressively alpha male characteristics, it has been adopted by the cryptosphere to specifically relate to traders who are bold or fearless. Not to mention, Chad Barraford is the technical lead on THORChain and one of its most visible proponents.)

CrowdPleasr is particularly excited about the charitable aspect of THORSwap, which he describes as “a chance for the community to decide where we should allocate 5% of revenues, because very few people are doing this and we feel it’s important to take some of the gains outside of this crypto bubble we live in.”

In all, around 75% of THORSwap’s revenues are expected to find their way back to the community, explains THORSwap Admin. He describes the success of the project as being predicated on the theory that aligning incentives will lead to greater scalability and a ‘trading black hole’ wherein discounted trading fees lead to more volume, which leads to greater revenue, which leads to more value accrual to the community, which leads to further discounts in trading fees…

All of these aligned incentives have had a tangible outcome. Community support for the public sale led to the project securing over 5,000 participants in the first round of the public sale, with 100% of required funds committed in the first 17 minutes which CrowdPleasr noted was conducted “at the same price as private investors.”

And despite the missteps in the execution of the IDO, the community appears to be satisfied (for the most part) with the solution the team has created.

As just one component in the THORChain world, THORSwap is a microcosm of the wider support the protocol has enjoyed since inception.

Erik Voorhees, a vocal advocate of community-derived power who founded the recently-decentralized ShapeShift platform, describes THORChain as “...such a leap forward that most haven’t processed it yet. There is nothing else remotely like it available.”

And Terraform Labs founder Do Kwon has suggested that “THORChain is interesting because I believe the future is going to be interchain and interconnected. What THORChain has the potential of bridging, is it can bring Bitcoin in — which is huge.”

Even so, there is truth in the notion that the best tech doesn’t always win. Betamax vs. VHS is the classic example of a walled garden with superior tech (Sony’s Betamax) that fell to a competitor whose ecosystem offered more attractive products to consumers, as when JVC’s VHS built stronger relationships with movie companies.

We see the same phenomenon today — Bitcoin is not the most technologically-advanced cryptocurrency, and has numerous drawbacks that would kill any new project instantly. But it has a community of developers, supporters, and integrations that provide it with what has been, at least so far, an impregnable advantage. The community may well be the primary reason why Bitcoin Cash isn’t Bitcoin today.

Despite being technically advanced, THORChain and its ecosystem projects have identified that in the rapidly expanding cryptoverse, technology alone isn’t enough. Tech can be copied, improved upon, made obsolescent… but communities and systems survive when interests are aligned.

As Barraford, a core developer on the protocol, noted in a short video in which he compared the aftermath of the THORChain exploits to the effects of the Mt. Gox hack on Bitcoin, those incentives go both ways. “This community is, I mean, obviously this community is absolutely amazing. Y’all just have diamond hands. I completely appreciate everybody sticking around and just continuing to support the project. That was crucial for me to keep putting all my energy… to just get that support from you all.”

And that’s why THORChain is still here, while lesser DeFi projects have fallen by the wayside when faced with exploits.

Aligned incentives are a core innovation and promise of the cryptocurrency experiment. And when executed properly, as exemplified by the pragmatic builders in the decentralized THOR ecosystem, they can create antifragile economic systems that recover quickly from black swan events like a hack or a front-run IDO.

Which, after the financial crisis of 2008, should be a desirable innovation indeed.

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Crypto platform Rally commits $12M to third-party developers

The ecosystem is gaining momentum as demand for nonfungible tokens and blockchain-based social communities continue to grow.

Crypto-social platform Rally has earmarked $12 million for external developers to improve the functionality of the ecosystem, potentially setting the stage for new innovations that would benefit creators. 

The grants program will be distributed through RLY tokens, the native cryptocurrency of the Rally ecosystem, the company announced Friday. A community-elected developer council controls $5 million worth of RLY, giving it considerable sway over which types of bounties and rewards get distributed.

Prior to establishing the new program, Rally awarded third-party developer grants to Bonfire, MintGate and David Young, the creator of the PLAY coin, which is built on Rally.

Rally enables creators and artists to launch their own cryptocurrency and establish independent communities directly on the platform. When asked about what types of third-party development work the company would like to support, Rally vice president Stephanie Pereira said, “we are focused on what would benefit creators the most right now.” The first three recipients have added value in numerous ways, such as developing an airdrop protocol, integrating social tokens into web-based games and developing customized widgets.

Pereira singled out social tokens and nonfungible tokens (NFTs) as two areas requiring more development work in the future. She explained:

“Social tokens and NFTs are still relatively in their infancy stage, but as more creators lean in and experiment, we’re seeing the need for countless new products and eager to partner with more developers.”

Related: Crypto social governance will lead to online freedom

The NFT market has exploded in popularity over the past year, becoming one of blockchain’s most popular use cases. NFT sales reached a whopping $10.7 billion in the third quarter, shattering all previous records, according to data from DappRadar.

Activity around social tokens is also on the rise. As Cointelegraph recently reported, social token infrastructure provider Roll recently concluded a $10 million Series A investment round with backing from IOSG Ventures, Huobi Ventures and others.

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Family of Popular NFT Projects Launch Collaborative Initiative and Genesis Collection

Family of Popular NFT Projects Launch Collaborative Initiative and Genesis CollectionOn Tuesday, a new Draper Goren Holm incubated company called NFT.FAMILY has announced the launch of a new generative non-fungible token (NFT) collection called “Boring Stone.” The new company stems from community members from Fameladysquad, Bored Ape Yacht Club, and Blockchain & Booze. ‘Utilizing Technologies to Build and Empower Our Own Community’ Non-fungible token (NFT) […]

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Tweet mocking how little value NFTs have … is turned into $5K NFT

"This is basically the same as making a joke that you stole the Mona Lisa by taking a photograph of it," said Twitter user Sergey Pshenichkin.

Twitter user Lauren Walker tweeted a message claiming she was “stealing” nonfungible tokens, only to have crypto-Twitter turn around and mint her words into a token listing for thousands of dollars.

In an Oct. 2 post on Twitter, Walker mockingly said her current collection of nonfungible tokens, or NFTs, was valued at more than $8 trillion given that she claimed she has right-clicked on the images and saved them to her drive. The message ignores the verifiable scarcity underpinning tokenizing images and artwork, but Walker said she had “a real job” and dismissed criticism from the community.

In response, at least two crypto users have taken screenshots of Walker’s message and replies, minted them as NFTs, and listed them for auction on the OpenSea marketplace. Bidding for one from user CaptainFantastic under the name “have fun staying poor” is currently up to 1.5 Ether (ETH), or roughly $5,100 at the time of publication. Another from user Clown World NFT has yet to receive any bids.

The thrust of Walker’s argument is seemingly understandable to someone without a working knowledge of NFTs, in that tokenizing the image makes it unique and essentially gives it value for someone willing to assign it value in a way an ordinary JPG or GIF never can. Last month, a YouTuber traded a fully functional Tesla Roadster for a single NFT estimated to be worth $100,000. Digital artist Mike Winkelmann, also known as Beeple, famously sold one of his pieces as an NFT for $69 million in March.

“I get so pumped by these type of reactions,” said Twitter user travellintoddy in response to Walker’s tweet. “It shows that the NFT community are so early. It's like piling on social media in 2003 because why wouldn't you just go see your friends rather than online.”’

Others including user Sergey Pshenichkin compared Walker’s argument to the fine art world:

"This is basically the same as making a joke that you stole the Mona Lisa by taking a photograph of it."

Related: NFT ‘art revolution’: Beeple on his 5,040-day labor of love

Though there is certainly money to be made in the NFT market, it is seemingly subject to the same type of volatility seen in cryptocurrency prices. Data from Dune Analytics shows the daily OpenSea trading volume was more than 34,070 ETH on Oct. 3, and mainstream companies including Visa have even invested in NFT collectibles like CryptoPunks.

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Here’s why Algorand (ALGO) price just rallied to a new multi-year high

Institutional investment, new governance features and a groundbreaking project with the government of El Salvador are just a few of the factors behind ALGO’s rally to a new all-time high.

Real-world adoption is what really matters when it comes to being a successful blockchain project and one project that benefited from a recent uptick in adoption is Algorand (ALGO), a pure proof-of-stake protocol aiming to become the go-to base layer for the global financial industry. 

ALGO/USDT 1-day chart. Source: TradingView

Data from Cointelegraph Markets Pro and TradingView shows that since bottoming out at $0.67 on July 20, the price of ALGO has rocketed 268% higher to a daily high at $2.47 on Sept. 9 as its 24-hour trading volume surged to a record-high $4.83 billion.

El Salvador builds on Algorand

The sudden surge in price and trading volume for Algorand came following El Salvador's announcement that is now recognized as legal tender and that the country has also selected Algorand's blockchain to help develop its blockchain infrastructure.

The Algorand network has slowly gained increased attention from larger institutions and governments as a result of its work on central bank digital currencies (CBDC) and the project has already been chosen to host popular stablecoins like USD Coin (USDC) and Tether (USDT).

Its selection by El Salvador is perhaps the most significant vote of confidence the project has received to date and it has the potential to lead to further large-scale adoption as other governments and institutions watch to see how the project progresses.

NFTs, DeFi and governance could attract new users

A second factor helping drive the price of ALGO are recent moves made by the Algorand Foundation to get the community more involved with the project and active on the network.

The project is in the process of launching governance features for token holders, which are set to go live on Oct. 1 and will give users more of a say in the future development of the platform.

The project developers are also working on new decentralized finance (DeFi) and nonfungible token applications that may attract new users who want to get in on the NFT craze action but are prevented by the high fees on the Ethereum (ETH)network.

Related: Staking will eat proof-of-work for breakfast — Here’s why

VORTECS™ data from Cointelegraph Markets Pro began to detect a bullish outlook for ALGO on Sept. 4, prior to the recent price rise.

The VORTECS™ Score, exclusive to Cointelegraph, is an algorithmic comparison of historical and current market conditions derived from a combination of data points including market sentiment, trading volume, recent price movements and Twitter activity.

VORTECS™ Score (green) vs. ALGO price. Source: Cointelegraph Markets Pro

As seen in the chart above, the VORTECS™ Score for ALGO was elevated early in the month of September and reached a high of 70 on Sept. 4, roughly 78 hours before the price began to increased 114% over the next two days.

The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Cointelegraph.com. Every investment and trading move involves risk, you should conduct your own research when making a decision.

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Cryptocurrency can actually make a difference by helping people

The simplicity of crypto could be a game-changer for charities. One influencer is capitalizing on this to save a sanctuary for at-risk youth.

Between Bitcoin (BTC) breaking the $50,000 hurdle and the upswell in the altcoin markets, crypto has never been more appealing to speculators. But, stacking profits through trading is worthless unless that money is spent. Luckily, charitable organizations are waking up to the possibility of crypto donations as the world embraces crypto. For blockchain entrepreneur Wendy O, when a local gym was in jeopardy, she knew to tap into crypto Twitter for help. Using social media, her YouTube channel and Tik-Tok, the influencer sent out the call to save a business dear to her heart.

The Self Care Lab is a boxing gym located in Pomona, CA which caters to underprivileged and at-risk youth. Owner Nita Watson recently discovered that the ownership of the gym’s building had changed hands and she had a mere 30 days to vacate and find a new home for a community she had spent years building up.

Thankfully, Wendy O is a long-time client of the gym and a strong proponent of using physical fitness to uplift the youth. Wendy tapped into her network of blockchain enthusiasts, traders, entrepreneurs and self-declared “degens” to raise the funds to not only move locations but upgrade various, worn-down pieces of equipment. While the gym’s Go Fund Me page has not reached its final goal, there have been enough donations in fiat and crypto to secure a new location. Wendy O told Cointelegraph:

“This gym has been such a massive part of my life and I can’t imagine where I’d be without it. It’s more than boxing, it’s about self-care and therapy. And a lot of these kids need a positive place like this to keep them focused and out of other less-productive activities. As someone who’s made a living in crypto, I knew I could count on my friends to step in and make a difference.”

However, the innovation didn’t stop at allowing crypto donations. To capture the attention of the nascent blockchain art community, Wendy O successfully launched a series of nonfungible tokens (NFTs) on the Theta blockchain, with thousands sold so far. Two of these NFTs are redeemable for consulting sessions with Wendy O, injecting some utility into the donations. Bridging the gap between speculators and charity is a relatively new phenomenon in the decentralized asset ecosystem, though it will likely be more popular as more well-known names in the space begin leveraging crypto for charitable causes. By avoiding payment operators, middle-men and third-party processors, more of each crypto donation is able to be received.

Related: Prioritizing humanity ahead of profits through NFTs

Other projects have long accepted donations in Bitcoin including the Kessler Foundation and the Dementia Society of America. Most recently, the PAWS Animal Rescue in Chicago began accepting donations in Dogecoin (DOGE). Even though there are no NFTs involved in the case of PAWS, the appeal of helping dogs with such a popular canine-themed token seems undeniable.

Most recently, the blockchain sector has been supporting charities focused on assisting humanitarian efforts in Afghanistan. As thousands of refugees seek new homes all over the world, nonprofits are stepping up to take action. Consulting firm Visualize Value recently joined forces with CARE to sell NFTs that cover a family’s emergency needs.

Related: Digitizing charity: We can do better at doing good

As impactful as these donations are, it may be the convenience of crypto that ultimately drives more users to send funds. Generally speaking, the traditional route to donate online includes filling out a lengthy form, manually inputting credit card info and other steps to complete a donation. In contrast, for crypto investors comfortable making blockchain transactions, sending BTC or Ether (ETH) is second nature. Instead of bidding on penguin NFTs, in this case, they are helping a just cause.

A casual glance at some of the posts on Crypto Twitter may seem a bit strange. Timelines are filled with random shills, various scams, traders celebrating their wins and stories of people losing untold sums due to bad trading practices. While it may seem like a rough crowd to an outsider, however, those who can navigate the space are able to find charitable diamonds in the rough.

This article does not contain investment advice or recommendations. Every investment and trading move involves risk, and readers should conduct their own research when making a decision.

Kaltoro is the senior social media manager at Cointelegraph.

The views, thoughts and opinions expressed here are the author’s alone and do not necessarily reflect or represent the views and opinions of Cointelegraph.

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Bitcoin price slumps $2K on Musk’s ‘in the end’ tweets

Elon Musk continues playing with the crypto Twitter, causing more rage in the community.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has brought more stress to the cryptocurrency markets by posting another series of cryptocurrency-related tweets on Thursday.

Bitcoin lost around $2,000 in a matter of hours after Musk took to Twitter to post about Bitcoin (BTC) again.

The Bitcoin price reacted immediately, dropping from around $38,700 to $37,500 in an hour. Bitcoin continued falling as Musk kept tweeting more cryptic posts in the thread including another breakup-themed tweet on falling crypto prices as well as a post on Dogecoin (DOGE).

Bitcoin subsequently dipped to as low as $36,400, dropping over 6% over the past 24 hours. At the time of writing, BTC is trading at $36,322, according to data from CoinMarketCap.

The price action comes shortly after Bitcoin attempted to retest $40,000 yesterday, with some traders suggesting that BTC could face a correction before continuing an upward trend.

Bitcoin 24-hour price chart. Source: CoinMarketCap

Musk’s new Bitcoin tweets spurred another wave of outrage in the crypto community. Some questioned the credibility of Musk’s tweets regarding Bitcoin.

Musk has been widely criticized in the community since he announced the suspension of Tesla's BTC payment option amid environmental concerns about Bitcoin mining, causing BTC to drop nearly $30,000 in mid-May.

Musk has emerged as a major Bitcoin price influencer on Twitter, previously causing major optimism on the market by announcing a $1.5 billion worth Bitcoin purchase in February. Following BTC payment suspension at Tesla, Musk hinted that the company could dump its Bitcoin holdings from its balance sheet.

Musk’s latest tweets come right before the Miami Bitcoin 2021 event that is set to kick off this morning, touted as the “largest Bitcoin event in history.”

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r/Wallstreetbets re-bans crypto discussions following Bloomberg article

Apparently r/Wallstreetbets doesn’t “bow to cryptocurrencies.”

r/Wallstreetbets, or WSB, a subreddit famous for organizing a pump for Dogecoin (DOGE) and the GameStop short squeeze, is enacting a crypto discussion ban after officially allowing the topic for a single day.

Subreddit moderator u/bawse1 announced Thursday that WSB has now banned crypto discussions forever, following a Bloomberg article titled, “WallStreetBets Bows to Crypto.” Just a day before, the same moderator officially announced that the subreddit will finally allow crypto discussion strictly limited to Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH), and DOGE. The new post reads:

“Due to the article that was written by Bloomberg who somehow felt that ‘WallStreetBets Bows to Crypto. Crypto discussion is banned indefinitely. I’ve read a lot of dumb articles written about wsb. This one takes the cake. P.S. Like always. Please be respectful.”

A Thursday update to WSB rules reads that the subreddit will automatically remove content mentioning cryptocurrencies alongside nonfungible tokens. “You can mention it in passing but posts whose sole topic is cryptocurrency or the underlying technology are not allowed. The crypto market tends to consist of small accounts and pump & dumps,” the subreddit’s content guide notes.

Founded back in 2012, WSB is a subreddit where participants discuss stock and option trading. Boasting nearly 10 million members, the subreddit became extremely popular this year after r/Wallstreetbets collectively pumped GameStop stock, skyrocketing the price from about $20 in early January to above $340 on Jan. 28.

While the GME craze has somewhat cooled down, with the stock trading at $158 at the time of writing, DOGE has been repeatedly breaking new all-time highs recently, setting a new record of $0.29 today. The altcoin is up more than 380% over the past seven days, gaining more than 6,000% in the past 12 months.

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Tezos-native NFT platform H=N gains steam, launches World Art Day fundraiser

The indie NFT platform is bringing an artist-first ethos to its design and events.

Not all NFT platforms are for newly-rich crypto investors to flaunt their wealth, as one project is proving. 

As the calls from artists and activists grow louder to reduce the carbon footprint of NFTs, one indie platform on environmentally-friendly proof-of-stake blockchain Tezos has seen a surge in activity and is currently hosting a World Art Day event to raise money for the open-source licensing organization Creative Commons.

Hic et Nunc, or H=N, announced the event via a short press release from TQ Tezos, a Tezos ecosystem development foundation not formally associated with H=N. Centered on a theme of “#NFTsforall,” the fundraiser features work from "200+ artists from 40+ countries", according to artist and collector jkwong. Each artist will create a 25-50 edition piece, with all of the piece priced at one $XTZ. Art will be on sale starting today, and running until 4/30. jkwong added that Creative Commons was a natural choice as a beneficiary:

"Many of us in the HEN community use the Creative Commons. They’re a non-profit that uses technology to protect and respect the rights of creators, precisely what we believe blockchain and NFTs have the power to really do. There have been ideas about how NFTs can be used for public good and we thought, why not be the first to test that as a new model while also supporting organizations that champion the rights of creators?

The H=N platform is an unusual one. The website is notably sparse on the usual self-promotional explainers, but one resource that shines some light on the platform is artist M Plummer-Fernández’s essay explaining H=N and the broader opportunities NFT tech can offer artists, titled “Not another JPEG.”

In the essay, he describes the surreal experience of seeing dozens of his pieces sell on the platform — earning him more than his monthly teaching salary — and seeing a “global community” of artists convene and support one another. It’s a platform, he argues, that combines the cost-effective utility working artists need and the eco-friendly characteristics they care about:

“For creatives on a budget, and not wanting their experimental works to be a financial risk, a low-cost-to-participate NFT marketplace is very appealing. It’s unsurprising then that H=N comes not from the art establishment nor crypto-millionaires, but from a cryptopunk technologist in Brazil named Rafael Lima, and an emerging Brazilian CriptoArte scene.”

However, in addition to not founding H=N, crypto-millionaires may not be migrating to the platform anytime soon. The app might be charitably described as “user ambivalent,” featuring little more than a seemingly endless scroll of images and offering the barest UI/UX guidance (“ah, so cryptic” jokes Plummer-Fernández in his essay). Independent browsing tools offer an alternative experience, if not one any kinder on the eyes. 

While these features (or lack of them) stand in relief against the many slick, Ethereum-based marketplaces catering to crypto’s elite, H=N can claim self-evident success in attracting a far more diverse range of artists and buyers. Plummer-Fernández points to an initiative started by artists Amelie Maia and Tais Koshino, “DiverseNFTArt,” that aims to “support and amplify the voices of Women, BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ artists,” as well as the new income streams cost-effective listing and exchanging of work offers artists in the global South.

According to TQ Tezos communications director Reid Yager, so far the platform has generated 640,556 XTZ in sales and fees, representing a market value of $5 million. It’s also attracted support from Pak, the enigmatic and hugely popular NFT artist, as well as Joanie Lamercier, the French artist whose blog on his NFT-backed art energy consumption may have kicked off the climate hysteria that overtook NFTs amid their push into mainstream consciousness.

Eventually, the bull market will fade and the money sloshing around will dry up. At that point, the cheaper, durable, and diverse communities like H=N might well be the ones left standing.

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Yearn Finance reveals ‘Coordinape’ decentralized grant distribution platform

A new system that functions primarily at the social layer will soon be managing Yearn's grant program

Yield vault protocol Yearn Finance has revealed today the details of “Coordinape,” a new platform for distributing the $40,000-per-month Yearn DAO community grants budget — just one initiative in a wider effort to further decentralize Yearn’s governance. 

Yearn founder Andre Cronje — who said in an interview with Cointelegraph that he no longer takes part in Yearn’s “day to day” development — revealed the program in a blog post this morning.

Each Coordinape member will have a set quantity of “allocation points” which they can distribute to other members who they worked with during a given month. Members with the most interactions and allocations will receive weighted portions of the grants budget.

While there are other tools for programmatically distributing rewards, such as Colony, a recently re-released DAO platform, core Yearn operations member Tracheopteryx said that a in-house solution was necessary for Yearn’s unique needs.

“We have a monthly grants budget of $40,000 and dozens of active contributors. How do you decide how much to give each person? You could use a DAO to decide on the allocation for each person one by one, but that doesn’t scale,” he said. “Coordinape let’s each contributor allocate tokens to everyone they think brings value, then when you look at the total allocation across all contributors it’s a pretty accurate and efficient way to assign asymmetric rewards. Nothing else out there does this.”

As first discussed in Cointelegraph Magazine, Tracheopteryx and others have been working on Coordinape since February. The platform is inspired by Teal, a school of organizational theory that advocates for worker self-management, as well as recent developments in computational social choice.

Trusted trustlessness

According to Tracheopteryx, the ultimate goal of Yearn’s governance structure is to “move more decision-making powers off of the multisig’s shoulders and onto a network of autonomous and self-managed teams.”

At first blush, however, Coordinape’s joint-reporting reward structure seems at odds with the wider cryptocurrency space. Users reporting one another’s contributions could quickly and easily be gamed through mild coordination, running contrary to the elegant economic incentives and security undergirding so many smart contract systems.

However, Tracheopteryx says this trust at the social layer is key to Yearn’s success.

“When you work in crytpo sometimes you get so used to thinking about trustless systems, attack vectors, and adversarial environments that you can't see anything else. But the reality of most creative teams is that they are highly collaborative environments. We needed a consensus mechanism that enhances that kind of energy. This can only work on top of a trustless blockchain, just like an orchid can only bloom from the physics of matter.”

He noted that the “incentives are pretty low” to game the platform, and that by design it can’t be manipulated “catastrophically.” 

As Cronje wrote in his blog post, much like Yearn itself Coordinape is a tool that “originate(s) out of a personal need, but can be generalized to help any other organizations / DAO’s struggling with a similar problem.” The team will be releasing an open-source version of Coordinape as soon as possible, and are “excited to see how people add value and innovation.”

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