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Bitcoin disappoints while Markets Pro delivers 88% gains in 29 hours

Cointelegraph Markets Pro hands investors breaking alerts leading to multiple double-digit trades in a “dead” crypto market

2023 was anticipated to be the comeback year for Bitcoin. Experts predicted that the King of Crypto would soar to $50,000 or more, but it has only bounced back to about $26,000 since the bear market started in late 2021. Cointelegraph Markets Pro, despite the bearish trends ruling the space, has sent investors more than 150 winning alerts so far this year. 

Smart investors are not sitting on the sidelines and waiting for legacy coins to pop. Instead, they rely on Markets Pro — the breakthrough AI-powered crypto trading dashboard — to spot market-moving events before they drive select crypto prices up. As a result, they had the opportunity to jump ahead of gains like 50%, 61%, 80%, and even 88%.

Those gains were spotted by just one of the AI indicators — Newsquakes™ which is considered the fastest and most actionable newsfeed in crypto — built into the dashboard to track crypto market developments known to impact prices and create “flash” breakouts within hours.

PEPE — 50.35% in 5 hours!

On May 5, 2023, the listing of the PEPE token made headlines. The popular memecoin built on the Ethereum blockchain was launched in April 2023 and quickly became one of the most traded cryptocurrencies in the market.

News of the Binance listing hit the market at around 7:00 UTC. By 12:00 UTC, the coin grew 50.35% in just five hours. Most traders missed the move, while those with access to alerts from Markets Pro got the opportunity to take advantage of the surge.

SOMM — 61.88% in 4 hours!

On March 17, 2023, an announcement was made about Sommelier that made investors anticipate a potential price pop. Sommelier is a non-custodial, cross-chain platform for executing intelligent DeFi vaults which automatically invest a user’s funds based on a specific strategy.

Markets Pro picked up on the story and alerted members at 9:00 UTC. By 13:00 UTC, SOMM gained almost 62%.

OAX — 80.53% in less than 72 hours!

OAX is a native Ethereum divisible virtual token. The OAX Foundation, whose aim is to help the DeFi and crypto financial services sector flourish, issues the token.

A breaking news story appeared on the Markets Pro “radar” on March 22, 2023 about OAX.

Near the time of the announcement, the token was trading at almost $0.29. In less than 72 hours, it surged to $0.52.

Investors with access to the Markets Pro alert had a shot at nearly 81% gains.

FLM — 88.15% in 29 short hours!

On June 20, 2023 an unexpected announcement was released about Flamingo Finance. According to sources, Flamingo just entered into a partnership with O3 Labs. Which allowed Flamingo to bridge to 14 EVM chains.

The story broke at 09:00 with FLM priced at a little over 6-cents. Markets Pro picked up the story and sent an alert in real-time to members. A day later, the price surged to just shy of 12-cents, handing investors who had access to the intel a hefty 88.15% gain.

More recently, in the past two months, Markets Pro alerted members to 45.25% gains on LOOM, 44.42% gains on POND, and 41.17% gains on Bitcoin Cash. In the past 7 days members were alerted to unusual market activity on KAS right before it took off 21.27%. In the past 12 days a Markets Pro alert let members know about JOE right before it shot up 39.05%. In the past 13 days, an alert pointed to ARKM right before it surged 21.63%.

That’s not all. Just weeks ago an alert was sent out for VTHO netting 30% returns in just 15 minutes. The next alert could be going out at any time.

Markets Pro helps crypto investors win

In crypto investing, minutes often make a world of difference. Markets Pro strives to deliver actionable news as soon as it becomes available. NewsQuakes™ are sourced from a real-time aggregation engine, collated from over a thousand primary sources every minute and analyzed by an AI algorithm to determine which news stories could impact crypto prices now. These breaking alerts are delivered without human intervention. So, they are often the fastest way for market participants to know about major events in the cryptocurrency space.

Newsquakes™ spotted the market events that led to these and dozens more winning trades. Immediate alerts were then sent to members, so they could jump on the potential breakout tokens they liked. Newsquakes™ is among a handful of advanced AI indicators built into the dashboard to help crypto investors and traders find winning plays.

See how Cointelegraph Markets Pro delivers market-moving data before this information becomes public knowledge.

Cointelegraph is a publisher of financial information, not an investment advisor. We do not provide personalized or individualized investment advice. Cryptocurrencies are volatile investments and carry significant risk including the risk of permanent and total loss. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Figures and charts are correct at the time of writing or as otherwise specified. Live-tested strategies are not recommendations. Consult your financial adviser before making financial decisions.

All ROIs quoted are accurate as of September 12, 2023…

Trader Says Two Ethereum Rivals Could Outperform Crypto Market, Predicts Rally for Low-Cap Altcoin

How to use Microsoft Power BI

Learn how Power BI unlocks the potential of your data and is useful for data visualization and analysis.

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U8Kh-BgDD575lb3Mj3Xyqjd8_F8x65-gQ_muiys5up8/edit (piks for this article are in this doc)

In today’s data-driven world, organizations of all sizes are inundated with vast amounts of information. Extracting actionable insights from this data can be overwhelming and time-consuming.

Microsoft Power BI is a powerful business intelligence tool that empowers users to transform raw data into meaningful visualizations and interactive reports. In this article, we will delve into the basics of Microsoft Power BI and guide you through the process of harnessing its capabilities to unlock the full potential of your data.

Understanding Microsoft Power BI

A cloud-based business analytics application, Microsoft Power BI is made to connect, process and visualize data rapidly and effectively. It provides a user-friendly interface that enables data manipulation for both expert and non-technical users without the need for complex coding knowledge. The tool is a popular option for organizations all around the world because of its smooth connection with other Microsoft products, such as Excel and Azure.

In Power BI Desktop, there are three views available to users:

  • Report view: Users can utilize their custom queries to construct visually appealing representations, arrange them as desired, and create multi-page reports that can be shared with others.
  • Data view: This view provides a display of the report data in a data model format. Users can add measures, create new columns, and manage relationships between data elements.
  • Model view: Users can access a graphical representation of the established relationships in the data model. Additionally, they have the option to manage and modify these relationships as necessary.

Related: How to use chatbots for virtual assistance

Getting started with Power BI

Data source connection

The first step is to connect Power BI to your data sources. It supports various data sources, including Excel spreadsheets, databases, cloud services and online platforms, such as Google Analytics. Once connected, Power BI will automatically refresh the data to ensure your reports are always up-to-date.

Data transformation and modeling

One might need to tidy up and format the data before they can visualize it. One can easily filter, sort, pivot and merge data tables using Power BI’s Power Query Editor. One can also create connections between various tables using the Data Modeling tool to facilitate in-depth research.

Creating interactive reports and dashboards using Power BI

Data visualization

With the data ready, Power BI’s rich collection of data visualization tools comes into play. One can create compelling charts, graphs, maps and tables that represent complex data in a comprehensible manner. The extensive library of customizable visuals ensures one finds the perfect representation for specific needs.

Building dashboards

Power BI dashboards are user-friendly one-page displays of visualizations and reports. One can combine different visual elements to create a holistic view of the data, making it easy to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) and track business metrics in real-time.

Report publishing and sharing

After creating insightful reports and dashboards, one can publish them to the Power BI service. This cloud-based sharing platform allows users to securely share visualizations with colleagues, stakeholders or clients. Moreover, one can set up automatic data refresh schedules to keep the reports up-to-date.

Related: 15 important data terms you should know

Power BI’s advanced features and data analysis capabilities

Data analysis expressions

The data analysis expressions (DAX) language is a powerful formula language used in Power BI for data manipulation and calculations. By mastering DAX, one can create complex measures, calculated columns and tables that go beyond the built-in aggregation functions.

Additionally, DAX queries can be generated and executed using various tools, including SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and open-source applications, such as DAX Studio. Unlike DAX calculation formulas, which are limited to tabular data models, DAX queries can also be executed against Analysis Services Multidimensional models. DAX queries are commonly preferred due to their ease of writing and higher efficiency compared to Multidimensional Data Expressions (MDX) queries.

A DAX query resembles a statement, similar to a SELECT statement in T-SQL. The simplest form of a DAX query is an “evaluate” statement, as shown in the example below:

Power BI mobile app

Power BI’s mobile app extends the functionality to smartphones and tablets, enabling access to reports and dashboards on the go. Stay connected to the data and receive timely insights, regardless of the location.

Trader Says Two Ethereum Rivals Could Outperform Crypto Market, Predicts Rally for Low-Cap Altcoin

How to use ChatGPT to learn SQL

Explore practical examples to help you master SQL for database management and data analysis using ChatGPT.

Structured Query Language (SQL) is a powerful and essential tool for working with relational databases. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to enhance your SQL skills, ChatGPT can be a valuable companion in your learning journey. This article will explain how to use ChatGPT to learn SQL and master querying databases effectively.

Understanding SQL fundamentals

Ask ChatGPT basic questions about SQL, such as “What is SQL?” or “What are the key components of SQL?” to get a foundational understanding of its purpose and structure. Gain insights into data types, tables and relationships to build a solid SQL knowledge base.

Interactive SQL queries

Engage ChatGPT in interactive sessions where you can practice formulating SQL queries. Ask it to perform simple queries like “Select all records from a table” or more complex ones like “Retrieve data from multiple tables using joins.“

Here’s the SQL query to select all records from a table:

Replace your_table_name with the actual name of the table you want to query. The asterisk (*) is a wildcard that represents all columns in the table. This query will fetch all the records and display the entire content of the specified table.

SQL syntax and best practices

Ask ChatGPT about SQL syntax rules and best practices to ensure efficient and error-free queries. Seek guidance on proper formatting, indentation, and the correct usage of clauses like “SELECT,” “WHERE,” “GROUP BY” and “ORDER BY.“

Example: Using GROUP BY in SQL

Consider a table named “sales” that stores information about sales transactions. The table has the following columns: “product_name,” to store the names of products sold; “category,” to specify the product category; and “price,” to store the sale price.

Assume you have the following sample data in the “sales” table:

Now, use “GROUP BY” to calculate the total sales amount for each product category:

Related: How to improve your coding skills using ChatGPT?

Database management

Explore how to create, modify and manage databases through ChatGPT. Inquire about creating tables, adding data, altering table structures and backing up databases to become proficient in database administration.

Advanced SQL topics

As your SQL skills progress, challenge ChatGPT with more advanced topics. Ask about subqueries, window functions, common table expressions and transactions. Dive into the nuances of database optimization and indexing.

Real-world examples

Request ChatGPT to provide real-world SQL examples or scenarios. Practice solving problems related to business analytics, e-commerce, or any other domain where SQL plays a crucial role in data manipulation and extraction.

Troubleshooting and debugging

Encounter common SQL errors or issues and ask ChatGPT for guidance on troubleshooting and debugging your queries. Learn effective strategies to identify and resolve problems in your SQL code.

Related: How to learn Python with ChatGPT

SQL resources and learning pathways

Seek recommendations from ChatGPT for additional SQL learning resources, tutorials, blogs or courses to further expand your expertise. Discover online platforms where you can practice SQL in interactive environments.

Trader Says Two Ethereum Rivals Could Outperform Crypto Market, Predicts Rally for Low-Cap Altcoin

5 AI tools for learning and research

Supercharge your learning and research capabilities with AI tools, enabling you to gain a competitive edge and reach new levels of understanding.

AI tools are revolutionizing learning and research in today’s digital age by providing sophisticated capabilities and effective solutions. These tools make use of artificial intelligence to speed up various tasks, increase output and offer insightful data. 

Consensus, QuillBot, Gradescope, Elicit and Semantic Scholar are five well-known AI tools that are frequently used in the learning and research fields.


The goal of the Consensus AI search engine is to democratize expert knowledge by making study findings on a range of subjects easily accessible. This cutting-edge engine, which runs on GPT-4, uses machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) to analyze and evaluate web content.

When you pose the “right questions,” an additional AI model examines publications and gathers pertinent data to respond to your inquiry. The phrase “right questions” refers to inquiries that lead to findings that are well-supported, as shown by a confidence level based on the quantity and caliber of sources used to support the hypothesis.


QuillBot is an artificial intelligence (AI) writing assistant that helps people create high-quality content. It uses NLP algorithms to improve grammar and style, rewrite and paraphrase sentences, and increase the coherence of the work as a whole.

QuillBot’s capacity to paraphrase and restate text is one of its main strengths. This might be especially useful if you wish to keep your research work original and free of plagiarism while using data from previous sources.

QuillBot can also summarize a research paper and offer alternate wording and phrase constructions to assist you in putting your thoughts into your own words. QuillBot can help you add variety to your writing by recommending different sentence constructions. This feature can improve your research papers readability and flow, which will engage readers more.

Additionally, ChatGPT and QuillBot can be used together. To utilize both ChatGPT and QuillBot simultaneously, start with the output from ChatGPT and then transfer it to QuillBot for further refinement.


Widely used in educational institutions, Gradescope is an AI-powered grading and feedback tool. The time and effort needed for instructors to grade assignments, exams and coding projects are greatly reduced by automating the process. Its machine-learning algorithms can decipher code, recognize handwriting and provide students with in-depth feedback.

Related: How to use ChatGPT to learn a language


Elicit is an AI-driven research platform that makes it simpler to gather and analyze data. It uses NLP approaches to glean insightful information from unstructured data, including polls, interviews and social media posts. Researchers can quickly analyze huge amounts of text with Elicit to find trends, patterns and sentiment.

Using the user-friendly Elicit interface, researchers can simply design personalized surveys and distribute them to specific participants. To ensure correct and pertinent data collection, the tool includes sophisticated features, including branching, answer validation and skip logic.

In order to help academics properly analyze and interpret data, Elicit also offers real-time analytics and visualizations. Elicit streamlines the research process, saves time and improves data collection for researchers in a variety of subjects thanks to its user-friendly design and powerful capabilities.

Semantic Scholar

Semantic Scholar is an AI-powered academic search engine that prioritizes scientific content. It analyzes research papers, extracts crucial information, and generates recommendations that are pertinent to the context using machine learning and NLP techniques.

Researchers can use Semantic Scholar to research related works, spot new research trends and keep up with the most recent advancements in their fields.

Related: 5 free artificial intelligence courses and certifications

Striking a balance: Harnessing AI in research responsibly

It’s crucial to keep moral standards in mind and prevent plagiarism when employing AI research tools. The use of another person’s words, ideas or works without giving due credit or permission is known as plagiarism. While using AI research tools, one may follow the guidelines below to prevent plagiarism and uphold ethical standards:

  • Understand the purpose of the AI research tool.
  • Attribute sources properly.
  • Paraphrase and synthesize information.
  • Cross-verify information from multiple sources.
  • Check for copyright restrictions.
  • Review and edit AI-generated content.
  • Seek ethical AI tools.

Though AI research tools might be beneficial for improving your research and writing processes, it is important to uphold academic integrity and observe ethical standards. Always make an effort to give fair credit to others and make sure that your work accurately reflects your own thoughts and understanding.

Trader Says Two Ethereum Rivals Could Outperform Crypto Market, Predicts Rally for Low-Cap Altcoin

How can AI be used to improve credit scoring?

AI can analyze data for accurate risk assessment, reduce bias, automate tasks and personalize the lending experience for improved credit scoring.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be used to improve credit scoring in a number of ways. Credit scoring is the process of assessing a borrower’s creditworthiness based on their credit history, financial data and other relevant factors. Here are some ways AI can improve credit scoring:

Better data analysis

AI can analyze large volumes of data from a variety of sources to identify patterns and trends that might not be apparent to human analysts. This can help lenders make more accurate predictions about a borrower’s creditworthiness. The below steps illustrate how AI can be used for data analysis:

  • Collect data from various sources, such as social media, credit bureaus and financial statements.
  • Pre-process and clean the data to ensure it’s ready for analysis.
  • Apply machine learning algorithms to the data to identify patterns and trends.
  • Use the insights gained from the analysis to inform lending decisions.

Improved risk assessment

AI can be used to build predictive models that assess the likelihood of a borrower defaulting on a loan. These models can take into account a wide range of factors, such as income, debt-to-income ratio and payment history, to better predict the risk associated with lending to a particular borrower.

The general steps followed by lenders to assess borrower’s suitability for credit are listed below:

  • Collect data about the borrower, such as credit history, income, employment status and other relevant factors.
  • Pre-process and clean the data to ensure it’s ready for analysis.
  • Train machine learning models on the data to predict the likelihood of a borrower defaulting on a loan.
  • Use the models to assess the risk associated with lending to a particular borrower.

Reduced bias

AI can help reduce bias in credit scoring by using objective criteria to assess creditworthiness. This can help reduce the impact of factors such as race, gender and ethnicity on lending decisions.

One of the challenges in credit scoring is ensuring that the process is fair and free from bias. Historically, lending decisions have been influenced by factors such as race, gender and ethnicity, which can result in discriminatory practices. However, with the use of AI, it’s possible to reduce the impact of these factors on lending decisions.

To achieve this, lenders need to identify potential sources of bias in the credit scoring process, such as race, gender and ethnicity. They can then train machine learning models to exclude or de-emphasize these factors in the lending decision process. By doing so, lenders can make more objective and fair lending decisions that are based on the borrower’s creditworthiness rather than personal characteristics.

However, it is critical to note that AI is not immune to bias, and it’s crucial to monitor the models for any signs of bias and adjust them as needed to ensure fairness and transparency. This necessitates constant model monitoring and assessment, as well as routine evaluations of the training data. By doing so, lenders are able to guarantee that their credit score system is impartial and equal for all borrowers, regardless of their racial, gender or cultural background.

Related: Ethical considerations in AI development and deployment

Faster processing

AI can significantly improve the speed and efficiency of the credit scoring process. Traditionally, credit scoring has been a manual and time-consuming process, involving a lot of paperwork and human intervention. However, with the use of AI, lenders can automate many of the tasks involved in credit scoring, reducing processing times and increasing efficiency.

One of the ways AI can speed up the credit scoring process is by automating data entry and analysis. By using machine learning algorithms to process and analyze large volumes of data, lenders can quickly assess a borrower’s creditworthiness and make lending decisions in real-time. This can be especially useful for online lending platforms that require fast and accurate credit assessments.

Another way AI can improve the speed of credit scoring is by automating the loan application process. By using chatbots and other AI-powered tools, lenders can provide borrowers with instant feedback on their loan applications, reducing the time and effort required to apply for a loan.

Improved customer experience

 AI-powered credit scoring can provide borrowers with a more personalized lending experience. For example, lenders can use AI to offer borrowers loan products that are tailored to their specific needs and financial situations. The lenders typically follow the steps below to enhance the borrower’s experience:

  • Collect data about the borrower, such as their financial goals and risk tolerance.
  • Use machine learning algorithms to identify loan products that match the borrower’s needs and preferences.
  • Offer personalized loan products to the borrower based on the analysis.

Related: 7 potential use cases of chatbots in banking

Trader Says Two Ethereum Rivals Could Outperform Crypto Market, Predicts Rally for Low-Cap Altcoin

Ethereum up 20% in April while Markets Pro sees 379% gain in one day

A single Cointelegraph Markets Pro alert delivers a triple-digit winner in 24 hours for crypto traders.

Cointelegraph Markets Pro stunned traders on April 8th with a massive 379% gain from a single alert. The AI-powered crypto trading platform detects market-moving events as they happen. One of the indicators pointing to these events is the VORTECS™ score.

On April 7th, the OG Fan Token was getting ready for a remarkable rally. OG Fan Token is a cryptocurrency created for esports clubs to interact easier with their fans. In partnership with the blockchain mobile applications Socios.com, the OG esports club powered by the CHZ token aims to enhance the sporting experience. OG’s rally this week was followed by an interest spike in fan tokens like CITY and BAR.

The token was trading at $2.90 when its VORTECS™ score — a historical “snapshot” comparison between current and past market conditions for individual coins — rose above 75. Over the next 24 hours, OG’s price skyrocketed to $13.90. That’s a remarkable jump of 379%!

Source: Cointelegraph Markets Pro

Five days later, traders could have captured additional gains as OG took off again. On April 13th, a VORTECS™ score of 80 lit up. Over the next 24 hours, the token saw a rapid rise of 40%.

Anyone with access to Markets Pro had a chance to capture these gains which stand in stark contrast to Ethereum’s performance so far in April. Ethereum had the historic “Shanghai Capella” upgrade allowing token withdrawals to be made from the deposit contract.

The upgrade effectively unlocked $36.4 billion in staked ETH and drove the token’s price from $1,775 at the start of April to as high as $2,132 — a lackluster gain of just over 20%.

Cointelegraph Markets Pro, on the other hand, delivered multiple alerts that led to significant gains in the underlying tokens associated with those alerts. A summary of these results are provided in the weekly VORTECS™ Report. Since March 26th a number of winning trade opportunities stand out.


Rocket Pool (RPL) — 45% gain

RPL was one of many high VORTECS™ assets this week! On April 13th a strong score of 80 was flashing when the asset was trading at $42.18. The price soon began a sharp ascent, peaking at $60.97 on April 17th! That’s an increase of 45%!

A green score of 75 also briefly flashed on April 15th when RPL was trading at $52.53. Traders who bought this price point could’ve seen a 16% gain in just 2 days!

RPL is the utility and governance token of Rocket Pool, a liquid staking protocol on Ethereum. The project is the first Ethereum staking pool that is fully decentralized.

Source: Cointelegraph Markets Pro

Tweet & Trade Volume Gainers

Swipe (SXP) — 163% gain

SXP appeared on the Tweet, Trade, and Most Active On-Chain 24hr charts from March 28th-31st. At the time of its appearance on March 28th it was trading at $0.29 and on April 3rd it peaked at $0.764. That’s a whopping increase of 163%!

SXP is the native token of Swipe, a cryptocurrency wallet ecosystem that allows easy exchanges of fiat money on different transactions and trading platforms.

Source: Cointelegraph Markets Pro

Trade Volume Gainers

Icon (ICX) — 76% gain

ICX topped the Trading Volume chart on April 2nd when it was trading at $0.282. Just three days later, its price rose to $0.464, an impressive increase of 76%!

ICX is the native token of ICON, a blockchain network that aims to create a digital economy in which the ICON Network hosts other blockchain-based networks.

Source: Cointelegraph Markets Pro

A history of positive weekly gains

Cointelegraph Markets Pro delivered more than 204 alerts that led to double-digit gains in 2022. That is an average of four winning alerts per week and 17 winning alerts per month. This year the crypto trading platform continues to alert members to these kinds of potential winning trades regardless of market conditions.

With new upgrades to the platform, Markets Pro 2.0 now includes not only the legacy AI indicators such as — the VORTECS™ Score and Newsquakes™ alerts — but also a diversified range of new indicators including Top Exchange Inflows, Top Exchange Outflows, and Most Active On-Chain.

The additional indicators offer members of the Markets Pro community an opportunity to find more trading opportunities than ever before.

See how Cointelegraph Markets Pro delivers market-moving data before this information becomes public knowledge.

Cointelegraph is a publisher of financial information, not an investment adviser. We do not provide personalized or individualized investment advice. Cryptocurrencies are volatile investments and carry significant risk including the risk of permanent and total loss. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Figures and charts are correct at the time of writing or as otherwise specified. Live-tested strategies are not recommendations. Consult your financial adviser before making financial decisions.

All ROIs quoted are accurate as of April 24, 2023…

Trader Says Two Ethereum Rivals Could Outperform Crypto Market, Predicts Rally for Low-Cap Altcoin

NFT Sales Rise 7.28% to $179.64 Million in 7 Days, Nakamigos Takes the Top Collection Spot 

NFT Sales Rise 7.28% to 9.64 Million in 7 Days, Nakamigos Takes the Top Collection Spot Sales of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) increased this week, with $179.64 million in sales over the last seven days. NFT sales rose 7.28% and transactions grew by 2.29% during this period, but the number of digital collectible buyers decreased by 4.34%. NFT Sales Improve This Week, Rising 7.28% Higher Sales of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have trended […]

Trader Says Two Ethereum Rivals Could Outperform Crypto Market, Predicts Rally for Low-Cap Altcoin

Non-Fungible Token Sales Slid 31% Lower in March With $882 Million in NFT Sales

Non-Fungible Token Sales Slid 31% Lower in March With 2 Million in NFT SalesAccording to statistics, the number of non-fungible token (NFT) sales in March was 31.42% lower than the previous month, dropping from $1.03 billion in sales for February to $882.89 million. The number of NFT buyers and transactions also declined, by 22% to 29%, over the last 30 days. March NFT Sales Slow, Ethereum Sales Dominate […]

Trader Says Two Ethereum Rivals Could Outperform Crypto Market, Predicts Rally for Low-Cap Altcoin

Cointelegraph Markets Pro’s 390% gain dwarves Bitcoin’s 33% rise

Cointelegraph Markets Pro alerts beat the market once again, providing seven trading opportunities based on four different asset indicators.

In Cointelegraph Markets Pro’s latest VORTECS™ Report, the institutional-grade crypto trading platform displayed how its members could have captured a cumulative 390% gain by following seven trades based on four different advanced data indicators. The report depicts trading alerts generated between March 11 – 18, 2023. 

The potential gains available to Cointelegraph Markets Pro subscribers significantly outperform a simple buy-and-hold strategy during the same period, which would’ve yielded holders of Bitcoin (BTC) a 33% gain.

Cointelegraph Markets Pro uses indicators such as the VORTECS™ Score, NewsQuakes™, Most Active On-Chain and Top 5 Exchange Outflows to provide alerts for subscribers in real time.

The past three reports have included alerts with cumulative returns over 100%, showing that this advanced crypto intelligence platform churns out winning trade opportunities each week.


SingularityNET (AGIX) — 100% gain

AGIX’s price chart after a green VORTECS™ Score alert. Source: Cointelegraph Markets Pro

On March 12, AGIX was trading at $0.30 when a score of 77 noted bullish historical patterns for the token. Three days later the price jumped to $0.60, an impressive 100% rise! Scores above 80 also flashed on March 14, when it was trading at $0.40. Traders who bought at this price point could have seen a 50% increase.

AGIX is the utility token of SingularityNET, a decentralized artificial intelligence (AI) network on which participants create, share and monetize AI services at scale. AGIX is used for staking, governing and transacting on the network’s decentralized applications.

Radicle (RAD) — 23% gain

RAD’s price chart after a green VORTECS™ Score alert. Source: Cointelegraph Markets Pro

On March 8, RAD was trading at $1.64 when a score of 79 noted bullish historical patterns for the token. Nine days later the price jumped to $2.02, a 23% gain. Remember, the annual return investing in index funds is roughly 10%.

RAD is the native token of Radicle, a decentralized network for software development collaboration.


Prom (PROM) — 64% gain

PROM’s price chart after a NewsQuakes™ alert. Source: Cointelegraph Markets Pro

A NewsQuake™ alert immediately informed Cointelegraph Markets Pro subscribers of PROM’s listing on Binance when the asset’s price was $4.49. Just three hours later, the price flew up to $7.34, a rise of 64%!

PROM is the native token of the Prometheus network, a blockchain-based structure where users seek to communicate worldwide. The platform aims to allow the trading of any data in a decentralized manner, and users need to spend or stake a certain quantity of PROM tokens to use the services and products.

Sommelier (SOMM) — 62 gain

SOMM’s NewsQuake™ alert and return data. Source: Cointelegraph Markets Pro

SOMM also performed well this week, after a NewsQuake™ about its listing on Gate.io. Just three days after the NewsQuake™ informed Markets Pro subscribers of the listing, the token’s price shot up 62%.

SOMM is the native utility token of Sommelier, a non-custodial, cross-chain platform for executing actively managed decentralized finance (DeFi) investment strategies. The token is used for security, transaction fees, staking and governance.

Rocket Pool (RPL) — 24% gain

RPL’s NewsQuake™ alert and return data. Source: Cointelegraph Markets Pro

On March 13, a NewsQuake™ alerted Cointelegraph Markets Pro subscribers that the asset would be listed on BitPanda. At the time, RPL’s price was $36.74. The next day, the price shot up to $45.48, an increase of 24%.

RPL is the utility and governance token of Rocket Pool, a liquid staking protocol on Ethereum. The currency is the first Ethereum staking pool that is fully decentralized.

Top 5 Exchange Outflows

The Top 5 Exchange Outflows indicator, launched in Cointelegraph Markets Pro 2.0, tracks the assets being removed from an exchange the most frequently over the last hour or 24 hours. If users are removing money from exchanges, it’s possible that they are less likely to sell.

MASK Network (MASK) — 59% gain

MASK’s position on the Top 5 Exchange Outflows chart. Source: Cointelegraph Markets Pro

MASK was on the Top 5 Exchange Outflow chart on March 15, 16 and 17. On March 15, it was trading at $4.06 and its price peaked three days later at $6.38, an increase of 59%.

MASK is the native utility token of Mask Network, which enables users of popular social media platforms to send cryptocurrency, interact with decentralized applications and share encrypted content. MASK holders can vote on ecosystem initiatives via a decentralized autonomous organization called MaskDAO.

Most Active On-Chain

Wrapped NXM (WNXM) — 59% gain

WNXM’s price chart after a 205% increase in Most Active On-Chain volume. Source: Cointelegraph Markets Pro

Like all the other dashboard features, the Most Active On-Chain chart had a great week for winning alerts. For instance, on March 11, WNXM was on the chart when it was trading at $18.15. Soon after, its price began to rapidly rise, peaking on March 18 at $25.37, an increase of 59%.

Cointelegraph Markets Pro delivers yet again

Cointelegraph Markets Pro has a demonstrated history of delivering these kinds of gains on a weekly basis. Sure, the magnitude of the gains may differ from week to week, but they’re typically there — regardless of market conditions.

Additionally, the institutional-grade platform has diversified from its two original indicators: the VORTECS Score and Newsquakes™ alerts. Version 2.0 of Cointelegraph Markets Pro now includes indicators like the Most Active On-Chain and the Top Exchange Outflow, both of which provided winning trades last week.

The existence of multiple indicators is a form of risk diversification for members of the Markets Pro community. With up to seven individual indicators to choose from, members are no longer reliant on just VORTECS™ Scores or Newsquake™ alerts, regardless of their historical dependability.

See how Cointelegraph Markets Pro delivers market-moving data before this information becomes public knowledge.

Cointelegraph is a publisher of financial information, not an investment adviser. We do not provide personalized or individualized investment advice. Cryptocurrencies are volatile investments and carry significant risk including the risk of permanent and total loss. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Figures and charts are correct at the time of writing or as otherwise specified. Live-tested strategies are not recommendations. Consult your financial adviser before making financial decisions.

All ROIs quoted are accurate as of March 30, 2023…

Trader Says Two Ethereum Rivals Could Outperform Crypto Market, Predicts Rally for Low-Cap Altcoin

Cointelegraph Markets Pro delivers trading alerts good for 65% gains in a choppy market

Using proprietary indicators, Cointelegraph Markets Pro crunches real-time data to inform traders before the market moves.

Navigating the ever-volatile terrain of the crypto market remains one of the most difficult jobs for traders — but much less so for members of the Cointelegraph Markets Pro community. 

With an institutional-grade crypto intelligence platform at their service, Cointelegraph Markets Pro subscribers have been able to spot significant price movements for crypto assets before the market moves on a regular basis.

This prescient ability is actually the working of Cointelegraph Market Pro’s algorithmic tools, which are designed to spot coins showing historically similar signs to coins that have moved significantly in the past.

Last week, Cointelegraph Markets Pro alerts by the Newsquakes™, Twitter Volume and On-Chain Activity indicators led Markets Pro members to opportunities to make 65% gains with just three trades!

OAX (OAX) — 39% increase

Most Active On-Chain activity table from Friday, March 24. Source: Cointelegraph Markets Pro

On-Chain Activity on OAX skyrocketed 405% on Friday, March 24, hinting at a massive growth spurt in the potential users of the platform. While this increase does not mean a price increase is inevitable (as the other examples show), it demonstrates how On-Chain Activity growth could be a precursor to massive price spikes.

In this example, OAX’s price increases 39% soon after the increase in on-chain activity.

OAX is the native coin of OAX Foundation, which strives to advance decentralized finance through tools, technology, applications and community support.

Arbitrum (ARB) — 14%

Arbitrum NewsQuakes™ listing from Friday, March 24. Source: Cointelegraph Markets Pro

Arbitrum jumped 14% on news of its listing on the Crypto.com platform.

Newsquakes™ have been the Cointelegraph Markets Pro community’s most lucrative and trustworthy indicator. Historically, had one bought and held every NewsQuakes™ listing alert for one hour, one could have yielded as much as $120,000 from a starting stake of just $1,000 — that’s 120x profit!

ARB is the native coin of Arbitrum, a layer 2 scaling solution built on the Ethereum network.

OmiseGo (OMG) — 12%

Price chart of OmiseGo’s surge in Tweet volume Friday, March 24. Source: Cointelegraph Markets Pro

OmiseGo jumped 12% in market capitalization soon after its Tweet Volume increased by 158% compared to its 30-day average. The Tweet Volume indicator measures public sentiment about a coin, which can precede a significant price change as seen in the example above.

OMG is the native coin of OmiseGo, an interoperable decentralized exchange and payment platform.

The Cointelegraph Markets Pro advantage

While most traders are left to fend for themselves in the highly competitive crypto trading markets, Cointelegraph Markets Pro subscribers find themselves in a community of like-minded individuals, fueled by algorithmic tools and institutional-grade data.

As such, members have had the opportunity to catch several winning trades each week and to actively learn from the trading experience. The Cointelegraph Markets Pro platform provides members with alerts like these on a nearly daily basis, based on real-time data, transforming any market environment into one capable of yielding gains.

Tired of coming in second to institutions and missing out on trading opportunities? If so, there’s only one place to go.

See how Cointelegraph Markets Pro delivers market-moving data before this information becomes public knowledge.

Cointelegraph is a publisher of financial information, not an investment adviser. We do not provide personalized or individualized investment advice. Cryptocurrencies are volatile investments and carry significant risk including the risk of permanent and total loss. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Figures and charts are correct at the time of writing or as otherwise specified. Live-tested strategies are not recommendations. Consult your financial adviser before making financial decisions.

All ROIs quoted are accurate as of March 28th, 2023...

Trader Says Two Ethereum Rivals Could Outperform Crypto Market, Predicts Rally for Low-Cap Altcoin