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Block Reward Cut: Miners Must Stake Bitcoin, Plug into Depins to Offset Revenue Loss

Block Reward Cut: Miners Must Stake Bitcoin, Plug into Depins to Offset Revenue LossAccording to one expert, bitcoin currently needs to trade above $55,000 for miners to break even and $94,000 for them to return to profitability levels seen before the halving. To compensate for the revenue loss caused by the halving of Bitcoin’s block reward, miners are resorting to mergers or hostile takeover of rivals. Others have […]

Pixel Heroes Adventure: A Retro MMORPG With a Web3 Twist

Space and Time Unveils Sub-Second ZK Prover, Now Open-Sourced

Space and Time Unveils Sub-Second ZK Prover, Now Open-SourcedWith goals set on advancing blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) integration, Space and Time has publicly released its high-speed zero-knowledge prover, Proof of SQL, under an open software license. The team says the release marks a notable shift towards more efficient data verification processes in blockchain applications. Blockchain Verification Enters New Speed Era with Space […]

Pixel Heroes Adventure: A Retro MMORPG With a Web3 Twist