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Decentralized Autonomous Organizations

Ethereum-Based Metaverse Token Is Up 130% Over Past Week As Crypto Markets Trade Sideways

One Ethereum-based altcoin is enjoying smooth sailing while much of the crypto markets struggle through stagnant waters. OpenDAO (SOS) launched in late December after an airdrop, initially surging by over 2,000% before correcting. SOS then experienced some moderate up-and-down price action until beginning an impressive 130% run to the upside over the past week. The […]

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Ethereum Adoption Is in Overdrive Despite Crypto Market Downturn: Altcoin Daily

The host of popular YouTube channel Altcoin Daily says that the money keeps pouring into Ethereum (ETH) despite the market dip. In a new video, Altcoin Daily co-host Austin Arnold says developers continue to build on Ethereum regardless of market conditions. “Even though we are watching prices consolidate and decline in the short-term, the building continues.” Arnold […]

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Crypto Markets Flashing Mixed Signals Amid Early 2022 Price Volatility: Analytics Firm IntoTheBlock

Crypto markets are flashing both bullish and bearish signals as digital assets display early-year volatility, according to analytics firm IntoTheBlock. In a recent newsletter, the market insights platform says there is uncertainty for the crypto markets moving forward as both bears and bulls have good cases to be made. The bull case is centered around […]

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Gas DAO Project Forms to Airdrop Tokens to Ethereum Users That Spent $1,559 in Fees

Gas DAO Project Forms to Airdrop Tokens to Ethereum Users That Spent ,559 in FeesA new type of airdrop has been very popular during the last quarter of 2021 as quickly assembled decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) have been distributing lots of value to existing crypto users. Just recently, Opendao gave Opensea users an airdrop and many people accrued thousands of dollars in SOS tokens. Now, another project called Gas […]

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PrimeDAO raises $2M to build cooperative platform for DAOs

PrimeDAO has raised $2 million from DeFi funds that share its vision for a collaborative platform enabling cooperation between decentralized autonomous organizations.

PrimeDAO, a project seeking to facilitate greater coordination and cooperation between decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) in the DeFi sector, has secured $2 million in seed funding.

According to an announcement shared with Cointelegraph, the round featured participation from notable DeFi investment funds including Signum Capital, LD Capital and Stacker Ventures.

The funds will be used to develop the “DAO2DAO” (D2D) product suite for PrimeDAO, with the platform set to feature a ‘Negotiation Interface’ designed to enable coordination between DAOs.

The platform will allow the creation and ratification of agreements between DAOs featuring on-chain conditions. D2D will also enable DAOs to hold shared ownership over common assets, execute joint ventures, and collaborative liquidity pools.

PrimeDAO will partner with Balancer and DeFi Safety to build out the platform. The team will also develop a seed and IDO-style token launch platform alongside Balancer. The platform, dubbed Prime Launch, is slated for launch before 2022.

PrimeDAO was launched in the fourth-quarter of 2020 describing itself as “a collective of DeFI builders, token engineers, and governance specialists.” The entity published a litepaper in September 2020 describing its plans for a “decentralized ecosystem coordinator” platform and liquidity aggregation protocol.

While PrimeDAO is currently building on Ethereum, the team plans to enable cross-chain collaboration via D2D in future.

On Sept. 14, the team announced an overhaul to its governance platform, with PrimeDAO abandoning DAOstack’s Alchemy platform in favor of combining Snapshot and Gnosis Safe accessed using Boardroom.

Related: DeFi regulation must not kill the values behind decentralization

Last month, PrimeDAO also wrapped up its “Rate-athon” event, which encouraged users to contribute to its Prime Rating platform in anticipation of its V2 release.

From July 4 through July 15, the event saw the community submit 63 ratings for various DeFi projects through analysis of fundamentals and smart contracts. The equivalent of $15,000 was distributed to contributors who participated in the event.

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Bitdao Collects $230 Million in Private Capital From Investors

Bitdao Collects 0 Million in Private Capital From InvestorsAs the decentralized finance movement proves its staying power and resilience, one of the world’s largest decentralized autonomous organizations, Bitdao, has concluded a private fundraising round to promote mass adoption of open finance. DAO to Allocate Capital Towards Improving Defi R&D, Funding, & Liquidity As decentralized finance (defi) slowly regains its footing following the May […]

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