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Why decentralized messaging apps will replace today’s social media platforms

Centralized communication platforms prove to be an easily identifiable weakness in activist movements.

The Russian government has cracked down on foreign social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, banning them for extremist activists. For protestors, activists and local civilians, these actions have resulted in a significant barrier to communication with the outside world. Furthermore, they have also raised the question of just how easy of a target these apps are for state authorities. With citizens unable to access these platforms, they have little choice but to flee to the next-best still active platforms.

However, it isn't just Russian activists who have taken to alternatives. Consider, for example, Telegram, a cloud-based instant messaging service that has quickly become a place for sharing war footage and other content that may have otherwise been blocked on platforms like Instagram or Twitter. Not to mention that even these platforms, which are available to citizens now, have no guarantee of being free from bans by authorities. In this event, users will have no choice but to turn to "homemade" alternatives developed locally.

The debate between freedom and control is not a new one, with current world conditions only being one example of when these dichotomies exist head to head. Previously, this debate was introduced with the internet's provision of digital freedom, being taken away with big tech using metadata for profit-making opportunities and concerns around governments using the same data to keep an eye on their citizens. The result is that privacy and freedom of speech will never be guaranteed under today’s Web 2 foundation.

The battle between freedom and control is still ongoing as the world sneaks out new methods to empower individual sovereignty. For this reason, movements will always have an easily targetable weakness, and protest activities will still face barriers as long as they rely on centralized social media platforms, which may be shut down at any point. Naturally, this calls to, for example, the situation that occurred when the Nigerian government banned Twitter to protect their people from anti-government political activity. Effectively, this action only stifled activities and restricted citizens' ability to communicate and organize freely.

Taking a community-driven approach

As a result, social movements are now straying away from having a single leader, taking power from one person and dispersing power among the people who make up the movement. Evidence of this decentralized approach is now seen in movements like the Extinction Rebellion and Occupy Wall Street.

This concept of giving power back to the people is far from new. With the introduction of the internet and mobile devices, power is put directly into the hands of the user. After all, anyone can record, create or disperse information to millions of people in seconds. Power is effectively disseminated to the world, enabling even the citizen with the smallest voice to make the biggest impact. Therefore, rather than being "leaderless," movements toward a decentralized structure are empowering new leaders in a way that enables anyone to rally people together and take action around the most pressing concerns in their community.

While the internet has proven to be the greatest information spreader, its technological design isn't perfect. Therefore, while technology will always be core to how activists operate and engage with the rest of the world, proper protocols and infrastructure are required to ensure efforts aren't being stifled.

Therefore, platforms for decentralized communication have proven to be the most suitable option for activists and protestors to come together without fear of system shutdowns. Unfortunately, to make these offerings available, private messengers require a powerful decentralized ecosystem as their foundation.

Making privacy possible

In the decentralization of communication, blockchain technology is looked to as playing a critical role as a starting point for messaging applications. These solutions effectively go above and beyond encryption to add another level of privacy. Set up correctly, this technology can become the shield for protecting the innocent and encourage efforts that support the greater good.

One example of that is Oxen, a platform designed to build a private future for the internet by providing tools and services that enable users to leverage blockchain networks to achieve privacy across all areas of their day-to-day lives.

To support this, Oxen released Session. Session is a messaging app tailored for activists, protestors and others in high-risk situations. Due to their decentralized nature, these platforms make it more difficult for malicious governments or authorities to block, censor or surveil the content being exchanged.

In response to these efforts, Kee Jefferys, the chief technology officer at Oxen, shares, "Session is purpose-built for activists. It's a great messenger option for protestors and activities because it is secure, private, anonymous and decentralized. When you use Session, you can be sure that you can speak freely."

With Session, activists will have the ability to complete their work peacefully and without interruption. Session has already hit the 1,000,000 download milestone on Google Play, with over 300,000 monthly active users.  

Learn more about Oxen

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The post TRON (TRX) Founder Justin Sun Announces Launch of New Stablecoin Backed by Crypto Assets appeared first on The Daily Hodl.

Ancient Bitcoin Whales Wake Up From Slumber To Move Over $58,000,000 in BTC After a Decade: On-Chain Data

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Ancient Bitcoin Whales Wake Up From Slumber To Move Over $58,000,000 in BTC After a Decade: On-Chain Data

How to use UniSwap: A step-by-step beginner’s guide

There are several ways in which users can get started using the Uniswap DEX such as the MetaMask wallet, the Trust Wallet, and the Coinbase wallet.

The Uniswap decentralized exchange (DEX) is the most popular DEX built on the Ethereum blockchain. For users wondering, "What is Uniswap?," this article provides an overview of what it is and how it works as well as several ways users can get started using the Uniswap DEX.

With Uniswap, users can swap crypto tokens without having to rely on an intermediary. Not having to rely on a third party leads to next to no economic rents being collected. Instead, Uniswap relies on smart contracts to execute trades. Smart contracts are algorithms that self-execute once certain preset conditions are met.

How does Uniswap work?

Because Uniswap is an open-source protocol, many DEXs with the suffix "swap" have been released into the market. These protocols are essentially copies of the original Uniswap source code. Where they differ is in the graphical user interface (GUI) as well as in offer differentiation and positioning.

The most famous—and most controversial—of these copycats is Sushiswap. Upon copying Uniswap's source code, it proceeded to launch a vampire attack. A vampire attack is where a DeFi protocol offers various incentives to liquidity providers. A vampire attack aims to draw liquidity away from the target protocol.

How did Sushiswap achieve a successful vampire attack? The platform launched an aggressive marketing campaign. They also made it easy for Uniswap liquidity providers to switch over. Finally, they offered insanely lucrative rewards to make it worth their while.

Another less controversial example is Pancakeswap. This DEX lives on the Binance Smart Chain. Pancakeswap offers nonfungible tokens (NFTs) and provides yield farming opportunities, which Uniswap does not.

Uniswap, though, is the first DEX to rely on an automated market maker (AMM) model, rejecting the traditional open book model. The open book model is not as DEX-friendly due to, among other factors, liquidity issues. In contrast, the AMM model uses a liquidity pool with a constant product market maker model, and thus relies on the Constant Product Formula:

It's worth noting that in version 1 or v1 of Uniswap, liquidity pool providers were at risk of impermanent loss. In other words, it's best to view v1 as a minimum viable product that was released for beta (or even alpha) testing.

With each iteration, Uniswap presented considerable improvements for users. For instance, v2 introduced oracles and airdropped UNI tokens. UNI tokens are the official governance token of the Uniswap DEX. Uniswap users received these airdropped tokens if they used the platform before September 2020.

For v3, the most notable improvement came in the form of concentrated liquidity. This novel form of liquidity allowed liquidity providers to set the conditions for which they would receive their fees.

Moreover, v3 of Uniswap was released on the Optimistic Ethereum network. Optimism is a layer two scaling solution that is vastly superior to Ethereum's layer one. Its major benefits include reduced slippage and high gas fees as well as near-instant transaction speeds.

So how do you buy coins at Uniswap? Before diving into how to use Uniswap, it's important to answer the question: Is it safe to use Uniswap? Are smart contracts, blockchain technology and Decentralized Finance (DeFi) secure? These are the technologies Uniswap is built on.

The Ethereum blockchain is extremely secure, unless there are vulnerabilities open for exploitation. For instance, Uniswap suffered a bug exploit in the past with a reentrancy attack, but the bug has since been addressed (thus making Uniswap stronger in the long run). And since then, liquidity and trading volume have only surged, and considerably so.

Now let's take a look at how people can use the platform.

How to use Uniswap?

Users who want to learn how to trade on Uniswap have many options at their disposal. This section covers how to use Uniswap with mobile and the Trust Wallet as well as the Coinbase wallet.

But first, the steps on how to use the Uniswap protocol with Metamask are discussed. Afterward, this section presents the steps for the two-mobile friendly approaches.

Keep in mind, Metamask is just as user-friendly on mobile. Yet, as a web wallet that functions as a browser extension, its usability experience is impeccable on Desktop, with next to no competitors. This is the reason why, for Metamask, this article focuses on the desktop experience.

How to use Uniswap with Metamask?

Steps to use Uniswap with Metamask are listed in the figure below:

How to use Uniswap with Coinbase?

The Coinbase approach might be less intimidating for U.S. citizens who are already familiar with the platform. First-time users should start the steps below after successfully opening a Coinbase account. Those who already have an account can start with Step 1.

How to use Uniswap with Trust Wallet?

Trust Wallet is one of the most popular mobile wallets, and there's a reason for that. Trust Wallet is easy to use, friendly and offers a range of tools for users. Below are the steps for using Uniswap with Trust Wallet.

One critical deterrent for new Uniswap users is the exorbitant Uniswap fees. Because Uniswap lives on the Ethereum blockchain, it relies on ETH for gas fees. Due to Ethereum's design, greater congestion leads to higher gas fees because it fuels a bidding war between users competing to have their transactions inserted first into the next block.

To circumvent failed transactions, please consider going into the Settings on Uniswap. (Users can do so by clicking the gear icon.) Before executing a transaction, users should adjust the slippage tolerance to roughly 12%.

The slippage tolerance is simply the difference in price from when a transfer is confirmed to the price sellers are willing to accept. Adjusting slippage tolerance ensures that user transactions will be front run. Front running increases the chances that the transaction will be included in the next block.

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Aleph.im raises $10M to develop censorship-resistant data storage

Decentralized storage and computing network Aleph.im raised fresh funds to face Amazon Lambda as a decentralized alternative.

The competition among the computing networks is warming up, with decentralized players coming into the stage with backing from the crypto ecosystem.

Decentralized storage and computing network Aleph.im completed a $10 million funding round led by Stratos Technologies. Zeeprime, NOIA Capital, Theia, Bitfwd Capital, Token Ventures and Seven Capital have contributed to the funding, among others. The cross-blockchain network aims to provide fully decentralized computing power and censorship-resistant data storage, according to the announcement.

Aleph.im scheduled its first computing resource node rollout for January following the funding round. The nodes would eventually become the decentralized network’s main processing power source.

Aleph.im rewards its core channel nodes with the network's native token, ALEPH. The new funding would enable Aleph.im to increase its minimum wage payment capabilities from the current 70 core channel nodes to 150 node operators. This expansion aims to create a distributed virtual machine network to make full-stack decentralization possible for key blockchain and decentralized application (DApp) developers.

After kicking off the network’s computer nodes, Aleph.im also plans to activate storage nodes in 2022, according to Aleph.im founder Jonathan Schemoul. Decentralized storage would enable Web3 developers, DApps and protocols “to fully decentralize up to the last piece of their development stack,” he added.

Related: Solana-based DeFi protocol Hubble raises $10M, prepares for mainnet launch

Stratos Technologies’ Rennick Palley noted that Web3 development would continue to rely on a small number of service providers until the full stack supporting compute and processing power is decentralized.

“Aleph.im’s efforts benefit the industry as a whole, and, for this reason, we are proud to be contributing to the larger effort and movement toward truly decentralized full-stack architecture.”

Last year, Aleph.im introduced a DApp to let users automatically back up the data underlying their nonfungible tokens. Gaming giant Ubisoft picked Aleph.im to participate in the sixth season of Ubisoft’s Entrepreneurs Lab. Despite facing backlash from the gaming community, Ubisoft joined the Aleph.im network as a channel node operator.

Ancient Bitcoin Whales Wake Up From Slumber To Move Over $58,000,000 in BTC After a Decade: On-Chain Data

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