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Crypto VCs share lessons on startup success at EthCC

"A multitude of expansion factors curated at the [VC] group level" helps startups get traction, says Tony Cheng of Foresight Ventures.

When bringing a new crypto to market, the fastest way to do so is arguably with the help of venture capital (VC) financing. But such a high-risk, high-reward operation in a rapidly evolving field can carry a large degree of uncertainty. At the EthCC event in Paris, several prominent VCs decided to share their insight on which strategies have worked out for startups.

For a successful launch, Ryan Barney, an investor at Pantera Capital, recommends founders "focus on the whales/VIPs," or emphasize selling to an exclusive, affluent clientele as opposed to trying to scale at the very start. In addition, Barney raised the example of the successful Blur airdrop and how a well-designed, marketed airdrop focused on optimizing user engagement within a protocol can boost traction.

Regarding what has not worked, Barney had two main examples: initial coin offerings (ICOs) and influencer marketing. Regarding the first, Barney believes recent regulatory headwinds have essentially made it impossible for institutions to participate in ICOs. As for influencer marketing, Barney said that recent cases of influencer shilling without disclosing conflicts of interest and "front-running" followers have made it difficult for users to trust them.

Pantera Capital's Ryan Barney offering advice on success startup launches. Source: Cointelegraph

However, Tony Cheng, general partner at Foresight Ventures, disagrees. For Cheng, influencer marketing is actually "super important" in crypto because application developers have few ways to drive users to their platforms other than Twitter or Telegram. As Cheng tells Cointelegraph:

"There's no way you can do paid marketing with companies like Google or Facebook because they don't allow crypto companies to do so. There is no centralized traffic that a lot of protocols or applications can access, which is why KOLs (key opinion leaders) in this space have such strong presence."

That said, Cheng warned against the other extreme of reckless influencer marketing: "You can't always have [KOLs] shill stuff because otherwise, the users are gonna get burned and they're just not gonna follow them anymore." He continued that projects should work with KOLs while making sure they align with their user base and that the message they send to users aligns with the vision of the company. "The only reason some projects take off versus others is because of paid marketing," he wrote.

Likewise, Cheng believes the recent regulatory ruling in SEC vs. Ripple should encourage founders to seek non-institutional token sales or ICOs as a means of gaining traction:

"If you look at the Ripple case, didn't it kind of send the message that retail ICOs are the only right way to fundraise, right? Like the institutional private sales were deemed to be selling securities, but the ICOs were legit when it was sold to retail, right?"

But the VC also cautioned against "going all in" on utilizing ICOs before further regulatory clarity is established. That said, Cheng says the positive ruling on retail sales can be potentially applied to various fundraising mechanisms similar to ICOs, such as initial DEX offerings and initial farm offerings. "I think, like in the US, ICOs might be like the only way to actually raise money in the future," he stated.

Foresight Ventures General Partner Tony Cheng. Source: Foresight

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What is the ZK industry up to? Rollups, multichain bridges and VCs

As an emerging technology, how can zero-knowledge proofs remedy many issues across the crypto space?

Zero-knowledge proofs (ZK-proofs) are a key technology explored by many in the crypto industry. A zero-knowledge protocol is a cryptographic method that allows one party to prove to another party that something is true without revealing any information. 

The technology is vital for Ethereum layer-2 solutions to achieve blockchain scalability, and to the privacy and security of ZK transaction networks. The top ZK tokens, such as Polygon (MATIC) and Zcash (ZEC), have surpassed $9 billion in market cap since their inception.

Given the increasing focus on ZK technology and the benefits it can bring to crypto, it’s no surprise it will be one of the hot topics of discussion during the upcoming annual Ethereum Community Conference (EthCC), taking place in Paris from July 17–20.

Some conference-goers, as well as those attending the ZKDay sideline event on July 19, have shared why they believe the technology holds promise in the coming years.

Venture capital is watching closely

According to Cointelegraph Research, venture capital (VC) activity in the cryptocurrency sector is returning to life following a year of decline. In May 2022, the total amount invested in the industry hit $4.4 billion, plummeting to just under $500 million in January 2023 and climbing back to over $1.1 billion in May.

Forest Bai, co-founder and general partner at Foresight Ventures — a Singapore-based VC firm with over $400 million in assets under management — believes the bear market presented a chance for growth, stating: “The collapse of certain crypto institutions presents opportunities for the emergence of new ones.”

For Foresight Ventures, which counts companies like Sei Network, Space ID, Shardeum, Catalyst and Space Nation among its portfolio, emerging tech is a core area of investment interest for the firm. Bai said:

“Combining new technologies such as AI, ZK and blockchain is currently the most fascinating direction we are interested in.”

Although factors such as the collapse of FTX, enforcement actions by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, and the implosion of Terra have cast a shadow on the sector, Bai remains optimistic about the industry’s recovery, stating, “We can see that crypto tech remains dynamic in regions like Hong Kong, Montenegro, Southeast Asia and South America.”

What are ZK protocols up to?

The motto for the current bear market has been to “build.” As general interest in the cryptocurrency sector fades during difficult economic times, technology companies may see that as an opportunity to take their time to create a lasting product and unveil it as the market enters a recovery stage. This approach is even more evident when discussing emerging sectors and technologies like ZK-proofs.

Related: ZkDay comes to Paris on July 19: A marquee ZK conference amid EthCC

Zero-knowledge, layer-1 blockchain, Manta Network, launched its ZK nonfungible token platform, NPO, a little over one month ago, and has since recorded over 200,000 wallet installs and 300,000 ZK soulbound token mints. Kenny Li, co-founder and chief operations officer of Manta, said that the technology has great potential when it comes to enhancing scalability and user privacy:

“ZK-rollups are specifically used for scalability. There are other applications of ZK which are geared toward protecting users and their privacy/identity. Manta Network uses it to provide compliant private Know Your Customer/identity solutions as a core use case. I think, right now, ZK is being applied in both rollups and on-chain activity, so it would be suited for both.”

According to Li, the primary focus has been to create real use cases for ZK technology. “We are concentrating on on-chain identity paired with the safety and privacy of each user’s wallets and transactions,” he said. The next stage is to apply such solutions to a multitude of use cases across over 80 ecosystem projects and allow them to adopt the technology.

ZK adoption

For zero-knowledge technology to spread its wings and increase adoption, some believe that cross-chain solutions are required to mend the issue of blockchain interoperability.

The Polyhedra Network, which focuses on Web3 interoperability and boasts 800,000 monthly active users, aims to bring layer-1 and layer-2 blockchains closer through its zkBridge technology. As Polyhedra CEO Abner Jia puts it:

“ZkBridge uses zero-knowledge proof constructions to efficiently convince the receiver chain that a certain state transition happened on the sender chain. With zero-knowledge proofs, zkBridge offers both strong security without relying on external assumptions and a significant reduction in on-chain verification cost.”

Given how much skepticism there is around bridges and their vulnerabilities to hacks, it’s no wonder that many are searching for new technologies to help improve protocol security.

The ultimate goal for utilizing proprietary ZK-proof systems is to “promote an open, interconnected and scalable blockchain ecosystem, paving the way for the future of blockchain technology,” Jia said.

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What are the long-terms goals for the Ethereum blockchain? Vitalik Buterin explains live at EthCC

For Buterin, building a better-decentralized ecosystem requires short-term pain for long-term gain.

On Thursday, Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, shared his long-term vision for the namesake blockchain live at the annual Ethereum Community Conference, or EthCC, in Paris. As told by Buterin, Ethereum is currently at an inflection point, or period of rapid change, before the ecosystem's capability will eventually settle down. 

Currently, the foremost priority for Ethereum is building an easy-to-use light client for consensus layer, execution layer, and layer-two solutions by default. Next is better support for home stakers or those looking to validate network transactions when Ethereum transitions to a proof-of-stake blockchain but possesses less than the required 32 Ether. Finally, Buterin believes it's critical that Ethereum can eventually be run on a full node with lighter hardware.

As for the long-horizon roadmap, Buterin plans to upgrade Ethereum with better cryptographic technologies, potentially for quantum resistance, if they come out and additionally further integrate with zero knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machines, or zk-EVMs should they work out. "We also need to keep an open mind," says Buterin. "We don't know exactly what the needs of 2032 will demand."

But the Ethereum co-founder also shared his skepticism about a few other potential opportunities. These include adding support for multiple, complex virtual machines, getting too comfortable with blackbox technologies such as zk-SNARKs, or making the protocol too complex to render it incomprehensible overall without the aid of specialists. Ethereum is on the verge of its proof-of-stake transformation dubbed the "Merge." Despite being over two years in the making, some developers are still skeptical about whether there will be a safe transition. 

Vitalik Buterin speaking at EthCC | Source: Cointelegraph Events Manager Maria A. 

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