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Crypto survey finds 47% of investors expect Ether to ‘surpass’ Bitcoin

Fidelity Digital Assets gave a bullish forecast for ETH in the next 12 months, while a separate survey from CryptoVantage found 47% of investors expect Ether to “surpass” Bitcoin.

Fidelity Digital Assets released a “Q2 2023 Signals Report” on July 18, which claimed that Ether’s outlook for the next 12 months and the long term is positive. Year-to-date, Ether (ETH) has gained 62%, but while the investment firm might be short-term bullish on Ether, that does not mean it believes that the month-long bullish channel will be sustained.

While institutional investors like Fidelity Digital Assets may have a bullish longer-term vision for ETH's price, let’s compare their analysis against network and market data to see if they’re on the money.

Ether/USD 1-day price index. Source: TradingView

Beyond the technical indicators, the rationale behind Fidelity’s bullish outlook for Ether is the network’s higher burn rate versus coin issuance, the “new address momentum” and a growth in the number of network validators.

Fidelity “Q2 2023 Signals Report,” July 18. Source: Fidelity Digital Assets

According to the Fidelity report, the net issuance since the Merge in September 2022 resulted in a net supply decrease of more than 700,000 Ether. Additionally, the analysts claim that Glassnode data showing an increasing number of Ethereum addresses that transacted for the first time ever proves healthy network adoption.

The report also points to a 15% increase in the number of active Ethereum validators in the second quarter.

The expectation around EIP-1153 is also building momentum for the Ethereum network, as the “transient storage opcode” improves smart contract efficiency, reduces costs and amplifies the Ethereum Virtual Machine design. The change is especially meaningful for decentralized exchanges (DEXs), where Ethereum’s dominance declined to 46% from 60% six months prior, according to DefiLlama data.

Dencun upgrade expected to reduce transaction costs

Another potentially bullish factor for the Ethereum network is the anticipated upgrade on the leading DEX, Uniswap. According to a July 17 presentation at the Ethereum Community Conference, the upcoming Uniswap v4 will allow users to build unlimited types of pools using programmable buttons (hooks), native ETH support and a singleton contract that performs internal transactions before settling final balances.

The announcement fueled the likelihood that EIP-1153 will be included in the next “Dencun” upgrade, which triggered Slingshot and DeFi Pulse co-founder Scott Lewis.

If approved, the implementation will be vital for the Ethereum network to recoup the market share lost due to high gas fees, as the seven-day average transaction cost has been above $4 since February. Consequently, Ethereum’s total value locked has dropped to its lowest level since April 2020, at 13.55 million ETH, according to DefiLlama.

Moreover, decentralized application activity has dwindled, as shown by DappRadar’s unique active wallets’ 30-day data: Uniswap, minus 28%; 1inch Network, minus 14%; MetaMask Swap, minus 8%; and OpenSea, minus 5%. As a comparison, in the same period, BNB Smart Chain’s PancakeSwap gained 10%, and Polygon’s Uniswap users increased 8%.

Derivatives metrics remain flat

Ether quarterly futures have been signaling unease among professional traders. Those fixed-month contracts typically trade at a 5% to 10% premium compared to spot markets to compensate for the delayed settlement, a situation known as contango.

Ether 3-month futures premium. Source: Laevitas

According to data from Laevitas, the Ether three-month futures premium currently stands at 4%, which is below the neutral threshold and lower than the 5.5% level seen on July 14. This indicator is clear evidence that traders are less inclined to use leverage for bullish ETH positions.

More concerningly, Ether’s 59% gains year-to-date might have caused investors to become overly optimistic. A recent survey from CryptoVantage of 1,000 North Americans that invested in cryptocurrencies over the past five years found that 46% named Ether as the top contender to surpass Bitcoin (BTC).

Related: Bitcoin rally will lead to "speculative blow-off top” in 2024, Mark Yusko predicts

Coins with the best chances of surpassing Bitcoin. Source: 2023 CryptoVantage survey

This is a somewhat startling point of view, but it could be misleading since the survey did not ask whether any coin would eventually flip Bitcoin, so respondents don’t necessarily place strong odds on this outcome.

Fidelity’s analysis has given valid reasons for why the firm is bullish on Ether’s 12-month price performance, but in the shorter term, the recurrent high gas fees and lack of interest from leverage buyers signal increased odds of the Ether price breaking below the channel support.

This article is for general information purposes and is not intended to be and should not be taken as legal or investment advice. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed here are the author’s alone and do not necessarily reflect or represent the views and opinions of Cointelegraph.

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Big breath as Beacon Chain stops finalizing… and then recovers

The Ethereum mainnet briefly stopped finalizing transactions but recovered after 25 minutes.

An unidentified issue on Ethereum’s Beacon Chain led to a halt in transactions for nearly half an hour on May 11. 

Around 8:15pm on Thursday May 11, a number of Ethereum core developers announced that the Beacon Chain was having issues with confirming transactions. New blocks were able to be proposed but an unknown issue was preventing them from being finalized.

A similar issue occurred on March 15, where low validator participation rates caused a delay on the Goerli testnet version of Ethereum's "Shapella" upgrade, which was successfully executed on April 12. 

The Beacon Chain is Ethereum’s original Proof-of-Stake blockchain first launched in 2020. On Sep. 15, 2022, Ethereum’s pre-existing Proof-of-Work chain “merged” with the Beacon Chain, finalizing the network’s transition to a faster and more environmentally-friendly Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism.

After 25 minutes the mainnet began finalizing blocks once more, with Ethereum core developer and Prysmatic Labs co-founder Preston Van Loon announcing that “finality has been restored.”

According to data from blockchain analytics provider Beaconcha.in, Ethereum epochs 200,552 to 200,554 witnessed a sharp and sudden decline in the number of attestations.

For context, an epoch is a period of 32 “slots” where validators propose and attest for blocks. An epoch typically lasts about six minutes and 24 seconds.

The cause of the issue remains unclear, however Ethereum developers said that the problem is being investigated to prevent it from occurring again.

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Following the incident, pseudonymous Ethereum consultant @Superphiz noted that “client diversity” was one of the main reasons that the loss of finality was so short-lived. However, he also pointed out that the loss of finality could’ve been avoided altogether if no client had more than 33% control.

Client diversity refers to the number of software clients available to network validators, and greater diversity among clients means a more secure and robust network for validators.

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It’s on! Where to catch the Ethereum Merge live

The Ethereum Merge will occur when the network reaches a total terminal difficulty of 58750000000000000000000.

Ethereum (ETH) is heading for the most significant upgrade in its history, which is scheduled to happen at around 5:27am UTC on Sept. 15.

Those wanting to watch the Ethereum network make its historic shift to proof-of-stake (PoS) in real-time will have plenty of options to choose from.

The Ethereum Foundation has scheduled an Ethereum Mainnet Merge Viewing Party live stream ready to go live on YouTube around 4:00 am UTC, which is roughly an hour and a half before the estimated time of the Merge. 

The Merge will take place when the network reaches a total terminal difficulty of 58750000000000000000000, after which the next block produced will be done so through a proof-of-stake mechanism. 

Scheduled guests for The Ethereum Foundation's live stream include the Ethereum Cat Herders and content creators from Bankless and The Daily Gwei.

The description also hints at other “notable guests," which could include Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin and founder of “The Daily Gwei” Anthony Sassano, both of whom have participated in live streams for testnets in the past.

According to the YouTube description, viewers who join two hours before The Merge can "participate in a POAP art canvas."

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Users wanting the most up-to-date countdown to the Merge can also refer to Merge prediction timers on Bordel.wtf. Google, Wenmerge.com, and Blockchain.com, all have a running tally of the current total Total Terminal Difficulty and an estimated Merge time. In addition, BTC.com has its own countdown.

Once the Merge is complete, Ethereum will complete its full transition to proof-of-stake, which is expected to drastically reduce its energy usage. 

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Bitmain Launches 2,400 Megahash E9 Ethereum Miner Ahead of The Merge

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Ethereum price falls below $1.1K and data suggests the bottom is still a ways away

ETH price has stalled around the $1,100 level, but several data points suggest the altcoin’s sell-off is far from complete.

Ether (ETH) price nosedived below $1,100 in the early hours of June 14 to prices not seen since January 2021. The downside move marks a 78% correction since the $4,870 all-time high on Nov. 10, 2021.

More importantly, Ether has underperformed Bitcoin (BTC) by 33% between May 10 and June 14, 2022, and the last time a similar event happened was mid-2021.

ETH/BTC price at Binance, 2021. Source: TradingView

Even though Bitcoin oscillated in a narrow range two weeks before the 0.082 ETH/BTC peak, this period marked the "DeFi summer" peak when Ethereum's total value locked (TVL) catapulted to $93 billion from $42 billion two months earlier.

What’s behind Ether’s 2021 underperformance?

Before jumping to conclusions, a broader set of data is needed to understand what led to the 31% correction in the ETH/BTC price in 2021. Looking at the number of active addresses is a good place to start.

Ethereum network daily active addresses, 7-day average. Source: CoinMetrics

Data shows steady growth in active addresses, which increased from 595,620 in mid-March to 857,520 in mid-May. So, not only did the TVL growth take investors by surprise, but so did the number of users.

The 31% Ether underperformance versus Bitcoin back in June 2021 reflected a cool-off period after unprecedented growth in the Ethereum ecosystem. The consequence for Ether's price was devastating and a 56% correction followed that "DeFi summer."

Ether/USD price at Coinbase, 2021. Source: TradingView

One must compare recent data to understand whether Ether is heading to a similar outcome. In that sense, those who waited for the 31% miss versus Bitcoin's price bought the altcoin at a cycle low near $1,800 on June 27, 2021 and the price increased 83% in 50 days.

Is Ether flashing a buy signal right now?

This time, there is no DeFi Summer and before this year’s 33% negative performance versus Bitcoin, the active address indicator was already slightly bearish.

Ethereum network daily active addresses, 7-day average. Source: CoinMetrics

By May 10, 2022, Ethereum had 563,160 active addresses, in the lower range from the past couple of months. This is the exact opposite of the mid-2021 movement that occurred as Ether price accelerated its losses in BTC terms.

One might still think that despite a relatively flat number of users, the Ethereum network had been growing by presenting a higher TVL.

Ethereum network total value locked, USD. Source: Defillama

Data shows that on May 10, 2022, the Ethereum network TVL held $87 billion in deposits, down from $102 billion a month prior. Therefore, there is no correlation between the mid-2021 cool-off after "DeFi summer" and the current 33% Ether price downturn versus BTC.

These metrics show no evidence of similarity between the two periods, but $1,200 might as well be a cycle low, and this will depend on other factors apart from the network's use.

Considering how weak active addresses and TVL data were before the recent price correction, investors should be extra careful when trying to predict a market bottom.

The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Cointelegraph. Every investment and trading move involves risk. You should conduct your own research when making a decision.

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