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AI bots mingled at a bar and had a party when researchers gave them a town

25 AI "agents" were given a virtual town and were observed going to a bar for lunch, planning a party and expressing other human-like behavior.

A society of 25 artificial intelligence (AI) bots were observed waking up, cooking breakfast, heading to work, going to the bar for lunch with friends and even throwing a party by six researchers who created a town for the bots.

The researchers from Google and Stanford University explained in an April 7 paper titled “Generative Agents: Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior” that they built a virtual town populated with ChatGPT-trained “generative agents.”

The purpose of the study — which is yet to be peer-reviewed — was to create a small, interactive society of AI bots inspired by life-simulation games such as The Sims.

The agents could make a wide range of inferences about themselves, other agents and their town of “Smallville” by synthesizing new information, storing it in memory and then behaving in a way that reflects that knowledge.

A bird's-eye view of Smallville, which consists of houses, a park, a bar, a shopping center, a pharmacy and a college. Source: Arxiv.org

For example, the agents could turn off their kitchen stove when they see their breakfast is burning, coordinate plans and even engage in seemingly meaningful conversations with other agents.

The results led the researchers to conclude that the generative agents produce “believable” human behaviors:

“By fusing large language models with computational, interactive agents, this work introduces architectural and interaction patterns for enabling believable simulations of human behavior.”

One example shared in the study explained that the AI agent “Isabella Rodriguez” invited nine other agents to a Valentine’s Day party at the town's cafe.

The details of the party were passed on to four others, including “Abigail,” who then expressed excitement about the upcoming event with Isabella.

A string of conversations that were carried out between the AI agents in relation to the upcoming Valentine's Day party. Source: Arxiv.org

In another example showing the “day in the life” of an AI agent, “John Lin” woke up at 7 am, brushed his teeth, had a shower, ate breakfast and checked the news at the dining table in his living room.

Before John's son Eddy headed off to school, John asked what he’ll be working on for the day, Eddy responds and John remarks on it before sharing the news with his “wife,” Mei.

A morning in the life of a generative agent, John Lin with his wife Mei and son Eddy. Source: Arxiv.org

However, not everything went right in the experiment.

While the memory of each AI bot would enlarge with each passing interaction, sometimes the most relevant information wouldn’t be retrieved, and as a result "some agents chose less typical locations for their actions."

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For example, when agents were deciding where to have lunch, many initially chose the town cafe, however, the researchers said:

"As some agents learned about a nearby bar, they opted to go there instead for lunch, even though the bar was intended to be a get-together location for later in the day unless the town had spontaneously developed an afternoon drinking habit."

In another example, some AI agents walked into shops in Smallville that were closed, while some college students walked in on others in the dorm bathroom because they thought it could be occupied by more than one age.

The researchers said they will soon expand on the “expressivity” and “performance” of the AI bots through the more advanced GPT-4, the latest iteration of ChatGPT, which has passed United States high school and law exams in the 90th percentile.

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ChatGPT can now access the internet with new OpenAI plugins

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Artificial intelligence chatbot ChatGPT can now retrieve information from online sources and interact with third-party websites via a new plugin feature introduced by its creator, OpenAI.

The plugin feature is still in its “limited” alpha phase and will only be available to a small set of users initially before rolling out to larger-scale access. Users must add themselves to a waitlist in order to access the new feature on Chat GPT Plus, the firm said in a March 23 announcement.

Initially, there will only be 11 plugins available. These plugins range from allowing users to check the scores of live sporting events to booking an international flight and purchasing food for home delivery. The firm added that it is “gradually rolling out plugins” so that it can assess its real-world use.

“Plugins are tools designed specifically for language models with safety as a core principle, and help ChatGPT access up-to-date information, run computations, or use third-party services,” said OpenAI.

Among the cohort of websites that are supported by the new plugin feature are e-commerce platforms Shopify, Klarna and Instacart, and travel search engines Expedia and KAYAK.

The plugins also include the math computer Wolfram, for carrying out calculations, and the business messaging app Slack, according to the announcement.

A screenshot of the API on ChatGPT when connecting to third-party plugins. Source: OpenAI

Other apps include FiscalNote, Milo Family AI, OpenTable, Shop, Speak and Zapier.

How does it access the web?

ChatGPT utilizes the Bing API to search for information along with a text-based web browser to navigate results and interact with websites.

It is able to synthesize information across multiple sources to give a more grounded response. It also cites the sources it used so users can verify where ChatGPT derived its response from.

OpenAI said the plug-in capabilities came on the back of high demand from its user base since the firm launched ChatGPT on Nov. 30.

Mitchell Hashimoto, the founder of software firm HashiCorp and an early user of the ChatGPT plugin API, told his 94,300 Twitter followers on March 23 that it is one of the most “impressive” computer applications he has ever used:

Being able to use plugins that access the internet could improve one of ChatGPT’s arguably biggest shortfalls, that it was trained with data only up to September 2021 and does not have access to the internet to grab more recent information

The typical answer given when ChatGPT is asked a question requiring up-to-date data. Source: Open AI

Related: How to solve coding problems using ChatGPT?

Earlier this month, OpenAI released the latest version of its artificial intelligence Chatbot, ChatGPT-4.

So far, the new version has already managed to successfully pass many of the toughest U.S. high school and law school exams in the 90th percentile.

Using the same version, Cointelegraph recently launched an experiment using GPT-4 to invest in cryptocurrencies using information fed from Cointelegraph Markets and a selection of Cointelegraph’s daily news, with the aim of understanding how it interprets news to make trading decisions.

So far, the cryptocurrency portfolio is up 6.08% over seven days. It currently has an allocation consisting of 55% Bitcoin (BTC), 35% Ether (ETH), 5% Cardano (ADA) and 5% XRP (XRP).

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