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James Check

Bitcoin miners are treading water, but no alarms of a ‘total firesale’

Bitcoin miners are not “full-scale bear market level capitulating,” according to a crypto analyst.

The rising operational costs and lower rewards are taking its toll on Bitcoin (BTC) miners but it isn’t at catastrophic levels by any means, according to a cryptocurrency analyst.

“We are in a period of hash ribbon inversion, and blocks are coming in about 14 seconds slower than they should do. hat tells you that there is less hash rate online, blocks are being found slightly slower,” Glassnode lead analyst James Check aka “Checkmatey” said in a June 21 X video.

“About 5% of mining hashrate is struggling about the moment,” Check explained, referring to the amount of processing and computing power being given to the network through mining.

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Investor Arthur Cheong Says Crypto May Be Mirroring S&P 500 Growth After 2008 Collapse – Here’s What He Means

Bitcoin is facing a rare ‘extended level’ of FUD on X — Santiment

Santiment’s Bitcoin social sentiment indicator has been flashing red as the price of Bitcoin has been hovering around the $65,000 mark.

Bitcoin has been facing an “extended level of FUD” on social media platform X amid sideways trading at the $65,000 mark, according to data from cryptocurrency intelligence platform Santiment.

“This extended level of FUD is rare, as traders continue to capitulate,” Santiment wrote in a June 20 X post. FUD stands for fear, uncertainty and doubt.

“The crowd is mainly fearful or disinterested toward Bitcoin as prices range between $65K to $66K,” it added.

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Investor Arthur Cheong Says Crypto May Be Mirroring S&P 500 Growth After 2008 Collapse – Here’s What He Means

Bitcoin whale watching is ‘useless’ for information — Traders

Bitcoin whale watching is “good for social media” but not for valuable analysis, according to traders.

Tracking the wallet movements of Bitcoin (BTC) whales — a Bitcoin holder with a significant stake compared to smaller investors — will not lead to “true alpha,” according to traders, despite the metric used as a popular way to speculate on market sentiment for some time.

“Don't whale watch kids, it's not useful information,” Glassnode lead analyst James Check aka “Checkmatey” wrote in a June 15 X post.

“Not once have I seen true alpha extracted from whale watching. It's good for social media, but is almost never serious nor valuable analysis,” he added.

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Investor Arthur Cheong Says Crypto May Be Mirroring S&P 500 Growth After 2008 Collapse – Here’s What He Means

Bitcoin return to $73K could be a start to ‘escape velocity’ phase

A return to the $73,000 price range for BTC will likely be met with short-term holder resistance but could also mark a turning point for the asset.

A potential return of Bitcoin (BTC) to $73,000 could mark the beginning of the asset’s acceleration to “escape velocity,” according to a crypto analyst. 

Escape velocity is a term used in astrophysics to describe the minimum speed needed for an object to escape from the gravitational field of a celestial body, like a planet or moon, without further propulsion.

Crypto analyst James Check used the term in a May 21 market report to describe what Bitcoin could do once it retakes the $73,000 price point.

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Investor Arthur Cheong Says Crypto May Be Mirroring S&P 500 Growth After 2008 Collapse – Here’s What He Means