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CFTC’s Johnson urges Congress to expand commission’s crypto oversight powers

Commodity Futures Trading Commission Kristin Johnson wants to protect customers in a way that reduces the risk of future crises.

Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Commissioner Kristin Johnson has urged Congress to adopt legislation that "closes the current gap in the oversight of crypto spot markets."

During a speech at a digital assets conference at Duke University on Jan. 21, Johnson proposed a number of amendments that would enable the CFTC to conduct “effective due diligence” on businesses, including crypto firms, that want to acquire CFTC-regulated entities.

The commissioner also wants expanded powers for the commodities regulator to enhance customer protection, prevent liquidity crises and mitigate conflicts of interest.

CFTC Commissioner Kristin Johnson. Source: YouTube

One of these potential changes would be to give the commodities regulator new powers to investigate any business that wants to purchase 10% or more of a CFTC-registered exchange or clearinghouse.

Johnson highlighted the example of derivatives exchange LedgerX, which became a subsidiary of FTX on Aug. 31, 2021 and is now wrapped up in the crypto exchange’s collapse.

The commissioner notes that the regulator currently has no ability to conduct due diligence on whichever firm buys the business and is merely a passenger as the exchange goes through the sales process.

Johnson also addressed co-mingling of customer funds, which was one of the more egregious accusations levied at FTX following its collapse — calling for regulation that formalizes the obligation of crypto firms to segregate customer funds.

Related: FTX VCs liable to ‘serious questions’ around due diligence — CFTC Commissioner

Another gap pointed out by Johnson was in risk management procedures, pointing to the contagion that has continued to spread after major crypto company collapses, such as FTX: 

“Interconnectedness among crypto-firms amplified by fragile or non-existent risk management, corporate governance failures, and conflicts of interests at individual firms fuels the likelihood of crises.”

The commissioner suggested that current “frameworks such as anti-trust law and regulation may prove too limited in scope” in increasingly diverse markets and is advocating for “tailored and effective governance, and risk management controls.”

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We Must Expedite the Move From Centralized Services to Viable DeFi Alternatives

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FTX’s $5.5 Billion in Alleged ‘Liquid Assets’ Includes Locked SOL Cache and Illiquid FTT Holdings

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Genesis is planning to file for bankruptcy: Report

Another one bites the dust? A report suggested the initial bankruptcy filing from Genesis could come before February.

Cryptocurrency lending firm Genesis Global Capital, a subsidiary of crypto conglomerate Digital Currency Group, is reportedly preparing to file for bankruptcy as early as this week.

According to a Jan. 18 Bloomberg report, Genesis previously said it was considering a bankruptcy filing if it were unable to raise cash amid a liquidity crunch — a situation similar to that preceding crypto exchange FTX’s Chapter 11 filing in November. Citing people with knowledge of the situation, Bloomberg reported Genesis could file for bankruptcy as soon as this week.

The report followed the United States Securities and Exchange Commission announcing on Jan. 12 that it had charged Genesis and crypto exchange Gemini with offering unregistered securities through Gemini's “Earn” program. The case is ongoing.

Gemini co-founder Cameron Winklevoss has also released several open letters through social media calling out Digital Currency Group CEO Barry Silbert, claiming Genesis owed Gemini $900 million for funds Gemini lent to it as part of the same program. DCG said Winklevoss' allegations were "malicious, fake, and defamatory attacks."

Related: Gemini and Genesis’ legal troubles stand to shake up industry further

Many of the reported liquidity issues may stem from the collapse of crypto venture capital firm Three Arrows Capital in 2022. Silbert told shareholders in January that Three Arrows owed Genesis $447.5 million and 4,550 Bitcoin (BTC) — worth roughly $78 million at the time. However, Genesis also held roughly $175 million on FTX prior to its bankruptcy in November, likely contributing to the firm's liquidity crunch and reports of potential insolvency. Genesis suspended withdrawals following FTX's bankruptcy filing.

Genesis suspended withdrawals following FTX's bankruptcy filing. Should the firm file for bankruptcy as well, it would be the latest in a series of collapses including Terraform Labs, Voyager Digital, Celsius Network, Three Arrows Capital, FTX, and BlockFi.

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Decentralized Exchange Trading Volumes Remain Lackluster in the New Year, Uniswap Leads the Way with Daily Swaps

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Silvergate gets more bad news as Moody’s slashes its ratings

The beleaguered bank was allegedly moving money between FTX and Alameda; then it sold debt at a discount and sacked employees after a bank run.

Things seem to be going from grim to grimmer at Silvergate Bank, with a hit to its Moody’s rating and a selloff by Ark Invest. The bank already experienced a run and has been tied to the FTX collapse.

Ark Invest, the investment vehicle of Cathy Wood, sold off more than 400,000 shares of parent company Silvergate Capital, worth $4.3 million on Jan. 6, leaving it with a mere 4,000 shares, according to various media reports. Those shares lost 43% of their value the previous day.

Moody’s Investors Service also reacted to the situation at the bank, downgrading its ratings of Silvergate Capital and the bank. The bank's long-term deposit rating was downgraded from Baa2 (“lower-medium grade”) to Ba1 (“junk”) and its long-term issuer rating from Ba2 to B1 (both “junk”), with a negative outlook for the both organizations.

Related: Block.one and its CEO become largest SilvergateCapital shareholders

Moody’s attributed its decision to falling deposits, losses from securities sales to meet liquidity needs and workforce layoffs. Moody’s vice president Sadia Nabi said in a statement:

“Almost all of the bank's deposits continue to be from crypto currency centric institutions, and while the bank currently has adequate liquidity and capital, continued large outf[l]ows of these deposits would further adversely impact the bank's f[i]nancial condition.” 

Silvergate Bank lost $718 million as it liquidated debt to cover $8.1 billion in withdrawals, according to reports on Jan. 5. It also laid off 40% of its workforce, about 200 people. In addition, crypto-related deposits were down 68% in the fourth quarter of 2022.

The bank had come under the scrutiny of legislators after allegations that it facilitated transfers between FTX and its sister-company Alameda Research. Three senators headed by Senator Elizabeth Warren sent a letter to Silvergate CEO Alan Lane Dec. 6 asking for an explanation of the allegations. On Dec 16, FTX investors filed a class action suit against Lane, the bank and Silvergate Capital over the same allegations.

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1inch launches Fusion upgrade to improve swap security and profitability

As a decentralized trading and matching system, the 1inch Swap Engine connects DeFi users and provides liquidity for crypto trades through professional market makers.

Leading decentralized finance (DeFi) aggregator 1inch Network announced a major upgrade — Fusion — around its 1inch Swap Engine. The Fusion upgrade aims to deliver cost-efficient, secure and profitable swaps for crypto investors. 

The Fusion mode in 1inch Swap Engine allows DeFi investors to place orders with a predecided price and time range without paying network fees. In addition, the upgrade includes network improvements such as updated staking contracts and tokenomics.

As a decentralized trading and matching system, the 1inch Swap Engine connects DeFi users and provides liquidity for crypto trades through professional market makers. Explaining the intent behind the Fusion upgrade, 1inch Network co-founder Sergej Kunz stated:

“Fusion makes swaps on 1inch dramatically more cost-efficient, as users won’t have to pay network fees, plus, an extra layer of security is added, protecting users from sandwich attacks.”

Going against the traditional centralized approach, 1inch’s latest upgrade allows investors to perform secure non-custodial swaps, which are executed in a totally permissionless and trustless way.

According to the announcement, 1inch offers limitless liquidity and uses a new type of decentralized order-matching approach based on the Dutch auction model, as shown below.

The Fusion mode allows users to exchange tokens on various DEXes without paying any network fees. The upgrade also allows users to choose the order execution time as per their unique requirements.

Moreover, the Fusion mode provides protection against the maximum extractable value (MEV), which refers to the maximum value that can be extracted from block production in excess of the standard block reward and gas fees.

Alongside the upgrade, 1inch launched the 1inch Resolver Incentive Program, which will help resolvers get a refund on the gas spent on filling users’ orders in Fusion mode until Dec. 31, 2022.

Related: 1inch releases new tool to protect traders against ‘sandwich attacks’

Security experts believe that bridge attacks will still pose a major challenge for the DeFi sector in 2023.

Speaking to Cointelegraph, Theo Gauthier, founder and CEO of Toposware, pointed out that bridges have an “inherent vulnerability” because they rely on the security of the chains it connects to.

In this regard, one of the major technologies available is zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs), which allow data to be verified and proven as accurate without revealing further information.

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