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ZK-focused Manta Pacific opts out of OP Stack for Polygon CDK

Manta Pacific’s ZK-application-focused network will integrate with the Polygon ecosystem through the Chain Development Kit software.

Manta, a blockchain network focusing on zero-knowledge (ZK) applications, will migrate its software from OP Stack to Polygon CDK, according to an October 16 announcement. This means that Manta will not be integrated into the upcoming Optimism Superchain and will instead become part of the Polygon ecosystem.

Manta Pacific block explorer. Source: Manta.

Manta network is an Ethereum layer-2 focusing on zero-knowledge-based applications, including digital identity and privacy solutions. It launched a mainnet on September 12 and has processed more than 500,000 transactions.

Manta was originally developed as an optimistic rollup that uses the OP Stack software developed by Optimism Labs. This software is intended to help create a “Superchain” of interconnected networks that will share the same security model. However, it faces competition from the Polygon Chain Development Kit (CDK), which employs a different security model but is also used to create a web of interconnected blockchain networks.

In its announcement, Manta said it chose to migrate to Polygon CDK for three reasons. First, with Polygon CDK, deposits and withdrawals can be processed quickly, as they don’t require a period of time for fraud proofs to be submitted. “Finality can happen in minutes or seconds, rather than days,” the announcement stated. This is because “CDK leverages the security of math rather than the social-economic incentives of fraud proofs.”

Secondly, Manta claimed that Polygon CDK is more “modular” and “sovereign” than alternatives, giving the team more flexibility as it continues to build out features. Thirdly, using Polygon CDK will allow developers to create a “trustless ZK bridge to Ethereum.” Over the long run, this bridge will allow users of different Polygon CDK networks to access each other’s liquidity, making the network part of a larger ecosystem.

Related: ZK-proofs could change the internet, not just Web3 — Aleo exec

The Polygon ecosystem originally consisted of just the Polygon Proof of Stake network. On March 27, the Polygon team launched a second network, Polygon zkEVM. In June, they announced plans to integrate these two networks into a new ecosystem called “Polygon 2.0.”

The Optimism ecosystem added a second network on August 9, as Coinbase launched Base network. On October 3, the Optimism team launched a fraud-proof system that's intended to be used throughout its ecosystem.

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Manta Network’s L2 hits mainnet to drive ZK-enabled DApp development

Manta Network has launched its zero-knowledge proof layer 2 scaling network which promises lower fees and higher throughput for developers looking to deploy decentralized applications.

The ecosystem of layer 2 blockchain solutions powered by zero-knowledge proofs welcomes a new player as Manta Network takes its ZK-as-a-service platform live.

Manta Pacific is a modular L2 aimed at powering EVM-native decentralized applications (DApps) using ZK-proof technology. The platform offers a software development kit and ZK library that is touted to provide plug-and-play functionality for developers.

Being EVM-native means that apps deployed on Ethereum can be deployed on Manta Pacific and vice versa, while being ZK-enabled provides low gas fees and scalability. Users can also bridge Ethereum to Manta to begin exploring its development environment.

Related: Manta Network developer raises $25M in Series A, launches layer 2 for ZK apps

With industry peers including the likes of Consensys’ Linea zkEVM, Polygon zkEVM, Starknet, Coinbase’s Base and zkSync Era, there are a number of ZK-proof L2 solution options available to Web3 developers.

Speaking to Cointelegraph following the mainnet launch, Manta Network core contributor Kenny Li said that the different ZK-rollip L2s offer different value propositions that aim to solve significant problems being faced by developers.

“We think that in the mid to long term, the market will converge to a small number of available solutions that are focused on making it as easy as possible for developers to build and deploy ZK-enabled applications.”

Li added that the Web2 world of technology followed a similar evolution with the success of software-as-a-service models where a plug-and-play approach was taken:

“This is crucial when zero knowledge is involved whereby developers do not have to worry about the infrastructure as the complexity of cryptography can be abstracted away.”

According to the Manta Network core contributor, Manta Pacific has been in development for nine months while its testnet launch in July 2023 has seen the creation of 150,000 wallets and over 3.5 million transactions.

Manta raised $25 million from investors in July 2023 aimed at scaling the project’s network and use cases with an eye on driving adoption in the Asian market.

Magazine: Here’s how Ethereum’s ZK-rollups can become interoperable

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