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Today’s PoW Mining Marvels: Scrypt Takes the Throne as 2024’s Top Algorithm

Today’s PoW Mining Marvels: Scrypt Takes the Throne as 2024’s Top AlgorithmDuring the opening week of the year, the Kheavyhash algorithm—used for mining kaspa (KAS)—topped the profitability charts among proof-of-work (PoW) algorithms. Fast forward to today, and Scrypt has claimed the crown as the most lucrative choice for miners, particularly those extracting dogecoin (DOGE) and litecoin (LTC). Mining Algorithms Push Limits in a Historic Year As […]

Gamestop Unleashes Bitcoin Strategy—Can $4.8B Make GME a Crypto Titan?

Blake3 Now Most Profitable PoW Algorithm for Crypto Miners, KAS Slips in Rankings

Blake3 Now Most Profitable PoW Algorithm for Crypto Miners, KAS Slips in RankingsIn July, the proof-of-work (PoW) crypto mining algorithm Kheavyhash, used by the kaspa (KAS) crypto asset, held the top spot for profitability among consensus algorithms. Fast forward to today, and it’s the Blake3 algorithm that’s taking the lead, with alephium (ALPH) miners raking in an estimated $40.53 in daily profits. Blake3 Tops PoW Mining, Followed […]

Gamestop Unleashes Bitcoin Strategy—Can $4.8B Make GME a Crypto Titan?

Bitcoin’s Hashrate Nears All-Time Peak Despite Difficulty Bump and Revenue Loss

Bitcoin’s Hashrate Nears All-Time Peak Despite Difficulty Bump and Revenue LossDespite a bump in mining difficulty and a drop in hashprice, Bitcoin’s total hashrate is still on the rise. In fact, on Wednesday it’s just 12 exahash per second (EH/s) away from reaching its peak of 677 EH/s, which was recorded on July 25. Bitcoin Mining Operations Push Through Lower Hashprice, Nearing Record Hashrate On […]

Gamestop Unleashes Bitcoin Strategy—Can $4.8B Make GME a Crypto Titan?

Hashrate Climbs 25 EH/s in 8 Days as Bitcoin Miners Adjust to Network Difficulty Reduction

Hashrate Climbs 25 EH/s in 8 Days as Bitcoin Miners Adjust to Network Difficulty ReductionWhile Bitcoin’s hashprice has been languishing below $44 per petahash per second (PH/s) each day, the network’s hashrate is beginning to climb once more. Between Aug. 9 and Aug. 17, the hashrate increased from 612 exahash per second (EH/s) to 637 EH/s, adding 25 EH/s over eight days. Miners Increase Bitcoin’s Hashrate After Difficulty Decline […]

Gamestop Unleashes Bitcoin Strategy—Can $4.8B Make GME a Crypto Titan?

Q-Day approaching: Can Ethereum survive a quantum emergency?

Quantum computing is the next most significant disruptive technological leap and its rapid evolution and funding will soon make it a reality.

Quantum computing may seem like science fiction, but it may come sooner than expected. 

On Jan. 11, 2024, the World Economic Forum identified artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing as emerging threats in a report exploring how quantum computing could threaten the existing tech landscape.

While computer scientists and developers agree that quantum computing will still take some years to develop, research in the field is very active.

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Gamestop Unleashes Bitcoin Strategy—Can $4.8B Make GME a Crypto Titan?

Top 10 Bitcoin Mining Rigs of 2024: Leading the Charge in Crypto Earnings

Top 10 Bitcoin Mining Rigs of 2024: Leading the Charge in Crypto EarningsOver the past month, the valuation of bitcoin has seen a notable increase, leading to significantly enhanced profits for today’s most sophisticated application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) bitcoin mining devices. As of March 16, 2024, the top ten ASIC miners focused on the SHA256 consensus algorithm are generating daily earnings ranging from $10 to $21, assuming […]

Gamestop Unleashes Bitcoin Strategy—Can $4.8B Make GME a Crypto Titan?

While Bitcoin’s Hashrate Remains Sky-High, Merge-Mined Crypto Asset Networks Benefit

While Bitcoin’s Hashrate Remains Sky-High, Merge-Mined Crypto Asset Networks BenefitIn recent times, Bitcoin’s hashrate has been consistently above 300 exahash per second (EH/s) as multiple mining pools dedicate significant hashpower to the Bitcoin blockchain today. Interestingly, some of the world’s top bitcoin mining pools are also using their hashrate to merge-mine other coins, and these networks have benefited from bitcoin’s increased hashrate. How Bitcoin’s […]

Gamestop Unleashes Bitcoin Strategy—Can $4.8B Make GME a Crypto Titan?

Mawson Infrastructure Group Launches Bitcoin Mining Operation in Pennsylvania, Exits Australia

Mawson Infrastructure Group Launches Bitcoin Mining Operation in Pennsylvania, Exits AustraliaThe bitcoin mining operation, Mawson Infrastructure Group, Inc., announced that the firm has broken ground at a new site in Sharon, Pennsylvania. Reports detail that Mawson has delivered six modular production units capable of housing 3,528 application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) bitcoin miners, or approximately 12 megawatts (MW) of capacity. The new Mawson site is capable […]

Gamestop Unleashes Bitcoin Strategy—Can $4.8B Make GME a Crypto Titan?

Bitcoin Difficulty Surges 4.68%, Taps New All-Time High; Metric Set to Surpass 40 Trillion

Bitcoin Difficulty Surges 4.68%, Taps New All-Time High; Metric Set to Surpass 40 TrillionThe Bitcoin blockchain recorded another difficulty increase on Sunday, Jan. 29, 2023, at block height 774,144. The network’s difficulty increased by 4.68%, from 37.59 trillion to an all-time high of 39.35 trillion. Bitcoin Difficulty Reaches New All-Time High as Mining Gets Tougher Bitcoin’s difficulty reached another all-time high, surpassing the record set two weeks ago, […]

Gamestop Unleashes Bitcoin Strategy—Can $4.8B Make GME a Crypto Titan?

Bitcoin Difficulty Set to Rise 3.82% to All-Time High of 39 Trillion Following Recent Increase

Bitcoin Difficulty Set to Rise 3.82% to All-Time High of 39 Trillion Following Recent IncreaseThe Bitcoin network is set to record another meaningful difficulty increase on Sunday, Jan. 29, 2023, as current estimates expect it to rise 3.82% higher. The change follows the last difficulty retarget, which advanced by 10.26% to the current all-time high of 37.59 trillion. Block Time Breakdown: How Faster Discovery is Impacting Bitcoin Difficulty In […]

Gamestop Unleashes Bitcoin Strategy—Can $4.8B Make GME a Crypto Titan?