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New York Attorney General Files Lawsuit Against Kucoin and Declares Ethereum a Security

New York Attorney General Files Lawsuit Against Kucoin and Declares Ethereum a SecurityOn March 9, 2023, New York attorney general Letitia James announced that her office had once again cracked down on crypto platforms by filing a lawsuit against the Seychelles-based crypto exchange Kucoin. Members of the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) were able to purchase crypto assets, despite the exchange not being registered in the […]

Here’s Why $9,000,0000,000 in Mt. Gox Repayments May Not Impact Price of Bitcoin Much, According to Galaxy Executive

Aussies revealed as prime targets of Israel crypto scam syndicate

Evidence found that Australians were one of the top countries targeted in a sophisticated cryptocurrency investment scam network, which has suspected kingpins in Israel.

Australian residents have been identified as one the primary targets of a sophisticated network of cryptocurrency call-center scammers — which are suspected to be run by Israel-based crime bosses. 

Evidence uncovered after a full-scale raid of four Serbian call centers and 11 residences by Serbian, German, Bulgarian and Cypriot authorities found that Australians were among the top countries being targeted. The news came from a Feb. 23 report by The Australian.

The raids saw fifteen people arrested and $1.46 million in cryptocurrencies seized, among others.

Scammers from these call centers allegedly used advertisements on social media to lure in victims and offer promising investment opportunities with lucrative returns, according to the report.

Private investigation firms told the outlet that Australians were particularly sought after by scammers because of their relative wealth and a purported history of weak investigative efforts by federal and state authorities:

“Australia’s wealth combined with a long history of state and federal authorities being unwilling or unable to investigate online investment fraud has made the country a sitting duck for the international crime syndicates behind the scams.”

Mark Solomons, Senior Investigator at IFW Global, a private intelligence firm, explained that because many Australians are “friendly” and “open-minded,” they’re more likely to pursue online relationships — particularly “if the right buttons are pressed.”

“Australia and Canada vie for the top spot. They are rich countries with a low likelihood of a disciplined investigation or detection."

Solomons said much of the stolen cryptocurrencies are being used to fund the scammer’s lavish lifestyles:

“There are Israelis getting very, very rich by ripping off Australians and sucking superannuation and retirement savings out of the Australian economy.”

“We’re talking about various individuals who fly around in private jets, who have very significant assets, real estate, fancy cars, cash. They are traveling freely around the world, they’re buying yachts,” Solomons added.

While Europol has reported $3.1 million to have been stolen by the multinational operation, they believe the true figure “may be in the hundreds of millions of euros.”

Related: Australia bolsters crypto watchdogs in ‘multi-stage’ plan to fight scams

In comparison to other “well-resourced” nations, Solomons urged the Australian government to up its enforcement efforts at the state, federal and international level to make the targeting of Australian investors less appealing to these scammers.

While some reports say Australians lost up to $2 billion from investment scams in 2021, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) reported Australians to have lost $323.7 million, which increased a whopping 75.6% to $568.6 million in 2022, according to the consumer watchdog’s Scamwatch database.

$221 million of those scam losses came through the use of crypto payments, according to the ACCC.

Amount (AUD) lost and number of reports due to scams: Source: Scamwatch.

Victims have lost an additional $53.4 million in the first month of 2023 too.

To fight the issue, the Australian Securities Investment Commission (ASIC) released a list of the “top-10 ways to spot a crypto scam” in November to raise awareness of the issue.

In July, the ACCC began trialing a cybersecurity service that automatically takes down scam websites. The trial saw some early success, with several crypto scam sites being knocked offline relatively quickly.

Here’s Why $9,000,0000,000 in Mt. Gox Repayments May Not Impact Price of Bitcoin Much, According to Galaxy Executive

New York Mayor Supportive of Mining Restrictions but Maintains Crypto Hub Objective

New York Mayor Supportive of Mining Restrictions but Maintains Crypto Hub ObjectiveMayor of New York City Eric Adams took a supportive, if somewhat veiled, stance on the partial crypto mining ban imposed in the state. A law signed by fellow Democrat and New York Governor Kathy Hochul temporarily limits the minting of digital currencies using fossil fuels. New York Mayor and Bitcoin Supporter Eric Adams to […]

Here’s Why $9,000,0000,000 in Mt. Gox Repayments May Not Impact Price of Bitcoin Much, According to Galaxy Executive

State-Run Chinese Newspaper Economic Daily Warns Against ‘Betting Big’ on the Metaverse

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Here’s Why $9,000,0000,000 in Mt. Gox Repayments May Not Impact Price of Bitcoin Much, According to Galaxy Executive

Opposed to Bitcoin Payments, Bank of Russia Says State Should Not Stimulate Spread of Cryptocurrencies

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Here’s Why $9,000,0000,000 in Mt. Gox Repayments May Not Impact Price of Bitcoin Much, According to Galaxy Executive

Big Four Accounting Firm Deloitte Forges Partnership With Ava Labs to Leverage Avalanche Blockchain

Big Four Accounting Firm Deloitte Forges Partnership With Ava Labs to Leverage Avalanche BlockchainOn Tuesday, one of the Big Four accounting organizations, Deloitte announced a strategic partnership with Ava Labs, the team behind the blockchain network Avalanche. According to the announcement, Deloitte’s new cloud-based platform leverages Avalanche in order to “improve security, speed and [the] accuracy of Federal Emergency Management Agency reimbursements.” Deloitte to Utilize Avalanche Protocol to […]

Here’s Why $9,000,0000,000 in Mt. Gox Repayments May Not Impact Price of Bitcoin Much, According to Galaxy Executive

Poll: 3 Out of 4 Russian Investors Would Rather Buy Cryptocurrency Than Gold or Fiat

Poll: 3 Out of 4 Russian Investors Would Rather Buy Cryptocurrency Than Gold or FiatAn overwhelming majority of Russian investors view cryptocurrencies as a more attractive investment proposition than traditional fiat currencies or gold, a new survey has established. Even among those who have never traded digital assets, most already think of buying crypto in the near future. Crypto Is the Promising Opportunity for Russian Investors National currencies are […]

Here’s Why $9,000,0000,000 in Mt. Gox Repayments May Not Impact Price of Bitcoin Much, According to Galaxy Executive

‘We Want You,’ Pro-Bitcoin Senator Cynthia Lummis Invites Crypto Miners to Wyoming

‘We Want You,’ Pro-Bitcoin Senator Cynthia Lummis Invites Crypto Miners to WyomingU.S. lawmaker and bitcoin advocate Cynthia Lummis has indicated that cryptocurrency miners are welcome in Wyoming. In a recent interview, the senator defended bitcoin’s carbon footprint and later invited miners to her home state on social media. Crypto Mining Adapted to Non-Carbon Emitting Energy With the ongoing crackdown on cryptocurrency mining in China, companies in […]

Here’s Why $9,000,0000,000 in Mt. Gox Repayments May Not Impact Price of Bitcoin Much, According to Galaxy Executive

Abkhazia Shuts Down 8 Crypto Farms Amid Ongoing Crackdown on Mining

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Here’s Why $9,000,0000,000 in Mt. Gox Repayments May Not Impact Price of Bitcoin Much, According to Galaxy Executive