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Metamask Updates Privacy Policy, Explains When It May Process Users’ IP Addresses

Metamask Updates Privacy Policy, Explains When It May Process Users’ IP AddressesMetamask, the popular Ethereum wallet, has updated its privacy policy. The update provides users with greater transparency and control over their personal data, specifically concerning IP address processing. According to the new policy, Metamask may temporarily process a user’s IP address only when required for certain services, depending on the user’s Metamask settings. This is […]

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How to use a VPN for online security and privacy

Explore how to use a VPN for enhanced online security and privacy using step-by-step instructions.

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a technology that establishes a secure and encrypted connection between your device and the internet. It creates a private network over a public network, such as the internet, allowing you to browse the web securely and privately. 

A VPN’s increased online security is one of its main benefits. Your internet traffic is rendered unreadable to potential hackers and cybercriminals when encryption is used, keeping your important information safe. Furthermore, VPNs are essential for protecting your privacy. They make it difficult for websites, online services and advertisers to track your online activities or collect personal information by disguising your real internet protocol (IP) address, giving you a new one from the VPN server. This measure protects your browsing history and stops targeted adverts.

Additionally, VPNs enable you to get around geographic restrictions imposed by specific websites or streaming services. You can access content that might be forbidden or restricted in your area by connecting to a server in another nation. This is especially helpful for tourists or people who live in countries with tight internet control. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use a VPN:

Choose a reliable VPN provider

Choose a reliable VPN service provider with a proven track record of privacy protection. To select a supplier that meets your needs, do some research and comparison-shopping.

Subscribe and download the VPN client

Sign up for a subscription with your preferred VPN service and download the client. Install the VPN client software on your device after subscribing. Most VPN services provide clients for different operating systems, including Windows, macOS, iOS and Android.

Launch the VPN application

Find the VPN software icon on your device, whether on your desktop, taskbar or in the apps folder, and click on it to launch the VPN application. The software’s primary interface will appear when you double-click the VPN application icon to launch it. You might have to input your login information to access the VPN service, depending on the provider.

Once logged in, you can adjust your settings and preferences to suit your needs. This can entail configuring additional security features or picking a server location from a menu of choices. By selecting the “Connect” or “Start” button after making the required modifications, you can create a secure VPN connection. The VPN software will then establish a connection with the chosen server, encrypting your internet traffic and providing you with online security and privacy.

Select a server location

You usually have the opportunity to select a server location after checking in. Pick a server from the list of available servers. Your selected location usually impacts internet speed and the websites or services you access. Choose a server location based on your unique requirements, such as getting around geo-restrictions or maximizing speed.

Connect to the VPN server

To connect to your chosen server, click the “Connect” button in the VPN application. Your device and the VPN server will connect in an encrypted and safe manner, thanks to the application.

Verify your connection

The VPN application will display a notification or indicator letting you know you are connected to the VPN server. Additionally, to confirm your IP address, visit a website like “whatismyip.com.”

Customize settings (optional)

Explore the settings within the VPN application to customize your experience. You may find options to enable features like an automatic connection on startup; a kill switch, which terminates your internet connection if the VPN connection drops; or split tunneling, which allows you to route specific traffic outside of the VPN.

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Use the internet securely and privately

You may now browse the internet, use programs and access online services confidently because your data is encrypted and your online actions are confidential, thanks to the VPN connection. To stop others from seeing your online activities, a VPN hides your IP address and encrypts your internet traffic.

Disconnect or reconnect as needed

To disconnect from the VPN server when it is no longer necessary, click the “Disconnect” option in the VPN application. Simply open the VPN client again and select “Connect” if you need to reconnect.

Keep your VPN software updated

VPN providers frequently release updates to address any security vulnerabilities or weaknesses that may have been discovered. Updating your VPN software ensures you have the latest security patches installed, reducing the risk of unauthorized access to your data or network.

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Exploring the synergy between VPN and Blockchain

The fusion of blockchain and VPN technology has the potential to provide a potent synergy in the rapidly changing digital ecosystem, where privacy and security concerns are at the forefront. Blockchains are decentralized and immutable ledgers that ensure transparency and trust. In contrast, VPNs give internet users a safe and private connection.

Users can improve online privacy and security by combining VPN technology with blockchain. While blockchain offers a decentralized network that adds additional protection and immutability, VPNs encrypt internet communication, rendering it unreadable to prying eyes. Through this combination, people can browse the internet safely and anonymously while taking advantage of blockchain technology in a stable environment.

Blockchain-based VPNs can also address issues with transparency and trust. Using blockchain, VPN companies could offer verifiable records and smart contracts, ensuring user privacy and data protection. However, traditional VPN providers may raise concerns about logging practices or data handling.

Additionally, centralized VPN servers may be replaced by the blockchain’s decentralized structure, which lowers the possibility of single points of failure or data breaches. Users have the option of connecting to a distributed network of VPN nodes, guaranteeing that their communication is securely routed across a variety of servers.

However, challenges such as scalability and performance need to be addressed when integrating VPN with blockchain. Blockchain’s consensus mechanisms can introduce latency, affecting VPN connection speeds. Efficient protocols and optimization strategies must be implemented to maintain a seamless user experience.

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How to protect your identity online

Strategies like using strong passwords, enabling 2FA, avoiding phishing, using VPNs, keeping software up-to-date and using reputable antivirus may help one against online fraud.

In today’s digital age, protecting one’s identity online is more crucial than ever. The internet has facilitated communication and information sharing between people, but it has also facilitated identity theft and the theft of personal data by hackers. This article will go through some practical strategies for protecting your online identity.

Use strong passwords

The first step in securing one’s online identity is to use strong, one-of-a-kind passwords. A strong password should be at least eight characters long and include a variety of symbols, numbers, upper- and lower-case letters, and other characters.

Don’t use terms and phrases that are widely used and simple to guess, such as “password” or “123456.” Likewise, refrain from using the same password across other accounts. All of your other accounts could be compromised if hackers get access to your common password.

Enable two-factor authentication

By requiring a special code in addition to a password, two-factor authentication (2FA) gives an account an additional layer of security. This code is produced by an application, distributed over SMS or email, and is only functional for a brief time. Without the special code, a hacker won’t be able to access the account, even if they know the user’s password. Any account that holds sensitive data should employ 2FA, and there are several types of 2FA available, including hardware-based, app-based and SMS-based.

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SMS-based 2FA sends a unique code to a user’s mobile device via text message. App-based 2FA requires the user to download an app that generates a unique code. Hardware-based 2FA uses a physical device, such as a USB key or smart card, to generate the unique code.

Avoid phishing scams

Cybercriminals frequently use phishing scams to acquire personal information and endanger users’ online identities. Users should be cautious of suspicious emails, confirm the sender’s identity, avoid clicking on links or downloading attachments, use anti-phishing software, and turn on multi-factor authentication to secure their online identities.

By implementing these safety measures and being wary of any unexpected emails that request personal information or contain strange attachments or links, users may stay safe online.

Use a virtual private network (VPN)

Using a virtual private network is an effective way to protect online identity. A VPN makes it more difficult for anyone to intercept or see a user’s online activities by encrypting their internet traffic and routing it through a distant server. When accessing public WiFi networks, which are susceptible to hacking and eavesdropping, a VPN is extremely crucial.

With a VPN, users can ensure that their online activity remains private and secure. Users should pick a trusted provider with a strict privacy policy and consistent performance among the various VPN services that are readily available. 

Keep your software up-to-date

Outdated software may have security flaws that hackers can use to access a user’s device or personal data without authorization. Security patches that fix known vulnerabilities and enhance overall security are frequently included in software upgrades.

Therefore, users should frequently check for and apply software updates for their operating systems, online browsers and mobile apps on all of their devices. Additionally, it’s critical to avoid running outdated or unsupported software, which may not be receiving security updates, and to only obtain software from reliable sources.

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Use a reputable antivirus program

Using a reliable antivirus program is a crucial first step in online identity protection. Malware, spyware and other forms of dangerous software that can jeopardize a user’s online security can be found and eliminated by antivirus software. Additionally, it can offer real-time protection against new and developing risks and aid in the defense against phishing schemes and other types of cyberattacks.

The antivirus software should be chosen by users from a reliable vendor, and users should keep it updated with the newest virus definitions and security fixes. Additionally, it’s critical to routinely check devices for malware and unusual activity and to eliminate any risks that are found.

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Brazil Bans Telegram Temporarily Due to Alleged Lack of Collaboration in Fight Against School Violence

Brazil Bans Telegram Temporarily Due to Alleged Lack of Collaboration in Fight Against School ViolenceA federal judge in Brazil has ordered the temporary suspension of Telegram in the country and established hefty fines due to the supposed lack of collaboration of the company in a national crusade against school violence. Telegram failed to deliver information regarding the actions it is taking against neo-Nazi groups, and now it has been […]

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Jane Street, Tower Research and Radix are Binance’s ‘VIP’ clients in CFTC suit: Report

The firms were cited anonymously in the CFTC’s complaint describing Binance’s alleged facilitation of U.S. clients.

Trading firms Jane Street Group, Tower Research Capital and Radix Trading have been reportedly identified as Binance’s three “VIP” clients that were anonymously cited in the recent lawsuit filed against Binance by the United States commodities regulator.

According to an April 5 Bloomberg report citing “people familiar with the matter,” Radix Trading is “Trading Firm A” as described in the Commodities Futures Trading Commission’s (CFTC) suit, while Jane Street was “Trading Firm B” and Tower Research was “Trading Firm C.”

The firms on the CFTC’s list were examples of U.S. clients allegedly able to access Binance.

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) first reported on March 28 that Radix Trading was “Trading Firm A.”

Radix co-founder Benjamin Blander told the WSJ in a March 30 report that he believed the firm acted legally even when trading with Binance’s offshore entity.

The claimed “VIP” treatment from Binance included lower transaction fees and faster trading services, the CFTC said in the filing. The firms provided Binance with liquidity on the exchange, and Binance gained the corresponding trading fee revenues.

It was part of a strategy that “actively facilitated violations of U.S. law” by helping U.S. trading firms evade Know Your Customer compliance standards, among other things, the CFTC alleged.

Binance allegedly enabled Radix to sidestep compliance controls by providing them information on accessing Binance.com through a virtual private network to obscure its IP address.

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The CFTC claimed the trading violations to have come about as Binance prioritized “commercial success over compliance with U.S. law.”

However, Binance CEO Changpeng “CZ” Zhao vehemently denied the claims of compliance and market manipulation violations in a follow-up post on March 28.

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US Prosecutors Seek to Further Restrict Former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried’s Internet Access

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SBF lawyers to pay for technical expert to aid judge on bail terms

The judge overseeing Sam Bankman-Fried’s fraud case wants some help navigating the world of encrypted messaging, privacy apps, and virtual private networks.

Attorneys working on behalf of former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried have agreed to pay for a security expert to assist the federal judge overseeing his fraud case in navigating modern encryption technology to aid in possibly modifying Bankman-Fried's bail terms.

Bankman-Fried lawyers Christian Everdell and Mark Cohen sent a letter to Judge Lewis Kaplan on Feb. 21 agreeing with his proposal for a technical professional to aid him.

According to the letter, “the defense has already begun researching and contacting possible experts and anticipates being able to propose one or more potential candidates to the court by the end of the week.”

Judge Kaplan suggested at a bail hearing last week following a tightening of bail terms when it was discovered that Bankman-Fried had been accessing the internet using a VPN (virtual private network).

A VPN obscures and encrypts a user’s internet traffic and is often used to change internet (IP) addresses, to add a layer of security to communications or to access censored content in autocratic regimes.

The judge has been trying to achieve a balance between letting Bankman-Fried access communication channels to prepare his defense and the potential misuse of messaging apps and privacy software.

Judge Kaplan temporarily banned Bankman-Fried from using a VPN or any encrypted messaging apps until his bail terms are settled.

Related: Sam Bankman-Fried may no longer be allowed to play League of Legends

The technical expert will help the judge navigate issues regarding encrypted messages, privacy-focused messaging apps and VPNs.

Bankman-Fried and his attorneys claim he used the VPN on two occasions, to watch the NFL playoffs on Jan. 29 and to watch the Super Bowl on Feb. 12.

Prosecutors have asked for strict bail terms limiting Bankman-Fried’s access to the internet and messaging platforms. They also alleged that VPN use “raised several potential concerns” regarding thepotential access of crypto platforms that have blocked United States users.

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