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How to store crypto in 2022, explained

As new cryptocurrency storage offerings emerge, users must carefully weigh several factors before making their choice.

How can new and avid cryptocurrency users find a wallet that meets their needs?

Cryptocurrency holders can seek out wallets that offer the best of security, functionality and usability –– features that cater to any set of users.

Users must be careful to consider factors including security, functionality and ease of use when determining where they will keep their funds. Although this typically means a choice between hot or cold storage, newer wallet releases give users many of these features within a single offering.

The HitBTC team has since released their own wallet, branded by its security and clean interface, with the driving force to ensure that cryptocurrencies are universally accessible. The wallet itself is designed for anyone to use, whether it’s a first-time cryptocurrency user or an avid investor.

It offers diverse functionality, including the ability to buy crypto with Apple Pay, VISA or Mastercard, exchange them on the app, and ensure security through two-factor authentication (2FA), face ID and biometry.

By practicing a security-first approach, the team can provide a solution that ensures user safety while allowing for a straightforward approach for handling digital currencies.

Learn more about HitBTC

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Why should proper storage be top of mind for cryptocurrency users?

Cybercriminals are becoming more crafty as they discover new ways to take advantage of cryptocurrency users.

As the use of digital currencies increases and the amount of funds circulating grows in proportion, the so-called honey pot becomes more appealing to bad actors. This has become evident in the prevalence of cryptocurrency attacks becoming increasingly targeted and cybercriminals finding more clever ways to steal investors’ financial assets. In some cases, cybercriminals have been known to take advantage of rogue devices, phishing emails, among other techniques to steal assets from cryptocurrency investors.

Despite the risks at stake, cryptocurrencies continue to offer a host of benefits, including high returns and access to the world of DeFi, which makes holding these assets appealing to the world at large. Therefore, users must carefully consider the way they are safeguarding their assets, more so in 2022 than ever before.

What types of wallets are available to users, and when should each be used?

Cryptocurrency wallets fall into two main categories, hot or online and cold or offline. In most cases, online wallets are recommended for frequent traders, whereas their offline counterparts are better suited for significant holdings planned to be held for a long time.

Crypto wallets vary from physical devices to pieces of paper to online software; however, among the most common for new users are the built-in exchange services that make it easy for users to store their assets directly through the platform. These diverse offerings will fall under one of two types of storage, hot or cold, both of which offer different benefits and drawbacks for their users.

On one side, hot or online wallets are primarily known for their ease of use, especially for those that participate in frequent trading. Within this category are web-based wallets, desktop wallets and mobile wallets, all of which are always connected to the internet and therefore do not require a transition between an offline and online wallet to undergo a transaction. The secondary benefit is that these offerings take the pressure of storing a user’s private key off of the user and onto the provider.

However, this is often a double-edged sword as exchanges are often the target for hackers, leaving a user’s private keys subject to risk. A cold wallet, such as the paper wallet mentioned above or a hardware alternative, eliminates these risks but opens cryptocurrency holders to other concerns, such as the loss of such a device.

What do users need to consider after purchasing their first cryptocurrencies?

Following the purchase of cryptocurrency, users must consider how they will store their digital assets.

After purchasing a digital asset, users will need to find a safe place to store them. The main difference is that, unlike fiat assets, which can be stored in a physical location, cryptocurrencies are digital and exist on a distributed ledger known as the blockchain.

When coins are purchased, a private key and a public key are issued. Wallets may link to several public keys, each serving as an address for funds to be sent to a given crypto wallet. While this key can be given out like an email address, its private counterpart is more like a key that unlocks a safe. The similarity with this comparison is that the very user that holds the key holds the funds inside.

While this concept might sound complex on the surface, especially to the many people new to cryptocurrency, wallets, the location where users can store their private keys, aim to make the experience more user-friendly. Unfortunately, the concept of wallets is broad, and the number of choices is diverse. This leaves the choice of how cryptocurrency will be stored to that of the user themselves.

Bitcoin headed for breakout or breakdown? Analysts weigh in

Some Salvadorans claim funds are missing from their Chivo wallets

“No tech support and only useless calls, where is my money," said Luis Guardado in a direct appeal to El Salvador President Nayib Bukele.

Some of the money from El Salvador’s state-issued Chivo wallets is reportedly missing, according to many Salvadorans posting on social media.

In a Dec. 16 Twitter thread started by user “the commissioner,” at least 50 Salvadorans have reported December losses totaling more than $96,000, following the setup of the Bitcoin (BTC) wallets by the government. Some of these transactions were for as little as $61, but others said they were missing thousands or more.

“There is a security flow on the wallet where money and transactions disappeared,” said Luis Guardado in a direct appeal to President Nayib Bukele. “No tech support and only useless calls, where is my money.”

Bukele said in October that 3 million Salvadorans were using their Chivo wallets, roughly half of the nation’s 6.5 million people. Since El Salvador’s Bitcoin Law was first proposed in June, many in the country have opposed the measure for a variety of reasons, including the volatility of cryptocurrencies and claims that they were an unreliable investment for pension funds. Protestors marched through the capital city of San Salvador before the law went into effect on Sept. 7, with subsequent protests seeing some people managing to ransack and burn Chivo kiosks.

Related: President Bukele fires back at critics on 'Bitcoin experiment'

El Salvador's president has frequently taken to social media to promote the adoption of BTC as well as related projects, including using geothermal energy from the country’s volcanoes to mine crypto and building a Bitcoin City initially funded by $1 billion in BTC bonds. He also uses the platform to announce his Bitcoin purchases to the world. At the time of publication, the country's treasury holds 1,391 BTC — roughly $71 million with the price of the crypto asset hovering near $50,000 for the holidays.

Bitcoin headed for breakout or breakdown? Analysts weigh in

Beware of sophisticated scams and rug pulls, as thugs target crypto users

The year 2021 has seen an increase in “rug pulls,” a new scam capable of luring both early adopters and new crypto investors.

This year has been monumental for the cryptocurrency sector in terms of mainstream adoption. A recent report published by Grayscale Investments found that more than one-quarter of United States investors (26%) surveyed own Bitcoin (BTC), up from 23% in 2020. With the holidays around the corner, financial services provider MagnifyMoney also found that nearly two-thirds of surveyed Americans hope to receive cryptocurrency as a gift this year. 

While crypto’s growth is notable, there has also been an increase in the number of scams associated with digital assets. A Chainalysis blog post highlighting the company’s “2022 Crypto Crime Report” revealed that scams were the dominant form of cryptocurrency-based crimes by transaction volume this year. The post notes that over $7.7 billion worth of cryptocurrency has been taken from scam victims globally. According to Chainalysis’ previous research, this number represents an 81% increase compared to 2020, a year in which scamming activity dropped significantly compared to 2019.

Source: Chainalysis

Scams are the biggest threat for building trust in crypto

Kim Grauer, head of research at Chainalysis, told Cointelegraph that while there are many different crypto-related crimes, scamming has become the largest in terms of value received by criminals. She added that scams represent a significant threat to building trust within the crypto ecosystem, as this may prevent people from investing in digital assets.

Grauer further mentioned that scams related to decentralized finance (DeFi) have been on the rise this year. With an annualized revenue in all DeFi protocols estimated at around $5 billion, this shouldn’t come as a surprise. More interesting, though, is that Chainalsyis has discovered that “rug pulls” have contributed to this year’s increase in scam revenue. According to Grauer, Chainalysis defines rug pulls as an instance when a person or developer decides to unexpectedly cease a project and run away with funds:

“Rug pulls have accelerated the amount of scamming the crypto space has seen this year. In addition to financial scams, rug pulls have exploited different vulnerabilities in the crypto space. Overall, they have taken $2.8 billion of cryptocurrency.”

Although rug pulls are a relatively new crime, Grauer believes these cases are becoming common in the growing DeFi ecosystem. To put this in perspective, the Chainalysis blog post notes, “Rug pulls have emerged as the go-to scam of the DeFi ecosystem, accounting for 37% of all cryptocurrency scam revenue in 2021, versus just 1% in 2020.”

The Chainalysis blog post also provides examples of some of the biggest rug pulls of 2021. For instance, the AnubisDAO case is mentioned as the second-biggest rug pull of this year, with over $58 million worth of cryptocurrency stolen. According to the post, AnubisDAO launched on Oct. 28, 2021, with claims of offering a decentralized currency backed by a number of assets. However, the project didn’t contain a website or white paper, and all of the developers went by pseudonyms. Miraculously, AnubisDAO still managed to raise nearly $60 million overnight, yet 20 hours later, all of those funds disappeared from AnubisDAO’s liquidity pool.

While AnubisDAO demonstrates a large-scale DeFi rug pull, new cases are occurring almost daily. An early Ethereum and DeFi investor who wishes to remain anonymous told Cointelegraph that they fell victim to a rug pull on Dec. 19, 2021. The anonymous source shared that the project is called “up1.network,” noting that many early Ethereum investors were discussing Up1 in a Discord chat group. They added:

“People I trusted were mentioning the project so I checked it out. I thought it was strange to see Up1 giving away airdrops, but thought it could have been affiliated with a DeFi token I had. I then connected my MetaMask wallet and clicked on ‘get airdrop’ but kept getting an error message. I did this three times, which gave the project access to my account.”

Unfortunately, once Up1 gained access to their account, three DeFi tokens worth $50,000 were instantly taken. “I revoked access after the fact on Etherscan so they couldn’t steal any more tokens,” they mentioned. The Ethereum investor then checked the DeFi platform Zerion where they saw the notifications that the DeFi tokens had left their wallet. Zerion also provided them with a wallet address to where the funds went, along with a message:

“0xc28a580acc42294787f44cffbaa788eaa4958056; You gave a web3 site / smart contract unlimited access to your funds (check who you gave access to and revoke here).”

While both AnubisDAO and Up1 are examples of DeFi rug pulls, it’s important to point out that the nonfungible token (NFT) ecosystem is also vulnerable to rug pulls. Most recently, the Bored Ape Yacht Club community fell victim to a rug pull when some members decided to connect their wallets to mint NFTs from a link posted in the group’s Discord channel. 

Even more surprising is that rug pull scams are also targeting mainstream NFT projects. For example, on Oct. 28, 2021, the global beauty pageant Miss Universe sent out an official tweet announcing the launch of its NFTs on the Wax blockchain. Unfortunately, the people who minted these nonfungible tokens were part of a rug pull.

Jessica Yang, an NFT photographer, told Cointelegraph that when Miss Universe announced the launch of an NFT project, she didn’t question whether it was a scam or not because the pageant is widely known. “The price of each NFT was 0.06 Ethereum. That translates to around $230 for one. The artwork also has the beauty contestant’s face and country they are associated with plastered on it,” she remarked.

Yang also mentioned that the project was geared toward women, noting that Paula Shugart, the president of Miss Universe, previously stated:

“Miss Universe is going to be the first brand in the NFT space that is about women, about women’s empowerment, and embracing the technology, and moving forward. I love it; this is the first one that is away from other more male-oriented spaces.”

Given the brand’s reputation and appeal, Yang and many others minted Miss Universe NFTs, connecting their wallets to the platform. Yet Yang noted that the next day, Miss Universe deleted its official Instagram account. She then noticed that her funds disappeared entirely. Yang added:

​​”One red flag I saw was coming from their Discord. The moderators kept trying to get everyone to buy Miss Universe NFTs, promising that they were going along with the roadmap. Their roadmap promised monthly AMAs, signed prints, and much more. Even Steve Harvey vetted the project.”

Do your own research

As the DeFi and NFT ecosystems continue to mature and grow, these environments will, unfortunately, be prone to rug pull scams until industry solutions are developed. In the meantime, the best course of action is for users to do their own research.

For instance, Grauer shared that every DeFi project should have a code audit available to make investors feel safer. “Many of the DeFi platforms that have been hacked don’t have code audits,” she remarked. The Chainalysis blog post also pointed out that “rug pulls are prevalent in DeFi because with the right technical know-how, it’s cheap and easy to create new tokens on the Ethereum blockchain or others and get them listed on decentralized exchanges (DEX) without a code audit.”

In addition to code audits, the anonymous Ethereum investor shared that after reviewing the Up1 site more closely, they could tell that it was fake. “For instance, the team was all anonymous, with just first names that couldn’t be clicked on to open a Twitter or LinkedIn profile.” Even with these precautions the anonymous source mentioned that wallet providers also need to do a better job of keeping users safe:

“If there is a questionable site, wallets should seek them out. I believe this technology can scale, but it has to be able to handle these scams. Otherwise, people will lose all their money.”

Following the Up1 rug pull, the anonymous source contacted MetaMask and shared that they got a response noting that it would flag the website.

It’s also important to point out that while a clear industry solution is yet to be developed, Grauer noted that, unlike fiat-related crimes, crypto payments can be traced to their source. With this in mind, she added that some cryptocurrency platforms are starting to take action to keep users safe from scams.

For example, crypto exchange Luno partnered with Chainalysis in 2020 to protect against a scam targeting South African crypto users. Eva Crouwel, head of financial crime at Luno, told Cointelegraph that one of the requirements from a regulatory framework point of view is to be able to monitor and act upon transactions that have a suspicion of money laundering, terrorist financing, sanctions or any other type of illicit activity. She noted that on-chain transactions must be monitored, as well as the design and the development of case management and user interface.

In terms of crypto investors keeping themselves safe from scams, Crouwel recommends staying away from offers that sound too good to be true, adding:

“Start by doing as much due diligence as possible. Look at the company’s/token’s social media profiles to see what other users’ experiences have been. You should also go through the company directors’ personal social media pages and look into their industry connections and employment background so ensure their history is sound.”

Bitcoin headed for breakout or breakdown? Analysts weigh in

Just 1.3 million Bitcoin left circulating on crypto exchanges

6.3% of total Bitcoin supply is left on exchange wallets, according to a new analysis by Cryptorank.

In glad tidings for an orange Christmas, Bitcoin (BTC) supply is drying up to lows not seen for years. In a recent tweet by CryptoRank, just 6.3% of the total Bitcoin supply, or 1.3 million BTC, is held on cryptocurrency exchanges. 

The decreasing supply is nothing new, trending down since the Bitcoin halving in 2020 when the BTC block reward was cut in two. BTC availability on exchanges followed suit, slowly trending down over the past year. Exchange wallets accounted for 9.5% of the BTC supply in October 2020, just before the 2020 Christmas all-time highs, and 7.3% in July this year. The 6.3% December figure is the lowest recorded in 2021.

Interestingly, Coinbase’s BTC wallet dominance is also slipping. The American exchange used to custody more BTC than all other exchanges combined. Its dominance has slipped from 50.52% to 40.65% over the past year.

The news follows a swathe of positive price metrics that dovetail the upward price action of Bitcoin. Firstly, the illiquid BTC supply has iced over for the winter as the BTC supply going from a "liquid" to an "illiquid" state is now 100,000 BTC per month. In essence, more BTC is locked away into cold storage than the amount being mined.

Glassnode, the on-chain analytics company, shared further bullish news regarding exchange behavior. The seven-day moving average for BTC’s exchange inflow volume just reached a 5-month low of 978.452 BTC and has been trending down week on week. The exchange supply shortage may continue with less and less BTC sent to exchanges.

Furthermore, it’s important to note that many retail investors and some companies store their BTC on exchanges, indicating that the ‘illiquid’ BTC may be even lower. Some BTC hodlers would leave the custody of their keys to exchanges instead of taking their BTC offline into cold storage.

Related: Bitcoin needs to clear $51K to reduce the chance of new sell-off from BTC whales

Unsurprisingly, Binance CEO and co-founder Changpeng Zhao has encouraged the hot wallet practice, despite the best efforts of Bitcoiners like Andreas Antonopolous ensuring ‘not your keys, not your Bitcoin’ is part of everyday BTC mantra.

As a result, while 1.3 million BTC rests on exchanges, they may not be ‘circulating’, and may in fact contribute to the illiquid supply.

Nonetheless, despite calls for a “Santa Rally” off the back of bullish analytics, the bears are not yet out of the woods. A tweet by BullRun Invest using Glassnode data shows that 24.6% of all BTC supply is sitting above the price of $47,000.

It suggests that roughly a quarter of the BTC bought at those price levels are currently underwater. If BTC fails to make progress into the 50s, there may be fewer presents under the tree tomorrow.

Bitcoin headed for breakout or breakdown? Analysts weigh in

Dormant Bitcoin wallet holding 321 BTC activated after eight years

For one reason or another, the wallet has not transacted for years despite having what is considered life-changing money.

A Bitcoin wallet containing millions of dollars worth of Bitcoin (BTC) has come out of dormancy. For one reason or another, the wallet has not transacted for years despite having what is considered life-changing money. 

The wallet had not been used since 2013, barely a few years after the mysterious Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto disappeared. The wallet currently contains $15 million worth of BTC, and it’s unclear who owns this account or why it was reactivated on Tuesday.

The wallet has 321 BTC. After eight years, the value of this amount has increased from $6,594 to a staggering $15,103,046. By now, the funds in the wallet had appreciated almost 2,300 times.

The Bitcoin community is abuzz with speculation about who owns the wallet and why it has just come out of dormancy. Some believe that it could be a whale — an individual or group with a large stash of Bitcoin — who is about to make a move that will shake up the market.

A Twitter user proposed several reasons for the wallet activation in a comment thread. Many possibilities exist according to them, from Satoshi Nakamoto deciding to return to a patient investor who is going to sell their BTC now to someone just recalling their seed phrase for their Bitcoin wallet.

In recent months, several dormant Bitcoin wallets from 2011–2013 have been reactivated, each containing tens of millions of dollars worth of Bitcoin. On Sept. 19, the owner of a dormant Bitcoin wallet emptied their account and transferred all 616 BTC to different accounts.

Related: Dead Coins and Wallets: The Treasures of Atlantis or Zombie Uprising?

Old, sleeping wallets from the early days of Bitcoin are being reactivated with large amounts of cryptocurrency inside. Early investors who put up a few hundred dollars and kept their stakes have evolved into BTC whales, with values continuing to rise.

Another Bitcoin wallet awoke in January after having been inactive since June 2010. The wallet had $5 million worth of BTC. In June 2021, another Bitcoin whale account with 900 BTC became active. On Sunday, another dormant address with 235 BTC ($11,114,901) was reactivated after nine years. A dormant address containing 225 BTC was activated on Thursday after almost eight-and-a-half years.

Bitcoin headed for breakout or breakdown? Analysts weigh in

Nexo partners with Three Arrows Capital to launch NFT lending & art financing service

Bored Ape Yacht Club and CryptoPunks NFTs are two of the options supported as collateral for crypto credit lines on the platform.

Nexo, the crypto borrowing and exchange platform, has launched an NFT Lending Desk in partnership with NFT hedge fund Three Arrows Capital. The new lending desk caters to over-the-counter, or OTC, clients to offer crypto credit backed by NFTs. Nexo is one of the first crypto lenders to allow customers to borrow stablecoins, ETH, and other cryptocurrencies using certain NFTs as collateral. 

The company stated that in its initial iteration, the service will accept Bored Ape Yacht Club and CryptoPunks NFTs, with more collections on the way. Clients can also use issued lines of credit as a means of art financing by executing further NFT purchases with t borrowed funds.

In a statement shared with Cointelegraph, Nexo Cofounder and Managing Partner Antoni Trenchev said:

“Our partnership with Three Arrows Capital is a definitive move towards providing financial instruments & Web 3.0-native MetaFi. As we continue to discover the full scope of this asset class, services like Nexo’s lending will be in high demand to unlock NFTs’ underlying value while allowing users to retain ownership.”

Related: Fidelity and Nexo are entering institutional lending market

By collaborating with Three Arrows Capital, Nexo said it hopes to expand its existing crypto credit issuance services by providing the NFT Lending Desk with risk hedging, valuation and liquidation mechanisms. Additionally, Three Arrows Capital became the first NFT Lending Desk client with an NFT-collateralized crypto credit issued by Nexo.

Three Arrows Capital Director Kyle Davies added that they are “happy to partner with Nexo and demonstrate our recognition of NFTs’ promise as a financial instrument – one that requires appropriate, high-quality financial tools to be fully leveraged.”

Related: Three Arrows buys 156K ETH in the weeks after CEO ‘abandoned ETH’

In the coming months, Nexo said it plans to increase its offerings of investment-grade products and accessible and secure exposure to the NFT market, according to the company.

As the NFT-backed lending market grows and NFT utility increases, other lending platforms such as NFTfi, ETNA Network and Drops Loans are also offering similar services to Nexo.

Bitcoin headed for breakout or breakdown? Analysts weigh in

Undefeated Gilberto ‘Zurdo’ Ramirez Heads to the Ring With Bitcoin.com in His Corner

Undefeated Gilberto ‘Zurdo’ Ramirez Heads to the Ring With Bitcoin.com in His CornerGilberto ‘Zurdo’ Ramírez, a Mexican boxer with an impeccable professional record, is warming up for a Saturday night bout, one last hurdle before getting a shot at the World Boxing Association (WBA) light heavyweight title. Ramirez will face Yunieski Gonzalez in a final eliminator securing a chance to defeat the unbeaten champion, Dmitry Bivol. Bitcoin.com […]

Bitcoin headed for breakout or breakdown? Analysts weigh in

German Savings Banks Consider Offering Crypto Services to Customers

German Savings Banks Consider Offering Crypto Services to CustomersAn association of savings banks in Germany is looking to offer crypto services to customers in a pilot test that would include the development of a crypto wallet. The association, which has more than 50 million customers, would be acting amidst a wave of cryptocurrency interest ostensibly sparked by inflation concerns and negative interest rates. […]

Bitcoin headed for breakout or breakdown? Analysts weigh in

Robinhood partners with Chainalysis ahead of crypto wallet launch

The trading app will adopt Chainalysis' monitoring compliance solution Know-Your-Transaction as well as the Chainalysis Reactor, its investigations software.

Blockchain analytics firm Chainalysis will be partnering with Robinhood to provide data and tools for trading in advance of the app launching its crypto wallet.

In a Monday announcement, Chainalysis said the integrated partnership with Robinhood Crypto will help the trading app meet compliance requirements ahead of the launch of its crypto wallet, expected to roll out for all users in early 2022. According to Robinhood, the platform will adopt Chainalysis' Know-Your-Transaction, the firm’s monitoring compliance solution, in addition to Chainalysis Reactor, its investigations software. The trading app also said its teams would be using Chainalysis’ certification programs to achieve compliance.

“Chainalysis works closely with regulators and law enforcement to develop industry best practices and that approach is aligned with Robinhood’s commitment to working with policymakers in a collaborative manner,” said Robinhood Crypto’s head of partnerships Ben Einstein.

According to Robinhood, more than 1.6 million people are on the waitlist for a wallet which will support depositing and withdrawing Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH), Dogecoin (DOGE), and other tokens. The trading app has been testing its digital wallet feature since it was first announced in September.

Many government agencies and companies in the private sector employ Chainalysis as a solution to track both legitimate and illicit crypto transactions. When the U.S. Department of the Treasury announced it would impose sanctions on the Czech Republic and Russia-based business Suex OTC, it cited an investigation from the analytics firm.

Related: BitMEX turns to Chainalysis to solve legal woes, or at least soften the CFTC's blow

After going public on the Nasdaq in July, the share price of Robinhood (HOOD) has steadily declined from an all-time high of $70.39 on Aug. 4 to $21.83 at the time of publication, a drop of roughly 70%.

Bitcoin headed for breakout or breakdown? Analysts weigh in

FLUX, SFP and Badger DAO surge even as Bitcoin price falls to $47K

BTC price continues to soften, but new exchange listings and protocol upgrades provided a much-needed boost for FLUX, SFP and BADGER.

The year-long mantra that the crypto market would see a blow-off top in December has proven to be a dud thus far and for the last week, most cryptocurrencies have been under sell pressure and Bitcoin (BTC) is encountering difficulty in trading above $47,000

That said, it's not all bad news for cryptocurrency holders on Dec. 10 because several altcoins have managed to post double-digit gains due to new exchange listings and protocol upgrades.

Top 7 coins with the highest 24-hour price change. Source: Cointelegraph Markets Pro

Data from Cointelegraph Markets Pro and TradingView shows that the biggest gainers over the past 24-hours were Flux (FLUX), SafePal (SFP) and Badger DAO (BADGER).

FLUX benefits from the "Binance bump"

Flux is a GPU mineable proof-of-work protocol aimed at creating a scalable decentralized cloud infrastructure for Web 3.0 applications.

VORTECS™ data and the NewsQuakes™ alerts from Cointelegraph Markets Pro began to detect a bullish outlook for FLUX on Dec. 9, prior to the recent price rise.

The VORTECS™ Score, exclusive to Cointelegraph, is an algorithmic comparison of historical and current market conditions derived from a combination of data points including market sentiment, trading volume, recent price movements and Twitter activity.

VORTECS™ Score (green) vs. FLUX price. Source: Cointelegraph Markets Pro

As seen in the chart above, the NewsQuake™ system put out an alert for FLUX on Dec. 9, less than an hour before the price began to spike 150% over the next day.

The announcement that helped spark the rapid price rise in FLUX was a notification that Binance would be list FLUX token on its platform. Shortly after this announcement, FLUX price rallied to a new all-time high at $4.01.

SafePal adds support for nine new networks

The SafePal project is a cryptocurrency hardware and software wallet solution for investors who hold assets on the Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and Tron networks.

Data from Cointelegraph Markets Pro and TradingView shows that after hitting a low of $1.55 on Dec. 6, the price of SFP has climbed 45.84% to hit a daily high at $2.27 on Dec. 10 as its 24-hour trading volume spiked 50% to $158 million.

SFP/USDT 4-hour chart. Source: TradingView

The building strength for SFP comes as the project released an updated version of its wallet app and added support for Cardano, Nervos Network, Avalanche, Fantom, HECO Chain, Songbird, BOBA Network, Optimism and Arbitrum.

Related: Trader who called 2017 Bitcoin price crash raises concerns over 'double top'

Badger DAO prepares to reactivate its smart contracts

Badger DAO is an open-source decentralized autonomous organization focused on building products and infrastructure that increase the utility of Bitcoin in the decentralized finance landscape.

VORTECS™ data from Cointelegraph Markets Pro began to detect a bullish outlook for BADGER on Dec. 9, prior to the recent price rise.

VORTECS™ Score (green) vs. BADGER price. Source: Cointelegraph Markets Pro

As seen in the chart above, the VORTECS™ Score for BADGER spiked into the green zone and hit a high of 75 on Dec. 9, around three hours before the price increased 48% over the day.

The positive price action for BADGER comes as the protocol tries to bounce back from a Dec. 2 exploit that resulted in the halting of the project's smart contracts.

The overall cryptocurrency market cap now stands at $2.218 trillion and Bitcoin’s dominance rate is 40.7%.

The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Cointelegraph.com. Every investment and trading move involves risk, you should conduct your own research when making a decision.

Bitcoin headed for breakout or breakdown? Analysts weigh in