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Former SEC official David Hirsch says he is not joining pump.fun

Former SEC official David Hirsch says he is not joining pump.fun


Source: Coin Telegraph

Rumors have been circulating that the recently retired SEC veteran was taking on a private role in the digital asset sector.

David Hirsch, who served as chief of the Crypto Assets and Cyber Unit division of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), has clarified that he has not joined the pump.fun team in any capacity.

In a message to Cointelegraph, the recently retired SEC veteran confirmed that any claims associating him with the Solana-based memecoin platform represented misinformation.

On June 17, rumors began circulating that Hirsch had accepted a position with the pump. fun platform due to a somewhat tongue-in-cheek social media post from pump. fun directed at Hirsch.

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Author: Vince Quill