The MOST Exciting Cardano News (ADA for Crypto Adoption)
It might be Crab Season in the crypto markets, with no one really sure about which way we’re heading, but Cardano holders are still confident that a major breakout is just around the corner for ADA. Developers will be able to start experimenting on a public testnet very soon, and the Cardano team has been working behind the scenes to make important deals that will ensure that their products are used by billions of people. Today, we’re going to get deep into some research and see what we can learn about one particular deal that could totally change the game for Cardano.
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0:00 Crab (Rave) Flavored Intro
0:52 Cardano’s Mass Adoption Strategy
1:46 Government Partnerships, including the EU
3:58 The Consortium and Cardano’s Role
5:06 ADA vs Apple, Google, and other tech Goliaths
6:27 What You Need to Know Next About ADA
7:15 Recent News and Future Events for ADA
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