THIS COIN Will Bring Crypto Mainstream (BEST HIDDEN ALT)
If you’re watching this channel, then chances are you love crypto. But what if you actually wanted to spend those hard-earned gains day today? To give up the petro-dollar for good? Say you wanted to treat Grandma to a snazzy new walking cane. Well, in the unlikely event that the local cane store accepted crypto payments, would you really risk Grandma having to stand around for hours as you waited for the transaction to be confirmed? But what if there was a technology out there that allowed you to spend your favorite cryptos at any available payment terminal. And better yet, what if those payments faster and more secure. Sound too good to be true? Well, that pipe-dream may soon be a reality, thanks to the AMP, an ECR20 token many expect to send shockwaves through the global payments industry.
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0:00 Intro
1:16 Flexa
4:24 How it’s different
5:13 Online payments
6:00 AMP
8:11 Tokenomics
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