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Crypto and AI: Control the robots, incentivize the humans

Crypto and AI: Control the robots, incentivize the humans


Source: Coin Telegraph

Does AI need blockchain and crypto to incentivise the humans in the loop — or to help keep the robots in line?

Text generator ChatGPT is the fastest-growing consumer app ever, and its still growing rapidly.

But the dirty secret of AI is that humans are still needed to create, label and structure training data and training data is very expensive. The dark side of this is that an exponential feedback loop is being created where AI is a surveillance technology. And so, managing the humans in the AI loop is crucial.

Some experts believe that when (potentially) robots take over the world, theyd better be controlled by decentralized networks. And humans must be incentivized to prepare the data sets. Blockchain and tokens can help but can blockchain save humanity from AI?

ChatGPT is just regurgitated data

ChatGPT is a big deal according to famed AI researcher Ben Goertzel, given that the ChatGPT thing caused the Google founders to show up at the office for the first time in years! he laughs. Goertzel is the founder of blockchain-based AI marketplace SingularityNET and an outspoken proponent of artificial general intelligence (AGI) computers thinking for themselves. That means he sees where ChatGPT falls short more clearly than most.

Whats interesting about ChatGPT and other neuro models is that they achieve a certain amount of generality without having much ability to generalize. They achieve a general scope of ability relative to an individual human by having so much training data.

How to stop AI annihilating humanity using blockchain
Ben Goertzel and his robot Desdemona (

What is the best solution then? Decentralization is useful to a point, but its not a magic bullet. Web2 has created unintended consequences. We need to learn from that logic and understand blockchain is one foundational tech that offers a lot of advantages but, again, it is not a magic bullet. 

But of course, not all data is freely available on the internet: scientific studies, medical data, personal data harvested by apps and lots of other privately held data can be used to train AI.

One of the most useful tools, he says, is creating large-scale simulations to see how this may all play out. The question, he says, is deciding what we decentralize and what do we not decentralize.

De Kai: harbours concerns, but see solutions
De Kai: harbours concerns, but see solutions (TEDx)

Conclusion: Better data pre-processing using blockchains

So, what is the sweet spot for blockchain + AI? Blockchain being seen and used as a critical piece of mainstream AI development would be that proverbial sweet spot, says Sheikh.

Centralizing the location of all the data of an AI model view is not optimal for AI development in our view. Instead, by enabling the humans who trained the model to have ownership of their own data and get incentivized based on the impact they made on the accuracy of the insights will further accelerate the adoption of AI. AI models from such a platform can be more scalable and sustainable with improved security and privacy.

In the 70s80s, one of the biggest mistakes was to assume that what we were doing with AI was correct. We have to test our assumptions again now, worries Kai.

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Author: Max Parasol