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Zimbabwe’s Central Bank Launches Gold-and Forex-Backed ‘Structured Currency’

Zimbabwe’s Central Bank Launches Gold-and Forex-Backed ‘Structured Currency’The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe has introduced a foreign exchange and gold-backed “structured currency” to replace the struggling local currency. The structured currency banknotes will be “fully convertible into the reserve currency on demand.” The central bank has also reduced the annual interest rate from 130% to 20%. Structured Currency Supported by Solid Fundamentals The […]

Malaysian Prime Minister Discusses Crypto Frameworks During UAE Visit

Almost 50 Russian Banks Accept Yuan Deposits Amid Low Demand for Dollar Accounts

Almost 50 Russian Banks Accept Yuan Deposits Amid Low Demand for Dollar AccountsA growing number of banking institutions in Russia are offering customers the option to save in Chinese yuan. The trend coincides with declining demand for U.S. dollar and euro deposits amid currency restrictions that triggered a flight of funds to bank accounts abroad. Demand for Dollar, Euro Accounts Expected to Drop Further, Requests for Yuan […]

Malaysian Prime Minister Discusses Crypto Frameworks During UAE Visit

Hong Kong Security Crackdown Leads to Record Capital Outflows— Residents Reportedly Used Cryptocurrencies to Move Funds

Hong Kong Security Crackdown Leads to Record Capital Outflows— Residents Reportedly Used Cryptocurrencies to Move FundsThe Canadian anti-money laundering agency, Fintrac, says it recorded official capital inflows originating from Hong Kong that totaled more than $34 billion in the past year. The outflows, which are the highest since 2012 when the earliest Fintrac records are available, “are the first evidence of a significant flight of capital overseas from the Asian […]

Malaysian Prime Minister Discusses Crypto Frameworks During UAE Visit