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Russia’s Largest Private Bank Launches Digital Asset Platform

Russia’s Largest Private Bank Launches Digital Asset PlatformAlfa-Bank, one of the major Russian banking institutions, has established its own platform for digital financial assets. The launch became possible after Russia’s monetary authority added Alfa-Bank to its register of digital asset issuers this week. Privately-Owned Alfa-Bank Sets Up Digital Asset Platform With Central Bank’s Permission Russia’s Alfa-Bank has launched ‘A-Token,’ a platform allowing […]

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Kazakhstan Launches Consultation on Proposals to Improve Crypto Trading

Kazakhstan Launches Consultation on Proposals to Improve Crypto TradingFinancial authorities in Kazakhstan are starting a public consultation on draft changes to the country’s framework for digital-asset trading. The proposals include measures to reduce risks in the crypto market and improvements to the structure of exchange platforms. Kazakhstan’s Financial Hub Seeks to Amend Its Concept for Trading Digital Assets The Astana Financial Services Authority, […]

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Coinbase Fined €3.3 Million in Netherlands, Exchange Considers Appeal

Coinbase Fined €3.3 Million in Netherlands, Exchange Considers AppealThe Dutch central bank has imposed a fine on crypto exchange Coinbase for providing services in the past without the necessary registration. The trading platform, which has until March to object to the measure, is currently considering an appeal against the move. Dutch Monetary Authority Fines Coinbase for Operating Without Registration De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) […]

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UK’s FCA hints at why its given only 15% of crypto firms the regulatory nod

The UK financial watchdog has received 300 crypto firm registration applications but has approved only 41 applicants.

Despite the plans to turn the region into a bustling crypto hub, the United Kingdom’s financial watchdog says it has given the all-clear to only 41 out of 300 crypto firm applications seeking regulatory approval to date.

The U.K. Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) implemented the new cryptocurrency-focused regulations on Jan. 10, 2020, to supervise businesses operating in the sector and to ensure that they’re subject to the same anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing (CTF) regulations as firms in traditional financial markets.

A statement from the FCA has revealed that of the 265 applications that were "determined" a mere 15% of these applications were approved and registered, 74% of firms either refused or withdrew their application, while 11% were rejected. Another 35 applications are yet to be determined.

While the FCA didn’t expressly state the cause of d the rejected or withdrawn applications, it did provide feedback on “good and poor quality” applications.

Among the more complete applications included a detailed description of the firm’s business model, the roles and responsibilities of business partners and service providers, sources of liquidity, flow-of-funds charts, and an outline of the policies and systems set in place to manage risk, the report stated.

A flowchart which helps firms understand whether they need to register with the FCA. Source: FCA

Incomplete applications were more apparent where companies used the application to promote their products and services, particularly in cases when the application process was still ongoing:

“Applicants’ websites and marketing material must not include language that gives the impression that making an application for registration is a form of endorsement or recommendation by the FCA.”

The report suggests that some companies may have had their applications scrapped if they couldn’t show that they have sufficient blockchain-compliance resources set in place to monitor on-chain transactions.

The FCA also doubled down on its anti-money laundering stance, demanding that all firms appoint a money laundering reporting officer who is “fully involved” in the application process.

The FCA also stressed that even for those firms that had their registrations approved, such approval doesn’t mean that they’re no longer free from obligations:

"Applicants must recognize that being registered is not a one-off formality or a tick-box exercise without any further obligations or interaction with the FCA.”

"This feedback should help applicants when they prepare their application for registration and help make the process as simple and efficient as possible," the note summarized.

Among the digital asset firms to have registered under the FCA thus far include Crypto.com, Revolut, CEX.IO, eToro, Wintermute Trading, DRW Global Markets, Copper, Globalblock, Moneybrain and Zodia Markets.

Related: British authorities split on banning sale of crypto investment products

Given that many companies provide international services, the U.K. FCA also confirmed that they’re now collaborating with other state agencies around the world — most notably the U.S. securities regulator and the U.S. commodities regulator — in order to strengthen regulation where necessary.

The FCA has stressed on several occasions that failure to register before conducting business may result in criminal charges.

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Binance to Increase Presence in Poland in Compliance With Local Regulations

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Bank of France Governor Calls for Mandatory Licensing for Crypto Companies

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Binance Obtains Registration as Crypto Service Provider in Cyprus

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Uzbekistan Introduces Monthly Fees for Cryptocurrency Companies

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Bill Aims to Limit Crypto Mining in Kazakhstan Only to Registered Companies

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FCA highlights limited role as unregistered businesses continue to operate

Crypto.com has become the latest company to register with the United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority, while many continue to operate without approval.

The number of unregistered cryptocurrency-related businesses continues to outweigh those signed up with the United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority. Crypto.com became the latest business from the cryptocurrency ecosystem to register with the FCA, joining a list of a confirmed 37 companies with the green light to offer services in the country.

Just seven businesses have gone through the registration process in 2022 to achieve Money Laundering Regulations approval, which includes eToro UK, DRW Global Markets LTD, Zodia Markets (UK) Limited, Uphold Europe Limited, Rubicon Digital UK Limited and Wintermute Trading LTD. Crypto.com is the seventh, registered under FORIS DAX UK Limited.

The FCA has also compiled a list of U.K.-based businesses that continue to carry out ‘crypto asset activity’ without being registered with the FCA for anti-money laundering (AML) purposes. The list is extensive, mainly featuring firms offering a variety of cryptocurrency trading and foreign exchange services.

New cryptocurrency-focused regulations were instituted in January 2020 to allow the FCA to supervise businesses operating in the space and enforce AML and counter-terrorism financing regulations (MLRs).

Companies were given just over a year to submit applications to be eligible for a temporary registration regime (TRR), while failure to do so and continue operating could be deemed a criminal offense.

Related: Enforcement and adoption: What do UK’s recent regulatory aims for crypto mean?

Cointelegraph reached out to the FCA to unpack its regulatory reach over the industry, the process of the temporary registration regime and the number of unregistered entities currently operating. The organization stressed that it does not oversee the entire cryptocurrency landscape and that it does not hold consumer protection powers. 

The body also noted that it was limited in registering U.K.-based cryptocurrency exchanges for anti-money laundering purposes. The FCA also explained that the TRR was set up to allow crypto firms already attempting to register to retain temporary trading permissions during the process.

During the TRR, firms could still apply to register with the FCA and can continue to do so after the cut-off in April 2022. The regulator also stressed that firms should not trade until they have registered. The FCA concluded assessments of all firms during the TRR, except those where it was deemed necessary to continue to have temporary registration.

The latest FCA list of firms with temporary registration has just one company listed as of Aug. 17. Revolut, which offers a host of digital banking services, is the sole business on this list which has slowly seen companies drop off through 2021 and 2022. The FCA would not be drawn to comment on the individual firm's ongoing temporary registration status.

A spokesperson for the FCA told Cointelegraph that the standards it set for registration were aimed at providing a safe environment for investors while supporting the innovation promised by the industry:

"Successful registration depends upon a firm meeting the minimum standards we expect to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing, and we have seen too many financial crime red flags missed by the crypto asset businesses seeking registration."

The FCA will continue to process registration applications for cryptocurrency exchanges and service providers, stressing the importance of minimum standards to ensure provision of adequate systems to identify and prevent the flow of funds linked to criminal activities:

"We have seen, as a result, new regulated firms, many of them drawing on the use of crypto or its underlying technology. Strong, well-respected regulation helps innovators by providing consumer and investor confidence."

While the FCA admitted that it lacked the teeth to crack down on unregistered operators in the country, it continues to keep tabs on these organizations. The spokesperson highlighted the fact that the U.K. Parliament controls regulatory perimeters and ultimately determines what the authority regulates.

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