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Ankr says no one should trade aBNBc, only LPs ‘caught off guard’ will be compensated

The company stated it would be discontinuing aBNBc and aBNBb tokens "effective immediately," and that "new ankrBNB tokens will be minted and airdropped to affected aBNBc and aBNBb users."

Following yesterday's confirmed multi-million dollar exploit, BNB Chain based protocol Ankr took to its company blog on Dec. 2 to relay its next steps to users.

The team said it was identifying liquidity providers to decentralized exchanges as well as protocols supporting aBNBc or aBNBb LP. The group also said it is assessing aBNBc collateral pools, such as  Midas and Helio. According to the post, Ankr intends to purchase $5 million worth of BNB, which it will use to compensate liquidity providers affected by the exploit.

Some users speculatively traded diluted aBNBc after the exploit had occurred as well, but the company indicated that these traders won't be included in the protocol's recompense measures stating, "we are only able to compensate LP’s caught off guard by the event."

The developers gave a brief explanation as to how the hack occurred. A malicious actor gained access to the team’s “deployer key” or the key originally used to deploy the protocol’s smart contracts. Since the contracts are upgradeable, this allowed the attacker to deploy an entirely new version of one of the contracts, which gave them the ability to mint an unlimited number of coins “without authorization checks.”

After gaining this power, the team said that the attacker minted 60 trillion aBNBb tokens “out of thin air.” These were swapped for USDC and moved off the network through bridges to Ethereum.

In response, the team first transferred ownership of the contracts to a new, uncompromised account. This secured the contracts, preventing the attacker from doing any further damage. Ankr’s validators, RPC API, and App Chain services were not compromised, so transferring ownership of the contracts was the only action needed to restore security.

Next, Ankr alerted all DEXs to not allow trading of aBNBc or aBNBb, and it is currently going through the process of identifying liquidity providers for these tokens, such as those supplying the token to Helios and Midas.

The blog post emphasized that the current versions of aBNBc and aBNBb will no longer be redeemable for BNB. A snapshot will be taken of the balances that users had before the exploit. New versions of these tokens will be issued, and token holders will be compensated with the new coins based on the balances they had before the exploit. For this reason, the team cautioned users not to trade aBNBc or aBNBb.

Ankr also mentioned that it realized some users have engaged in arbitrages to profit from the exploit, but these arbitrages will not be rewarded, as the snapshot will be taken for the time and date of Dec 02, 2022, 12:43:18 a.m. UTC. All trades done after this time will not affect the holder’s reimbursement.

In addition, the developers stated that liquidity providers should remove their aBNBc and aBNBb tokens from their liquidity pools and hold the tokens in their wallets instead.

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BNB Chain-Based Defi Protocol Ankr Suffers Major Exploit

BNB Chain-Based Defi Protocol Ankr Suffers Major ExploitDecentralized Web3 infrastructure provider Ankr has become the latest victim of a hacking attack targeting the defi space. The perpetrators who hit the platform were able to mint and steal a massive amount of tokens in a multimillion-dollar exploit. Defi Protocol Ankr Hit by Unlimited Mint Bug Exploit Worth Millions Ankr, a decentralized finance (defi) […]

White House: America Will Be the Bitcoin Superpower of the World

MATIC attack: How smart crypto traders “got out” before a 35% price drop

Polygon (MATIC) and Green Satoshi Token (GST) provide the perfect examples of how quant analysis can help cryptocurrency investors shield themselves from volatile markets.

Disparities in information access and data analytics technology are what give institutional players an edge over regular retail investors in the digital asset space.

The core idea behind Markets Pro, Cointelegraph’s crypto-intelligence platform powered by data analytics firm The Tie, is to equalize the information asymmetries present in the cryptocurrency market.

Markets Pro bridges the gap of these asymmetries with its world-class functionality: the quant-style VORTECS™ Score.

The VORTECS™ Score is an algorithmic comparison of several key market metrics for each coin utilizing years of historical data that assesses whether the outlook for an asset is bullish, bearish or neutral at any given moment based on the historical record of price action.

The VORTECS™ Score is designed to notify traders that something has just happened that — in the past — reliably moved asset prices.

That’s why a good Markets Pro chart is one that shows events happening in the right order and at the right time: First comes the indicator, and then price action follows.

In the last couple of days, we have observed a number of exemplary scenarios illustrating classic Markets Pro insights into the market.

MATIC: VORTECS™ provides an exclusive foreshadowing of price drop

November started off promising for those invested in Polygon (MATIC) — but any expectations for lasting gains would be left in ruins. The token, despite seeing a comfortable rise to $1.25 on November 8, 2022, would suffer a steep fall of 35.4% down to $0.807 just two days later.

Following this was a surprising resurgence, with MATIC going back up to $1.13 on November 11. But here’s the kicker: While most traders only saw what was on the surface — MATIC’s potential resurgence in a bear market — Markets Pro members had access to a wider view.

Even if the price trend looked promising, the market conditions remained historically unfavorable for MATIC, suggesting a prime selling opportunity — which came to fruition with another 22.1% dip to $0.883.


Since August, MATIC’s VORTECS™ Score remained below 74, foreshadowing a price drop that, by all traditional measures, ran contrary to MATIC’s early November bull run up to $1.25.

Throughout the first half of November, its VORTECS™ Score hovered between 54 and 60. This provided fantastic opportunities to cash in on not one, but two, price dips for all investors with access to Markets Pro — regardless of their level of experience.

GST: VORTECS™ predicts 12% dip

Similarly, the Green Satoshi Token (GST) token saw a pump from $0.023 to $0.042 — an 82.6% increase — between November 3–6.

While the average investor may have been spurred on to buy in case the price continued upwards, Markets Pro members were able to deduce that this price action was a red herring.

This is because at the very height of GST’s bull run, its VORTECS™ Score took a nosedive from 48 down to 24.

Members familiar with Markets Pro’s VORTECS™ scoring system would know that 40, much less 24, meant the equivalent of red flags and warning bells — and would have had an opportunity to prevent a major loss to their position in the coin.


At the time of this writing, GST's VORTECS™ Score is 50 and its token price is back around $0.022.

Cointelegraph Markets Pro is available exclusively to members at $99 per month with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. We are offering you access to the only crypto-intelligence platform in the world that can provide you with the exact same trading alerts as institutions and hedge funds in real time … before this information becomes public knowledge.

Cointelegraph is a publisher of financial information, not an investment adviser. We do not provide personalized or individualized investment advice. Cryptocurrencies are volatile investments and carry significant risk including the risk of permanent and total loss. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Figures and charts are correct at the time of writing or as otherwise specified. Live-tested strategies are not recommendations. Consult your financial advisor before making financial decisions.

All ROIs quoted are accurate as of 8:00 am UTC on Dec. 1, 2022

White House: America Will Be the Bitcoin Superpower of the World

What is tokenization and how are banks tapping into its design principles?

Financial services organizations can use tokenization to solve several friction points and have better risk management in place.

Tokenization is the process of converting something with tangible or intangible value into digital tokens. Tangible assets like real estate, stocks or art can be tokenized. In a similar vein, intangible assets like voting rights and loyalty points can be tokenized, too. We see Avios as an example of tokenized loyalty points by the traditional credit card industry.

However, when tokens are created on a blockchain, they add a level of transparency that previous iterations of tokens couldn’t achieve. There are several banks that are experimenting with tokenization. But, before diving into the use cases in banking, it would be useful to understand the qualitative advantages that tokenization brings to financial services.

As major financial institutions enter the crypto space, they pay special attention to issues like custody and Anti-Money Laundering analytics and compliance. Now, with the dramatic collapse of FTX, the key qualitative benefits of tokenization are in the spotlight yet again. 


Real estate is one of the most illiquid asset classes. When a property is worth a few million dollars, buying and selling the property can take time. Now, imagine a $1 million home is tokenized, with each token representing property ownership. When these tokens are available for purchase in the market, 100 buyers can each invest $10,000 to buy ownership of the property.

This naturally increases the ease with which illiquid assets can be sold, as fractionalized ownership is possible with tokenized assets. Fintech firms like Yielders already implement fractional ownership of real estate without using blockchain tech. Also, illiquid asset classes like private equity and venture capital can benefit from tokenization.

When an illiquid asset like real estate or art is tokenized, the entire asset class benefits from the liquidity created. It also allows for a healthy secondary market and creates more data for better valuation of these assets. Platforms like Reinno and Realt offer global investors access to tokenized real estate.

As a property owner, this opens up options of selling just part of the property through tokens instead of selling the entire property. From an investor perspective, someone in Brazil with $1,000 can invest in property in Manhattan.

For instance, Realt offers investors tokenized properties. While the properties listed on their platform cost from several hundred thousand dollars to a few million, they are tokenized and each token can be valued at less than $50. This makes it extremely affordable for interested investors in most places of the world.

Similarly, fractional ownership of nonfungible tokens (NFT) is being rolled out for the more expensive NFT and art collections. As a result of a liquid secondary market for an illiquid asset, pricing also becomes easier due to transparent supply and demand dynamics.

Liquidity risk management

In addition to these benefits, liquidity risk management within financial services organizations can also benefit from tokenization. That benefit is a lot clearer from the FTX collapse and how tokenization could have helped there.

The FTX collapse had several underlying issues, not the least of which came from its business model using the volatile FTX Token (FTT) as collateral. However, if there were checks and balances in place that were transparent for customers to see, mitigating actions could have been taken in time.

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At no point in their journey did FTX create transparency around how much liquid assets they had to service their liabilities. As a result, FTX managed to repurpose user funds (liabilities) for their investments (illiquid assets). Tokenizing both assets and liabilities would have shown a liquidity gap in real-time and cautioned the market of the looming crisis.

After the FTX collapse, there has been a rushed effort to provide proof of reserves from several centralized crypto exchanges. However, proof of reserves only shows that a firm has some assets to service its debts.

An equally important capability is proof of liabilities. If a firm can transparently demonstrate that it has $1 billion in reserves/assets, but its liabilities, which could be $10 billion, are not clear for everyone to see, its solvency is under question.

The challenge in creating transparency around liabilities is that, often, firms capitalize themselves through debt raises in fiat currencies. As these instruments are not tokenized, real-time solvency cannot be demonstrated. Therefore, in order to avoid an FTX-like incident in the future, exchanges will need to provide proof of assets and liabilities.

One of the key qualitative aspects of tokenization that is apparent from the FTX saga is the “proof of solvency.” The transparency that tokenization brings can also help assess the solvency of a firm in real-time. If both assets and liabilities of a bank can be tokenized, on-chain analytics can be used to understand if the firm has enough assets to service its liabilities.


The tokenization of assets makes them more accessible to retail investors. In the example given earlier, an investor with $10,000 could own a share of a million-dollar property in a prime location and benefit from a rise in its value. Without tokenization, they wouldn’t be able to participate in big-ticket assets that offer good returns.

This is particularly true with high net worth individuals who want access to products that are only available for private banking clients. In the past, products with attractive returns profiles were offered exclusively to institutional investors. Even high-net-worth and sophisticated investors would struggle to get access to these assets. 


As financial services firms and banks tokenize their asset base, the instant finality that blockchain offers can help them see where they stand with their capital health in real-time. Settlements which used to take two days, referred to as (T+2), can now be instant. This offers both operational and capital efficiencies.

Organizations can assess their precise level of capitalization and make quick and profitable decisions to deploy their capital. In times of market crisis, the same capability can help manage capital and reduce risks.

With all these purported benefits, what are banks and financial services firms experimenting with tokenization? 

JPM Coin

JPM Coin is JPMorgan’s version of a United States dollar stablecoin. JPM Coin is currently in its prototype stage and is being trialed and tested for money transfer across JPMorgan’s institutional customers. JPM Coin may be launched in other currencies should the dollar prototype prove successful.

As described by the bank, institutions that participate in this exercise typically follow a three-step transaction process. 

  1. Institutions open a deposit account with JPMorgan and deposit USD in it. They receive an equivalent amount of JPM Coins. 
  2. Institutions can transfer JPM coins globally to other institutions that are JPMorgan clients. This can be just a currency transaction or a security transaction paid in JPM Coins.
  3. The recipient institution can redeem JPM Coins for USD.

Regulators are yet to approve JPM Coin. Only after comprehensive regulatory approval is obtained can it launch for retail use.

The Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC)

The DTCC is a U.S.-based organization that acts as a centralized clearing and settlement company for different asset classes.

In Q4 2021, the DTCC announced a platform to streamline the issuance, transfer and servicing of private market securities through tokenization. Apart from implementing the platform, they also provide a common market infrastructure and standards across private market assets.

As discussed in the qualitative aspects of tokenization, asset classes like private equity and venture capital can be quite illiquid and inaccessible. As a result, the secondary market for private securities is quite nascent. 

Tokenizing these securities and providing market standards could help improve liquidity within these asset classes and also help with efficiencies in settlements. The DTCC has started with the Ethereum blockchain, but the platform can be blockchain agnostic. It plans to offer both public and private blockchain support based on market demand.


ADDX is a Singapore-based blockchain startup that is currently pioneering efforts in tokenizing private market securities for which both accredited investors and institutional investors are eligible to participate.

Recent: How stable are stablecoins in the FTX crypto market contagion?

Assets include venture capital funds, private credit funds, real estate funds, ESG bonds and more. Access to such institutional investment vehicles was limited to a select few in the past. Thanks to fractional ownership through tokenization, accredited investors with a net worth of 2 million Singapore dollars ($1.47 million) can participate in these assets.

The end of banks?

Some claim that digital assets and Web3 are going to be the end of banks, but it is unrealistic to expect that such financial institutions will be relegated to the past. And yet, while banks are likely to remain strong, banking as we know it today is likely to change for the better.

There are several elements of banking that could undergo operating and business model changes over the next couple of decades, largely inspired by digital assets and their underlying design principles.

White House: America Will Be the Bitcoin Superpower of the World

Russia’s Sber bank integrates Metamask into its blockchain platform

Russia’s largest lender is moving into DeFi and Web3 by integrating its blockchain platform with the Ethereum blockchain.

Russia’s largest bank Sber — formerly known as Sberbank — continues developing its blockchain platform by integrating it with the Ethereum blockchain.

On Nov. 30, Sber officially announced new opportunities for its proprietary blockchain platform, including compatibility with smart contracts and applications on the Ethereum network. This would allow developers to move smart contracts and entire projects between Sber’s blockchain and public blockchain networks, the bank said.

Sber’s latest additions also bring an integration with major software cryptocurrency wallet MetaMask, which is used to interact with the Ethereum blockchain. The integration allows users to make operations with tokens and smart contracts placed on Sber’s blockchain platform, the announcement notes.

“Sber Blockchain Lab works closely with external developers and partner companies, and I am glad that our community will be able to run DeFi applications on Sber's infrastructure,” head of blockchain lab Alexander Nam said. He noted that the newly integrated features will help Sber to unite developers, corporations and financial institutions to explore practical business applications of blockchain, Web3 and decentralized finance.

As previously reported, Sberbank has been actively developing blockchain products in recent years, filing an application with the Bank of Russia to launch a blockchain platform for its “Sbercoin” stablecoin in early 2021. After receiving the central bank’s approval in spring 2022, Sber finally announced its first digital currency deal in June. Sber’s majority shareholder is the government of Russia, holding 50% + 1 share.

Sber’s announcement came shortly after Russian President Vladimir Putin called for an open blockchain-based settlement network. He criticized the monopoly in global financial payment systems, expressing confidence that digital currencies-based technology will drive independence from banks. At the same time, Putin’s government does not allow its citizens to use crypto as payment, putting a blanket ban on payments with Bitcoin (BTC) in early 2020.

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In late November, Russian lawmakers also discussed potential legal amendments in order for the government to launch a national crypto exchange. This effort is reportedly supported both by the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Russia, which are known for having a lot of disagreement when it comes to regulating the local crypto market.

White House: America Will Be the Bitcoin Superpower of the World

Blockchain-based fintech company prepares to enter $500B freight settlement market

Although rare, real-world blockchain utility does exist, now evidenced by one company’s efforts to reduce transactional fees in supply chains.

TruckCoinSwap (TCS): Partnership Material

The world is quick to blame inflation for the rising prices at grocery stores and retailers. This was the #1 political issue for recent Election Day voters in the United States. For example, media sources recently reported poll data that 85% of Americans could not afford to spend $200 on a Thanksgiving meal in November 2022, and only 25% could afford $100.

However, few recognize inflation is only part of the problem. Higher costs for products and services are also directly attributable to settlement fees paid by transportation providers who are forced to take out the equivalent of payday loans against their freight invoices.

Shipper payment terms in the transportation industry are known to be egregious, and most transportation carriers cannot afford to wait 30–180 days to get paid. When a carrier factors, it pledges the collection rights in its accounts receivable to the bank and, in exchange, the bank advances cash in about 10 business days.

By industry averages, this cost to carriers is 3% of every receivable — often escalating up to a 25% annualized interest rate. The bank then waits the 30–180 days and collects directly from the freight shipper. If inflation is thought of as a silent tax, invoice factoring is a second layer of silent taxes on everything we buy.

More than 1 million U.S. trucking companies are factoring 100% of their invoices, and 50% of third-party logistics companies are too. Due to inflation, larger transportation companies are also losing 3% or more of their invoice values when waiting over 60 days to get paid by shippers. These costs create higher freight rates, and the excesses ultimately trickle down to every household and consumer.

Fixing a broken supply chain by settling on the blockchain

TruckCoinSwap (TCS) is a fintech and freight-tech company utilizing a blockchain-integrated mobile app to provide fast and free freight receivables settlement to transportation companies. Moreover, TCS is listed on CrossTower in the U.S. and abroad in 80 countries, and is now also listed on Uniswap.

Chief technology officer Jake Centner explained:

“Centralized exchanges can work very well, and the team couldn’t be more proud of the relationships TCS has made. However, the TCS token must also have a decentralized exchange and non-custodial option in the ecosystem for transportation companies and holders. Uniswap has been the gold standard in this space.”

To that end, TCS has created a process and platform identical to how carriers are settling now, with one added step. A few days after uploading freight documents into the TCS mobile app, a push notification is sent and settlement is made available in the real-time U.S. dollar (USD) value of TCS tokens.

The carrier can then accept settlement via direct deposit from TCS. After receiving the balance in its crypto wallet, the carrier can immediately sell through its exchange market to regain USD liquidity. By taking settlement via TCS, and being able to sell in a matter of minutes, carriers avoid both factoring costs and crypto volatility.

By industry averages, TCS estimates every factoring freightliner can recapture a significant portion of its net revenue. In the supply chain, reducing operating costs makes transportation companies more solvent and applies downward pressure on freight rates. In time, the costs of goods and, more specifically, food prices, can decrease.

Regarding the company’s adoption, CEO Todd Ziegler shared:

“TCS already has truckers involved in the beta, and we were just approached by two more large strategics. One has 223 trucks. The second is one of the largest companies in the U.S. managing freight documents, with over 500,000 transportation users. It speaks volumes that these companies are already interested in integrating with TCS.”

The future of freight and blockchain

Earlier this month, TCS presented its solution at the Future of Freight conference to over 20,000 attendees and has since gained traction in both the crypto and transportation communities with features in FreightWaves, business publications and other related media.

With many strategic relationships already in play, TCS believes it is in a strong position to help carry the transportation industry forward into web3. In looking ahead to the intersection of the two industries, Ziegler offered:

“Following recent court rulings and the acceleration of the DCCPA [Digital Commodities Consumer Protection Act] on Capitol Hill, we’re going to see U.S. crypto exchanges eliminate several coins. Many exchanges are already struggling for revenue and AUM [assets under management], and they’re not going to stick their necks out in the wake of FTX. The projects with no real use case will be the first to go, and the digital assets with value propositions to industry will see greater market share.”

Material is provided in partnership with TCS

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Tokenized government bonds free up liquidity in traditional financial systems

There are a number of benefits associated with tokenized government bonds, yet adoption may take time.

A handful of government-backed financial institutions have been exploring tokenization use cases to revolutionize traditional financial systems. For instance, El Salvador’s Bitcoin Volcanic bond project has been in the works for over a year and aims to raise $1 billion from investors with tokenized bonds to build a Bitcoin city. 

The Central Bank of Russia has also expressed interest in tokenized off-chain assets. In addition, the Israeli Ministry of Finance, together with the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE), recently announced the testing of a blockchain-backed platform for digital bond trading.

Cointelegraph Research’s 2021 Security Token Report found that most securities will be tokenized by 2030. While notable, the potential behind tokenized government bonds appears to be massive, as these assets can speed up settlement time while freeing up liquidity within traditional financial systems. 

Brian Estes, CEO of Off the Chain Capital and a member of the Chamber of Digital Commerce, told Cointelegraph that tokenizing a bond allows for faster settlement, which leads to reduced costs.

“The time of ‘capital at risk’ becomes reduced. This capital can then be freed up and used for higher productive use,” he said. Factors such as these have become especially important as inflation levels rise, impacting liquidity levels within traditional financial systems across the globe.

Touching on this point, Yael Tamar, CEO and co-founder of SolidBlock — a platform enabling asset-backed tokenization — told Cointelegraph that tokenization increases liquidity by transferring the economic value of a real-world asset to tokens that can be exchanged for cash when liquidity is needed.

“Because tokens communicate with financial platforms via a blockchain infrastructure, it becomes easier and cheaper to aggregate them into structured products. As a result, the whole system becomes more efficient,” she said.

To put this in perspective, Orly Grinfeld, executive vice president and head of clearing at TASE, told Cointelegraph that TASE is conducting a proof-of-concept with Israel’s Ministry of Finance to demonstrate atomic settlement, or the instant exchange of assets.

In order to demonstrate this, Grinfeld explained that TASE is using the VMware Blockchain for the Ethereum network as the foundation for its beta digital exchange platform. She added that TASE will use a payment token backed by the Israeli shekel at a one-to-one ratio to conduct transactions across the blockchain network.

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In addition, she noted that Israel’s Ministry of Finance will issue a real series of Israeli government bonds as tokenized assets. A live test will then be performed during the first quarter of 2023 to demonstrate atomic settlements of tokenized bonds. Grinfeld said:

“Everything will look real during TASE’s test with the Israel’s Ministry of Finance. The auction will be performed through Bloomberg’s Bond Auction system and the payment token will be used to settle transactions on the VMware Blockchain for Ethereum network.”

If the test goes as planned, Grinfeld expects settlement time for digital bond trading to occur the same day trades are executed. “Transactions made on day T (trade day) will settle on day T instead of T+2 (trade date plus two days), saving the need for collateral,” she said. Such a concept would therefore demonstrate the real-world value add that blockchain technology could bring to traditional financial systems. 

Tamar further explained that the process of listing bonds and making them available to institutions or the public is very complex and involves many intermediaries.

“First the loan instruments need to be created by a financial institution working with the borrower (in this case, the government), which will be processing the loans, receiving the funds, channeling them to the borrower and paying the interest to the lender. The bond processing company is also in charge of accounting and reporting as well as risk management,” she said.

Echoing Grinfeld, Tamar noted that settlement time can take days, stating that bonds are structured into large portfolios and then transferred between various banks and institutions as a part of a settlement between them.

Given these complexities, Tamar believes that it’s logical to issue tokenized government bonds across a blockchain platform. In fact, findings from a study conducted by the crypto asset management platform Finoa and Cashlink show that tokenized assets, such as government bonds, could result in 35%–65% cost-savings across the entire financial system value chain.

From a broader perspective, Perianne Boring, founder and CEO of the Chamber of Digital Commerce, told Cointelegraph that tokenized bonds also highlight how technology-driven innovations in financial instruments can provide investors with alternative financial products.

“Generally, such bonds would come with reduced costs and more efficient issuance, and come with a level of transparency and monitoring capabilities that should appeal to investors who want greater control over their assets,” she said.

Features such as these were recently demonstrated on Nov. 23, when Singapore’s DBS Bank announced it had used JPMorgan’s blockchain-based trading network Onyx to execute its first tokenized intraday repurchase transaction.

Banks use repurchase agreements — also known as repos — for short-term funding by selling securities and agreeing to repurchase them later. Settlement usually takes two days, but tokenizing these assets speeds this process up. A DBS spokesperson told Cointelegraph that the immediate benefits of tokenized bonds or securities result in an improvement in operational efficiency, enabling true delivery vs. payment and streamlined processes with golden copies of records.

Challenges may hamper adoption 

While tokenized bonds have the potential to revolutionize traditional financial systems, a number of challenges may slow adoption. For example, Grinfeld noted that while Israel’s Ministry of Finance has expressed enthusiasm in regards to tokenization, regulations remain a concern. She said: 

“To create new ways of trading, clearing and settlement using digital assets, a regulatory framework is needed. But regulations are behind market developments, so this must be accelerated.”

A lack of regulatory clarity may indeed be the reason why there are still very few regions exploring tokenized government bonds. 

Varun Paul, director of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and financial market infrastructure at Fireblocks, told Cointelegraph that while many market infrastructure providers are exploring tokenization projects behind the scenes, they are waiting on clear regulations before publicizing their efforts and launching products into the market.

Fireblocks is currently working with TASE and Israel’s Ministry of Finance to provide secure e-wallets for the proof of concept, which will enable the participating banks to receive tokenized government bonds.

In addition to regulatory challenges, large financial institutions may find it difficult to grasp the technical implications of incorporating a blockchain network. Joshua Lory, senior director of Blockchain To Go Market at VMWare, told Cointelegraph that market education across all ecosystem participants will accelerate the adoption of the technology.

Yet, Lory remains optimistic, noting that VMware Blockchain for Ethereum’s beta was announced in August of this year and already has over 140 customers requesting trials. While notable, Estes pointed out that blockchain service providers must also take into account other potential challenges such as back-end programming for brokerage firms to make sure they are equipped to report bonds accurately on their statements.

Recent: After FTX: Defi can go mainstream if it overcomes its flaws

All things considered though, Estes believes that the tokenization of multiple assets is the future. “Not only bonds, but stocks, real estate, fine art and other stores of value,” he said. This may very well be the case, as Grinfeld shared that following the proof-of-concept, TASE plans to expand its range of tokenized asset offerings to include things such as CBDCs and stablecoins.

“This POC will lead us toward a complete future digital exchange based on blockchain technology, tokenized assets, e-wallets and smart contracts,” she said. Adoption will likely take time, but Paul mentioned that Fireblocks is aware that financial market participants are interested in taking part in replicating TASE’s model in other jurisdictions:

“We anticipate that we will see more of these pilots launching in 2023.” 

White House: America Will Be the Bitcoin Superpower of the World

Shiba Inu developer says WEF wants to work with project to ‘help shape’ metaverse global policy

Shytoshi Kusama reported Shiba Inu could work alongside Facebook and Decentraland by working on metaverse global policy at the World Economic Forum.

The volunteer project lead and developer for Shiba Inu known only as ‘Shytoshi Kusama’ has reported on social media that the World Economic Forum, or WEF, wants to work with the meme-based cryptocurrency on global policy.

In a poll posted to Twitter on Nov. 22, Kusama said the WEF had “kindly invited” the Shiba Inu (SHIB) project to collaborate on “MV global policy.” The Shiba Inu developer seemed to be referring to policy on the metaverse. Crypto and blockchain have sometimes been under discussion at WEF events, but partnering with a popular meme token would seemingly be a first for the organization.

“Yes I am serious,” said Kusama. “We would be at the table with policy makers and would help shape global policy for the MV alongside other giants like FB (bye Zuck), Sand, Decentraland etc.”

Related: Shiba Inu founder deletes social media posts, steps down from community

At the time of publication, more than 65% of the roughly 9,500 respondents to Kusama’s poll voted in favor of Shiba Inu working with the WEF, with roughly 10% saying it didn’t matter one way or the other. Kusama has more than 861,000 Twitter followers.

The SHIB price has fallen roughly 80% in the last 12 months, reaching $0.000008727 at the time of publication according to data from Cointelegraph Markets Pro.

Cointelegraph reached out to the WEF, but did not receive a response at the time of publication.

White House: America Will Be the Bitcoin Superpower of the World

Lido fundamentals shine even as the wider crypto market struggles to regain traction

Lido protocol boasts $1 million in daily fee revenue for nearly a month, highlighting its growth in daily active users and Ethereum stakers.

The crypto market has witnessed a turbulent few weeks after the FTX collapse but Lido Finance, a liquid staking protocol, has been a bright spot amidst the chaos. According to Data from DeFiLlama, Lido protocol has earned $1 million or more in fees daily since October 26. 

Let’s analyze the on-chain fundamentals to see why this trend has continued.

What’s behind Lido Finance’s growth?

Lido’s growth started in May 2021, pre-FTX collapse. The fees reached an all-time high on Nov. 10 as fee revenue nearly topped $2.6 million. The protocol earns 10% of the total Ethereum (ETH) staking rewards generated from user deposits.

Data also shows a steady increase in deposits to Ethereum’s PoS consensus translates to an uptick in Lido’s fee capture.

Lido total deposits. Source: Dune Analytics

Lido’s fee revenue moves in tandem with Ethereum Proof-of-stake (PoS) earnings since Lido sends received Ether to the staking protocol. After the FTX collapse, Ethereum activity has grown thanks to an uptick in decentralized exchange (DEX) activity. Ethereum fees and revenue also reached a 30-day peak on Nov. 8, posting $9.1 million in fees and $7.3 million in revenue.

Ethereum fees and revenue. Source: Token Terminal

New and daily active users keep increasing

Unique depositors into the Lido protocol have reached 150,000, demonstrating that Lido is continuing to attract new users. The increase in unique deposits comes after centralized “earn” programs have shown weaknesses due to exposure to their exposure to FTX, Genesis, BlockFi and others.

Lido unique deposits. Source: Dune Analytics

Daily active users and Lido (LDO) token holders are also increasing on Lido. According to data from Token Terminal, daily active users hit a 90-day high of 837 on Nov. 17 further bolstering the platform’s positive momentum.

Lido tokenholders and daily active users. Source: Token Terminal

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Lido’s market capitalization does not match its on-chain fundamentals

While fees, deposits and revenue continue to increase for Lido, the market cap of LDO tokens is not keeping pace.

As mentioned above, Lido hit a record amount of fees on Nov. 10, at the same time the market cap decreased from $1.2 billion to $663.7 million.

According to Coingecko, during this same period, the price of LDO tokens dropped from $1.80 to a low of $0.90.

Lido’s circulating market cap and fees. Source: Token Terminal

Despite the market-wide downturn, Lido is showing strong fundamentals on multiple fronts. The steady uptick in DAUs, revenue and new unique participants are all key components for assessing growth and sustainability within a DeFi platform.

The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Cointelegraph.com. Every investment and trading move involves risk, you should conduct your own research when making a decision.

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South Korea investigates crypto exchanges for listing native tokens

Initial investigations revealed that all crypto exchanges performed lawful operations across South Korea. However, Flata Exchange is suspected of listing its in-house token, FLAT, in January 2020.

Native cryptocurrencies turned out to be the biggest factor contributing to the demise of numerous exchanges and ecosystems this year, most recently during the FTX collapse. Korea's financial authority, Korea Financial Intelligence Unit (KoFIU), took notice of the same as it launched a probe into crypto exchanges in relation to listing their in-house, self-issued tokens.

Crypto exchange FTX and its 130 affiliate firms recently filed for bankruptcy due to a price crash of its in-house token, FTX Token (FTT). While Korean crypto exchanges are barred from issuing native tokens, KoFIU’s probe into the same is to ensure regulatory adherence for investor’s safety, according to a local report.

Initial investigations revealed that all crypto exchanges performed lawful operations across South Korea. However, a Financial Services Commission (FSC) spokesperson revealed plans for deeper investigation because “there are still some doubts related” to in-house token listings.

Flata Exchange is one of the primary suspects and is being investigated for listing its in-house token, FLAT, back in January 2020, as reported by local media Yonhap. Major exchanges such as Upbit and Bithumb have been cleared by the authorities and the investigations will be more focused on smaller exchanges.

On average, 297,229 unique South Korean users visited FTX.com monthly, making South Korea top the chart of countries that were most impacted by FTX’s collapse, confirmed a CoinGecko analysis.

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Based on suspicion of profiting from unwarranted LUNA sales, South Korean authorities froze approximately $104.4 million (140 billion won) from FTX co-founder Shin Hyun-seong.

The Seoul Southern District Court approved the decision to freeze Shin’s assets until further investigations are concluded.

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