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Do Kwon’s extradition to go back to Montenegro High Court after appeal

Do Kwon’s extradition to go back to Montenegro High Court after appeal


Source: Coin Telegraph

Since his arrest in March 2023, Do Kwon has been in Montenegro. He could be extradited to either his native South Korea or the United States to face fraud charges.

After another successful appeal from Do Kwon’s legal team, Montenegro’s High Court will decide whether to extradite the Terraform Labs co-founder to the United States or South Korea.

According to a May 24 report from Montenegrin news outlet Vijesti, the country’s court of appeals accepted arguments from Kwon’s lawyers and returned the question of extradition to the High Court “for retrial and decision.” The appeal marked the latest legal maneuver Kwon’s team used to delay his transfer to the U.S. or South Korea, where he would face criminal charges.

“If the person whose extradition is sought gives his consent to extradition, it is a shortened procedure that has to be applied and in which case the court decides on extradition,” Montenegro’s court of appeals reportedly said in its decision, adding:

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Author: Turner Wright