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‘Godfather of AI’ advises UK government to start UBI

‘Godfather of AI’ advises UK government to start UBI


Source: Coin Telegraph

Geoffrey Hinton also warns that advanced AI could pose an existential threat within the next five to twenty years.

Geoffrey Hinton, a world-renowned artificial intelligence (AI) expert often referred to as the “Godfather of AI,” recently consulted with members of the United Kingdom’s government at Downing Street where he advised lawmakers to consider adopting a universal basic income (UBI) to deal with the impending threat of job loss.

Until recently, Hinton worked for Google developing high-level AI features for neural networks — the underlying technology that powers most modern generative AI systems such as Google’s Gemini and OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

According to Hinton, the AI revolution will mostly benefit the rich. Laypersons, blue collar workers, and those employed in jobs that can be automated stand to lose their means of income and “that’s going to be bad for society” he recently told the BBC in an interview.

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Author: Tristan Greene