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Ethereum co-founder Joe Lubin says no chance ETH is classed as security

The ConsenSys founder and Ethereum co-founder said it’s as unlikely as ride-sharing service Uber becoming illegal.

Ethereum co-founder and crypto entrepreneur Joseph Lubin is confident that Ether (ETH) won’t be classified as a security in the United States.

Cointelegraph spoke with Lubin, Ethereum co-founder and founder of blockchain tech firm ConsenSys, in Tel Aviv at the Web3 event, Building Blocks 23.

Asked if ETH could be classed as a security in the U.S. after Ethereum’s transition to a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus model, Lubin said:

“I think it's as likely, and would have the same impact, as if Uber was made illegal.”

“There would be a tremendous outcry from not just the crypto community but different politicians and certain regulators,” he added.

In September, Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Gary Gensler suggested that the blockchain’s transition to PoS might have brought ETH under the regulators’ beat.

Gensler believed staking coins gave “the investing public” anticipation of “profits based on the efforts of others.”

Lubin said he was privy to discussions with the SEC and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission “for many years.”

Joseph Lubin speaking with Cointelegraph at Building Blocks 23 in Tel Aviv, Israel in February.

He said around five years ago the regulators were “just trying to wrap their heads around what tokens were.”

“They thought back then that everything was a security. We — I think — helped them significantly understand lots of tokens are not securities, and then they went away and Gary and team now think almost everything's a security.”

Lubin, however, believes that ETH continues to be “sufficiently decentralized” and pointed to its “many use cases that don’t implicate it as a security.”

“There is no centralized set of promoters or builders that is specifically trying to raise the value of Ether and enrich investors,” he added.

“There's a court system in the United States of America that I think would be supportive of arguments that would be made that it is not.”

Lubin said that regulators appear to be more focused on another aspect of Ethereum at the moment, noting that people he knows close to the action in Washington D.C. say “most of the focus is on stablecoins right now.”

“Everybody's talking about it, freaking out. Calling for things to be done.”

In a Feb. 9 Twitter thread, Coinbase founder and CEO Brian Armstrong responded to “rumors” that the SEC was thinking to ban retail consumers from staking crypto.

Related: CFTC head looks to new Congress for action on crypto regulation

“Staking is not a security,” he said, adding it would be a “terrible path for the U.S.” if a staking ban was passed noting it was “a really important innovation in crypto.”

“Hopefully we can work together to publish clear rules for the industry, and come up with sensible solutions that protect consumers while preserving innovation,” Armstrong said.

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What are the risks of the Ethereum Merge?

The mammoth task of merging Ethereum’s mainnet and Beacon Chain is finally complete, but what are the risks?

What are the risks and flaws of the Ethereum merge?

One of the foremost concerns regarding the Merge is that of centralization. Another potential concern is the risk of scams, as the general public may not be aware of how the Merge works.

A fundamental flaw in the Merge is that it will likely increase the concentration of power within the network. The more valuable a staker’s position is, the more they will be rewarded for validating blocks. This could lead to a situation where a small number of wealthy individuals or groups control the majority of the stake and have disproportionate influence over the network.

Five major organizations control 64% of the network’s stake. In the event of a contentious fork, these organizations could collude to choose which chain to support, potentially censoring transactions or double-spending funds. Already, critics are debating whether the Merge is a “rich get richer” scheme that will entrench the power of current stakeholders.

Since staking will be required to earn interest on one’s ETH holdings, those who cannot afford to stake may be priced out of the market. This could lead to increased centralization as only those with large amounts of money would be able to participate in staking.

It’s also not uncommon for scammers to take advantage of big transitions such as The Merge, pretending that users need to do something (usually involving giving up tokens) to upgrade. Wallet upgrades are also a potential source of scams, as users may be tricked into downloading malicious software masquerading as an official update.

Lastly, miners who have been mining in Ethereum’s mainnet for years may yet decide to continue on Ethereum’s old chain. After all, many of these miners have likely incurred huge electricity and hardware expenses and may feel that they have more to gain by sticking with the tried-and-true mainnet. 

This could lead to a split in the community, with two competing versions of Ethereum running concurrently. While this scenario is unlikely, it’s still a possibility that investors should be aware of.

Will the Merge change the Ethereum ecosystem?

The Merge does not change anything for ETH holders and other non-node operating users. There are a few necessary adjustments required of operators, developers and providers, though.

Users that own or use ETH do not need to change or update anything on their wallets or funds because of the Merge. Wallets work just the same as they did pre-Merge, and the Ether held in them has not changed in value or quantity. The entire history of the network since genesis also remains intact despite transitioning to a new consensus mechanism.

The only thing that changes for ETH holders is how the network operates and processes transactions. The Merge affects miners, node operators, and developers more than it does regular users. For example:

  • Staking node operators and providers will need to run both consensus and execution clients, as third-party endpoints for obtaining execution data will no longer work post-Merge. They will also need to set a fee recipient address for transaction fees and maximal extractable value.
  • Infrastructure providers and non-validating node operators will also need to run clients for both the execution layer and the consensus layer.
  • Smart contract and decentralized application (DApp) developers need to familiarize themselves with changes related to block timing, block structure, opcode changes, sources of on-chain randomness and more.

How does Ethereum’s new consensus mechanism work?

Whereas miners in a proof-of-work system put their capital at risk by investing energy to validate a block, validators in a proof-of-stake system put their cryptocurrency at stake.

In order for a validator to be up and running on the network, they first need to deposit 32 ETH into a smart contract. Once deposited, the funds are locked and the validator is ready to begin staking. The staked Ether serves as collateral, meaning it can be destroyed if the validator acts maliciously. 

There are also other ways to stake Ether aside from running a validator node. One could participate in staking via a centralized exchange, join a staking pool or delegate staking via a staking service provider.

Related: Architectural components of the Ethereum blockchain: What are they?

The validator is essentially responsible for checking the validity of new blocks propagated on the network, as well as creating and propagating new blocks. Some of the benefits of a PoS system are:

After the validator executes the transactions in the block, they check the signature of that block to confirm its legitimacy. If it is a valid block, the validator sends an attestation, or vote, for that specific block across the network.

Under PoW, mining difficulty dictates block timing. However, in PoS, the tempo is fixed into slots (12 seconds) and epochs (32 slots). A validator is randomly selected to serve as a block proposer for every slot, during which this validator will be responsible for creating a new block and sending it to other network nodes.

What does the Merge mean for Ethereum miners?

The network now uses proof-of-stake to validate transactions, thereby rendering Ethereum GPU mining largely unprofitable if not completely obsolete.

The Ethereum network’s mainnet has relied on proof-of-work since its genesis, with miners validating blockchain transactions left and right. However, Ethereum’s proof-of-stake layer, or the Beacon Chain, uses builders who bundle transactions together and validators to verify transactions. The amount of cryptocurrency a builder or validator owns will determine their ability to select or validate blocks.

In a bid to make the network more sustainable, the Merge combined these two layers and adopted PoS fully, making Ethereum mining an unproductive way to earn rewards as validators are now more incentivized to preserve the network.

The network previously held around 95% of total GPU hashing power, allowing miners to validate transactions and earn rewards. Under PoS, a validator’s cryptocurrency is at stake, which acts as a disincentive for them to act maliciously.

Following the Merge, Ethereum’s hash rate has also noticeably dropped to zero and has stayed there since. Generally, lower hash rates mean that a network is using less computing power to add and verify transactions on a blockchain. In the case of Ethereum, the drop in hash rate is mainly because miners have either turned off their rigs or switched to other PoW-based cryptocurrencies that are more profitable to mine.

Related: What is PoW Ethereum (ETHW), and how does it work?

What is the Ethereum Merge?

The Merge integrated Ethereum’s original execution layer with its new proof-of-stake consensus layer, officially transitioning the network’s consensus mechanism to proof-of-stake.

Formerly referred to as Ethereum 2.0, Ethereum’s consensus layer has now fully merged with the original blockchain (execution layer). The Merge was completed on September 15, 2022, marking the Ethereum network’s transition from proof-of-work (PoW) to proof-of-stake (PoS). According to the network, the Merge has brought down Ethereum’s energy consumption by around 99.95%.

From a technical perspective, the Merge saw Ethereum’s original execution layer, or the mainnet, merged with its new PoS consensus layer called the Beacon Chain. The Merge is just the first step in Ethereum’s development roadmap, which includes succeeding stages such as The Surge, The Verge, The Purge and The Splurge.

According to Ethereum co-creator Vitalik Buterin, the Merge marks about 55% of the development work set to be done on the network. Ultimately, the goal is to make the network more scalable, sustainable and secure while remaining decentralized.

The Merge eliminated the need for PoW, enabling the network to be secured by Ethereum staking. Staking gives Ethereum holders a chance to collect rewards by providing the necessary computing power to validate transactions and secure the network. This also means that since the Merge, all transactions on the network are now being validated by Ethereum stakers instead of miners.

The second major shift triggered by the move to PoS is the diminished issuance of Ether (ETH) via rewards to validators for their efforts in preserving the network, resulting in ETH becoming a deflationary asset. 

Currently, Ethereum’s staking mechanism only accepts deposits that cannot be withdrawn. At the moment, billions worth of ETH is staked on the network — and stuck therein — until a withdrawal feature is added by Ethereum’s developers down the line.

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Ethereum gone wrong? Here are 3 signs to keep an eye on during the Merge

The Ethereum merge is fast approaching and those with assets at stake should keep a close eye on the following data sources.

The assumption that Ethereum will just transition to a fully functional proof-of-stake (PoS) network after the Merge somewhat ignores the risk and effort necessary to move an asset that has a $193 billion market capitalization and 400 decentralized applications (DApps).

That is precisely why monitoring vital network conditions is essential for anyone willing to trade the event which is scheduled for Sept. 14, according to ethernodes.org. More importantly, traders should be prepared to detect any alarming developments in case things go wrong.

Apart from the $34.2 billion in total value locked in smart contracts, another $5.3 billion in Ether is staked on the Beacon Chain. The network is currently used by many tokens, oracle providers, stablecoins, layer-2 scalability solutions, synthetic assets, nonfungible items (NFT), decentralized finance (DeFi) applications and cross-chain bridges.

This partially explains why the Merge has been postponed multiple times through the years and why it is deemed to be the most significant upgrade in the history of the network.

For this reason, three different testnets have undergone the Merge, with Goerli being the latest on Aug. 11. Curiously, minor issues were presented on all testnet implementations, including Ropsten and Sepolia. For instance, Ethereum developer Marius van der Wijden noted that “two different terminal blocks and lots of non-updated nodes” slightly slowed the process down.

The core of any blockchain network are its blocks

It doesn’t matter what the consensus mechanism is. All blockchains rely on new blocks being proposed and validated. There are established block parameters that must be followed even to be considered by the network participants.

In the case of the Ethereum Merge, an epoch is a bundle of up to 32 blocks that should be attested within six and a half minutes. Actively monitoring the ETH2 Beacon Chain Mainnet from reputable sources like BeaconScan by Etherscan and Ethscan ETH2 Explorer by Redot is important.

Ethereum Beacon Chain epochs and blocks. Source: EthScan

Red flags on this monitor would be low voting participation on the epochs, the lack of finality after thirteen minutes (2 epochs) or a grind halt on proposed blocks.

Monitoring Infura’s Ethereum 2.0 API

Infura provides infrastructure for building decentralized applications, allowing developers to deploy their solutions without hosting their own full Ethereum node. The company is fully owned by Ethereum venture capital group ConsenSys, which is controlled by Joseph Lubin.

According to Infura’s website, projects relying on its infrastructure include Uniswap, Compound, Maker, Gnosis, Brave, Decentraland and Web3 wallet provider Metamask.

Infura API status page. Source: Infura

Thus, monitoring Infura’s API is a good starting point to evaluate Dapps' performance. In addition, their status page should reliably display real-time updates, considering how closely tied Infura works with the Ethereum ecosystem.

Related: ETH Merge, CoinGecko co-founder shares strategy for forked tokens

Slashings, are validators being penalized?

The Ethereum Merge consensus mechanism has embedded penalty rules designed to prevent attacks. Any validator deliberately misbehaving is slashed, meaning part of its respective 32 Ether stake is removed. Repetitive slashes will eventually cause the validator to be ejected from the network. Staking providers and the validator software have built-in protection to prevent someone from accidentally being slashed, for example, if their connection went down.

Slashed validators info. Source: BeaconScan

Traders need to understand that slashing is a standard action of the network, a protective measure, so it should not immediately be deemed unfavorable. A worrisome environment would be hundreds of validators being slashed simultaneously, potentially indicating that their software is not functioning as it should.

There are over 410,000 active validators, so even if 20% or 30% of them eventually went offline, the network would continue as designed. Monitoring slashing is a preemptive measure because it likely indicates that some service, such as a hosting provider, has gone offline or some incompatibility arose during the Merge.

Ethereum advocates should consider monitoring external data instead of just their own node and server. There could be delays or even erroneous warning signs, so using multiple sources of information could help one avoid being misled by data from a single website or a post on social networks.

The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Cointelegraph. Every investment and trading move involves risk. You should conduct your own research when making a decision.

BlackRock leads $47M funding round for RWA tokenization firm Securitize

Ethereum dev confirms Goerli merger date, the final update before the Merge

The Goerli merger requires node operators to update both their consensus layer and execution layer clients in tandem, rather than just one of the two.

The Ethereum main net is just one test net merger away from officially transitioning to a proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain. After multiple shadow forks and test net merges, the years-long journey has reached the final stage with the announcement of the final test net merge to the Beacon chain.

The transition to PoS began in December 2020 with the launch of the Beacon chain, starting Phase 0 of the three-phase process. Phase 1, the current phase, was slated to be completed by 2021, however, due to numerous delays and unfinished work on the developers' end, it is expected to be completed by the third week of September. The final phase of the transition is slated to be completed by late 2023.

Lead Ethereum developer Tim Beiko took to Twitter to announce the details of the Goerli test net transition. The Goreli test net will merge with the Beacon Chain called Prater and the combined Goerli/Prater network will retain the Goerli name post-merge.

The test net merger will be completed in two phases starting on Aug. 4 with the Bellatrix upgrade on the consensus layer. The Bellatrix upgrade will be triggered by the epoch height of 112260.

Ethereum's PoS network progresses in epochs instead of blocks, where one epoch is a bundle of up to 32 blocks.

The second phase of the upgrade will be called Paris, where the execution layer will transition from proof-of-work to proof-of-stake. This phase is expected to be completed between August 6–12. The Paris upgrade will be triggered by a specific Terminal Total Difficulty (TTD) of 10790000. Once the execution layer crosses the threshold TTD, the next block will be solely produced by a PoS validator.

The official announcement noted that the upcoming Goerli merge will be different from the early test net integration since the node operators need to update both their consensus layer and execution layer clients in tandem, rather than just one of the two. The developer team also attached numerous client releases that support the test net Merge.

Related: Ethereum options data show pro traders ready to go long into ETH’s Merge

The upcoming final test net merge will only impact the node operators and test net participants, ETH holders and stakers won’t have to make any changes from their end. The test net merge will be the final rehearsal before the Ethereum main net officially merges with the Beacon chain on Sept. 19. However, the perpetual Merge date could see a change depending on the outcome of the Goerli test net.

The PoS transition of the Ethereum network is being slated as the biggest upgrade for the blockchain network since its inception. The upgrade is focused on increasing scalability through the introduction of Sharding and reducing high transaction costs. However, most of the scalability features are expected to be integrated after the completion of the final phase of the transition which is expected by the second half of 2023.

BlackRock leads $47M funding round for RWA tokenization firm Securitize

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BlackRock leads $47M funding round for RWA tokenization firm Securitize

The crypto industry must do more to promote encryption, says Meltem Demirors

Meltem Demirors sat down with Cointelegraph to express why the industry needs to focus on privacy and freedom when it comes to regulations.

“I like to call myself a future, or aspiring, cult leader,” Meltem Demirors, chief strategy officer of CoinShares — a publicly listed investment firm managing around $5 billion in assets — told Cointelegraph. 

Demirors, who first entered the Bitcoin (BTC) space in late 2012, further mentioned that it has been “fun to see how big the crypto sector has become,” noting that people from all walks of life are now interested in the cryptocurrency space. As such, Demirors explained that “crypto cults” are bringing people together in a positive manner, especially since it gives people a sense of purpose and belonging. 

When it comes to regulations — one of the most important topics facing the crypto industry today — Demirors expressed skepticism. “Having been in this industry professionally for eight years, I’m tired of talking about regulations, particularly in the United States,” she said. While U.S. regulators continue to pass frameworks around the treatment of digital assets, Demirors pointed out that there has been “too much talk and not enough cogent action.” Moreover, Demirors remarked that a number of crypto bills are attempting to minimize consumer use of encryption, which she believes to be the backbone of the internet.

Meltem Demirors (left) of CoinShares speaks to Cointelegraph at Consensus 2022. Source: Cointelegraph

Demirors elaborated on this topic, along with the development of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) during an interview with Cointelegraph at Consensus 2022.

Cointelegraph: What are your thoughts on recent regulatory frameworks in the United States?

Meltem Demirors: I do think that the Lummis-Gillibrand bill and the Token Taxonomy Act of 2021 have been good attempts at categorizing and classifying digital assets. But, the challenge I have with so many of the crypto bills and regulations is that all are all focused on financial services and taxation. They are focused on where and how we govern, tax and extract value for the government. Therefore, the biggest issues I’m excited about are those centered around consumer privacy, self-sovereignty and freedom of speech, which are not being addressed in these bills.

Unlike so many bills that focus purely on the side of the financial services, the industry needs to focus on crypto infrastructures like data centers, connectivity, computations, semiconductors and the actual plumbing that makes any technology function. We also need to make sure that the U.S. is a friendly jurisdiction for people to develop not only software but also hardware that can be deployed at scale. Today, we have seen no cohesive action on this. The industry has seen a piecemeal approach with the State of New York taking a very draconian approach, while states like Texas and Wyoming want to become homes for crypto mining.

Moreover, the right to consumer and financial privacy are also not being addressed. In fact, most of these bills want more financial surveillance. As an industry, it’s important for us to continue to push back on this, particularly in a world where central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are being explored.

CT: Any suggestions on what the crypto industry can do to preserve privacy and financial freedom?

MD: I think the biggest movement we’ve seen has been the crypto wars — and I’m talking about cryptography. In the early 90s, there was a massive debate around encryptions and the use of encryption for a variety of consumer-focused applications. Encryption is truly the backbone of the internet and we are seeing a number of bills now attempting to minimize consumer use of encryption and to create back doors.

Yet, once backdoors to encryption are created, they won’t just be used to surveillance consumers but rather will be used against our government. This is now a matter of national security. Therefore, I think the war of encryption is still alive and well. I also think there is more that we can do as an industry to preserve and promote encryption instead of using taxpayer dollars to run challenges that try to crack encryption algorithms, like SHA-256, which is the backbone of Bitcoin.

I also think that preserving code and speech is important. For example, open-source code is a big part of the crypto community, along with anonymous developers. Unfortunately, there are a number of efforts underway to hold open-source developers criminally liable for how their software is leveraged, which is antithetical to the entire open-source movement.

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In addition, we need to consider the treatment of virtual asset service providers, or VASPs. For example, if someone is running a node or if two people are transacting peer-to-peer on an open blockchain protocol, classifying them as VASPs and forcing them to comply with regulation is concerning. There is a bill now that makes people report their social security numbers to anyone sending crypto over an amount of $10,000. This is preposterous and we don’t have that same rule for cash. These are all factors around privacy that make it easier for the government to target individuals that are in the crypto space, so it's important that the industry pushes back.

CT: You mentioned DAOs during your talk at Consensus, can you share your thoughts on this area, please?

MD: Yes, DAOs have been interesting because a lot of what I do at CoinShares is focused on strategy, which means investing, but also looking at what’s happening in the crypto industry and how it’s relevant to the world of investing. So, I experiment with things happening in crypto. For example, I joined a few DAOs recently. I joined Friends With Benefits last year, which was my first DAO experience. I also started two DAOs with friends. One is Hashes DAO, which is an art collecting-focused DAO. The second is a DAO called DAO Jones, which is a funny play, but it’s an investment DAO that uses Syndicate, a platform that allows users to create investment clubs as DAOs that fit into a legal framework.

I’ve learned a lot about DAO tooling, infrastructure and the exciting opportunities around DAOs, along with the inherent limitations. The biggest thing I’ve learned though, is that all communities need leadership. In particular, communities need strong principled leadership to uphold and reinforce community values but to also push the community forward. We have seen so many communities in crypto begin with strong leaders, but then those leaders leave and challenges are created that splinter the community. We saw this with Bitcoin — we saw a struggle for power five years after Satoshi left the Bitcoin community.

Recent: Consensus 2022: Web3, unpacking regulations, and optimism for crypto’s future

Overall, I think DAOs are an exciting area of experimentation, but from an investing perspective, I think DAOs are still very early. There are many people building DAO tooling right now without understanding what emergent behaviors we need to focus on. Governance is not a technology or crypto problem but rather a very human problem that has existed since the early days of civilization. While I’m excited about the future of DAOs, I think there is still a lot of work to do before DAOs get to scale and become implemented in ways that allow for good governance.

CT: What are you most excited about in terms of the crypto space moving forward?

MD: I’m really excited about community-owned infrastructure, or physical infrastructure. Today, crypto is so dependent on centralized service providers like AWS being used for utilities. But, there are a number of efforts underway to build peer-to-peer networks that will enable us to perform computations, have better telecommunications, better broadband connectivity and decentralize and make the energy grid more resilient. I’m excited about taking crypto and combining it with energy computations and connectivity in new ways. This will also make our global systems more resilient, which typically comes with decentralization.

I’m also excited about more developer tools and infrastructure. Right now, the surface area of crypto is so large, so it’s been difficult for people to enter the space to build. Standardization, modulation and convergence around core consensus algorithms are really important. Experimentation has been fun, but we are now learning what does and doesn’t work. Also, thinking about decentralized identifiers and verifiable credentials, along with using Bitcoin as a communication protocol excites me.

BlackRock leads $47M funding round for RWA tokenization firm Securitize

Consensus 2022: Web3, unpacking regulations, and optimism for crypto’s future

Despite crypto winter, the conference drew in 17,000 people to discuss the crypto regulatory landscape, Web3 development and the future of digital assets.

“Everything is bigger in Texas” proved to be true during Consensus 2022. The crypto conference took place June 9–12 in Austin, Texas, this year, attracting 17,000 people from across the globe, despite the 100-degree plus weather. According to the event sponsors, Consensus 2018, which was held at the Hilton Hotel in New York, had previously drawn in almost 9,000 attendees. 

Caitlin Long, CEO of Custodia — the Wyoming-based digital asset bank — told Cointelegraph that the event this year speaks volumes. “New York has sent a lot of this industry fleeing to places like Austin, Wyoming and Miami. It will be interesting to see if New York makes a comeback.”

Aside from its new location, current market conditions were another defining factor of the event. However, attendees remained optimistic about the crypto ecosystem as a whole. In general, new projects and the rise of Web3 were the main discussion points rather than cryptocurrency prices. Ray Youssef, founder and CEO of Paxful — a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency marketplace — told Cointelegraph that crypto winters allow for building phases to start, which he fully supports. “We are now seeing projects build platforms that are real and empowering.”

Building the crypto ecosystem in a bear market

To Youssef’s point, Web3 and new tools to advance crypto ecosystems were hot topics of discussion. For example, Meltem Demirors, chief strategy officer of CoinShares — a digital asset investment firm — told Cointelegraph that despite the bear market, she has seen an increase in people interested in different facets of the crypto industry:

“There are different niches and pockets of crypto I’m now seeing, some of which I haven’t even heard of. For example, the STEPN group is here, which is a whole move-to-earn movement. The music NFT and fashion NFT scene is also big here. These are newer communities I’ve read about and have engaged with, but seeing them congregate and host their own events has been really fun.”

Demirors gave a keynote at the event on cults and how the crypto community is currently creating shared identity, belief systems and lifestyle rituals around emerging projects. “Cults usually have a negative connotation, but there is a massive crisis of meaning in our world today. People no longer focus on their occupation, religion or nationality. Crypto is filling this interesting role, bringing together people through memes, capitalism and community values,” she explained. As such, Demirors noted that she believes “crypto cults” are attracting many people because it provides a sense of purpose, along with capital. “There is an interesting convergence happening,” she said.

While the crypto space continues to attract more participants, Staci Warden, CEO of the Algorand Foundation, told Cointelegraph that Alogrand views this crypto winter as an opportunity for building. “We think that there will be some shakeout in the industry and we are ready to innovate,” she remarked.

Specifically, Warden explained that one area the Algorand community is focused on is what Web3 means for financial inclusion. “With Web2, everything went back to huge platforms, but with Web3, creators and contributors receive incentives and benefits for their participation.” With the rise of Web3 on the horizon, Warden shared that Algorand is “laser focused on real world use cases of financial inclusion and the monetization of creators for the work they do.”Web3 is also impacting a number of mainstream industries such as fashion and the creator economy. Shedding light on this, Justin Banon, co-founder of the Boson Protocol — a decentralized network for commerce — told Cointelegraph that last year, the crypto sector witnessed the nonfungible token (NFT) craze, which has prompted the fashion industry’s participation.

“Physical fashion isn’t going away, but digital is arriving. It’s become obvious that the two will combine and become facets of the same thing,” he said. Banon also mentioned that a majority of the world’s population will undoubtedly spend more time in the digital world, which is why he believes there will be a need for digital fashion. “This will allow us to identify and differentiate ourselves,” he said.

Regarding the creator economy, Solo Ceesay, co-founder of Calaxy — an open social marketplace for creators — told Cointelegraph that Calaxy recently raised $26 million in strategic funding to expand its operations and development efforts.

Cointelegraph interviewing Solo Ceesay (left) and Spencer Dinwiddie (right) of Calaxy at Consensus 2022. Source: Rachel Wolfson

While the emergence and growth of Web3-focused projects are notable, it’s also important to point out that current market conditions have been challenging for other key players. Peter Wall, CEO of Argo Blockchain — a cryptocurrency mining company — told Cointelegraph that many Bitcoin miners raised equity in 2021, but this has become difficult for some, given the bear market. 

“There are only two ways for miners to raise capital now, which is either through debt or by selling Bitcoin,” he said. Although this may be, Wall elaborated that only miners with a reputable track record will receive loans. “They need to be able to execute with clear plans, while not being over committed to machine purchases and bills they can’t pay.”

Crypto’s regulatory landscape in the United States

Regulations were also heavily discussed at the conference. This shouldn’t come as a surprise, as a number of key regulatory events took place leading up to the event. For example, the bipartisan crypto bill, also known as the “Responsible Financial Innovation Act,” was introduced in the United States Senate on June 7, 2022. According to a statement, the bipartisan bill sponsored by senators Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming and Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, “addresses CFTC and SEC jurisdiction, stablecoin regulation, banking, tax treatment of digital assets, and interagency coordination.”

Senator Pat Toomey, the ranking member of the Senate Banking Committee, told Cointelegraph that he thinks the bipartisan bill is “terrific,” further noting that the bill contains modest differences in how stablecoins are treated compared with his stablecoin approach, which was drafted in April this year. Toomey added that while he has not released a bill yet, there are “bridgeable differences” between his draft and the legislation from Lummis and Gillibrand:

“Kirsten Gillibrand said on our panel that we can bridge those differences on some of the things I said, but it’s also very constructive to have a Democrat and Republican senator introducing a pretty comprehensive bill that sensibly creates a regulatory framework that is meant to allow this space to thrive. From that point of view, I think it’s very constructive.”

Echoing Toomey, Long mentioned that the bipartisan bill is an important advancement for the crypto sector, stating, “This is the bill to watch in Washington. There are now 50 different crypto bills that have been introduced in Congress and there is only one that is bipartisan sponsored by the powerful senator from New York State, along with the powerful senator on senate banking from Wyoming, which is the state leading digital assets. That is quite a combination.”

Long added that stablecoin regulations and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) will be major topics of discussion this year. For instance, although President Biden released an executive order in March 2022 calling for the research and development of a potential U.S. central bank digital currency, Long remarked that she does not believe the U.S. will issue a CBDC. “The Federal Reserve will put out the FedNow Service by the end of this year, which is only six months away. However, no rules have been revealed yet, so we don’t know what this will look like.”

Moreover, Long predicts that stablecoins will be a main focus for regulators, pointing out that Wyoming’s special purpose depository regime falls into this category, alongside The New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) regulatory guidance for U.S. dollar-backed stablecoins issued by DFS-regulated entities. Yet, Long explained that “it will be a couple of years before we realistically see what happens in terms of a law that actually passes” regarding stablecoins. She further remarked that regulators have had the opportunity to create regulations around stablecoins but have yet to act. She said:

“Regulators have sat on legitimate applications of parties that have sought permission, while the scams have proliferated in this industry. It’s tough, but I firmly believe the regulators could have acted sooner. A lot of people wouldn’t have been hurt if they had done so.”
Cointelegraph meeting with Senator Pat Toomey at Consensus 2022. Source: Rachel Wolfson

To Long’s point, Toomey said that he thinks there is now pressure and momentum to pass stablecoin legislation. “U.S Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen said in front of the banking committee that we should do it this year and I think that is realistic,” said Toomey. He added that the pressure has become greater due to the recent collapse of the Terra ecosystem.

“I think it influences legislation in the sense that it has drawn attention to the crypto space, and it’s a wake up call to the federal government. My own view is that algorithmic stablecoins should be treated separately from fiat/asset backed stablecoins,” he said, adding, “But let’s be clear: Terra was very large, and when something that large can collapse, the natural inclination of a regulator is to look out across the field to see what other similar instruments and products are there, and the dangers that may arise.”

Optimism reigns

Given the current state of cryptocurrency markets, it’s notable that many ecosystem participants remained optimistic about the future. In particular, Austin’s cryptocurrency community appears to be thriving, as it has become a hot spot for crypto mining companies and a number of Web3 projects.

Patrick Stanley, core contributor to City Coins — the cryptocurrency project that has been implemented in New York State and Miami — told Cointelegraph that AustinCoin (ATX) can be activated at any time, noting that there is a group currently working on a proposal for getting new CityCoins up and running.

“We want to be more deliberate about launching AustinCoin. We already have people on the ground in Austin, we have the capital, and there is clear commitment. We just want to ensure all of this before activating AustinCoin.” Stanley added that Austin Mayor Steve Adler is a “cryptocurrency progressive,” noting that he understands that CityCoins leaves less of a footprint than having big tech companies move to Austin. “CityCoins is like getting the tax revenue of a large company without the footprint and real estate going up. This has been very compelling to Mayor Adler,” he shared.

Demirors also pointed out that she is excited about the advancement of crypto infrastructures, such as new data centers, semiconductors and the overall “plumbing” that makes cryptocurrency and any technology function properly. “We need to make sure the U.S. is a friendly jurisdiction for people to develop not only software, but also hardware to deploy at scale,” she said.

While Demirors recognizes that most legislation currently isn’t being drafted around this aspect, she is hopeful that Texas and other states continue to take a welcoming approach to initiatives such as mining. Demirors also noted that the right to consumer and financial privacy isn’t being considered in crypto regulations, remarking that most of these bills want more financial surveillance. “I think as an industry, it’s important for us to push back on that, particularly in a world where CBDCs are being explored.”

Finally, it’s important to point out that the crypto industry is continuing to bring on key players to help with advancements. For example, Grayscale Investments recently hired Donald B. Verrilli, a former U.S. Solicitor General, to join the firm to help push for a spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF). Verrilli mentioned during a press conference at Consensus last week that he is trying to take public policy and move it in a constructive direction.

As such, Verrilli aims to convince the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to convert Grayscale’s Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) into a spot-based ETF. In order to accomplish this, Verrilli explained that it’s “arbitrary and capricious” to treat cases that are alike in a different manner, in which he referenced the SEC’s approval of a Bitcoin futures ETF, but not a Bitcoin-spot ETF. “It seems like this is a common sense point. I am new to this, but looking at it so far, it's very hard to see what argument there could be for treating these things differently.”

BlackRock leads $47M funding round for RWA tokenization firm Securitize

Reliably unreliable: Solana price dives after latest network outage

Solana has suffered its fifth outage of 2022, and the year is only five months old. A bug-related consensus failure was the culprit this time.

The Solana network is not having a good year, having suffered full or partial outages at least seven separate times over the past 12 months.

A bug has knocked the Solana blockchain offline again as block production halted at 16:55 UTC on Wednesday. This latest outage lasted around four and a half hours as validator operators managed to restart the mainnet at around 21:00 UTC, according to the incident report.

Solana Labs co-founder Anatoly Yakovenko explained what happened in a tweet:

“Durable nonce instruction caused part of the network to consider the block is invalid, no consensus could be formed.”

“Durable transaction nonce” refers to a mechanism addressing the typical short lifetime of a transaction block hash according to the official Solana documentation. A bug in the feature caused nodes to generate different outputs resulting in consensus failure, which ultimately caused the latest period of downtime.

The network was restarted with this feature disabled, and Yakovenko added that fixes for the bug “will be out ASAP.”

Naturally, there was a fair amount of backlash from the community with comments like this filling up its feed:

“Get it together Solana. We should be past this already. I’m big believer but I’m even doubting at this point.”

CNBC crypto trader and Onchain Capital CEO Ran Neuner simply quipped:

SOL prices have taken a massive hit, tanking almost 14% over the past 12 hours or so in a fall below $40, according to CoinGecko. The network’s native token has now slumped 85% from its November 2021 all-time high of $260, and it is poised to slip out of the top 10 by market capitalization.

SOL/USD 24 hours. Source: CoinGecko

Solana, which has often been dubbed an “Ethereum killer,” has been fully or partially offline at least seven times since September 2021, when it suffered denial of service attack-related outages twice in the same month, according to the network uptime tracker.

The blockchain was plagued with problems in January when it suffered service disruptions and degraded performance for nine days out of the 31 in the month. Duplicate transactions were blamed for the second outage in January. In late April and early May, Solana was down again for almost eight hours due to nonfungible token minting bots overwhelming the network.

Related: Solana suffers 7 hour outage as bots invade the network

Additionally, Solana’s blockchain clock is slow and running 30 minutes behind real-world time. The status page notes, “On-chain time continues to run behind that of wall clocks, due to longer-than-normal block times.”

BlackRock leads $47M funding round for RWA tokenization firm Securitize