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Scientists created a crypto portfolio management AI trained with on-chain data

According to the researchers, CryptoRLPM is the first reinforcement learning-based AI system using on-chain metrics for portfolio management.

A pair of researchers from the University of Tsukuba in Japan recently built an AI-powered cryptocurrency portfolio management system that utilizes on-chain data for training, the first of its kind according to the scientists. 

Called CryptoRLPM, short for “Cryptocurrency reinforcement learning portfolio manager,” the AI system utilizes a training technique called “reinforcement learning" to implement on-chain data into its model.

Reinforcement learning (RL) is an optimization paradigm wherein an AI system interacts with its environment — in this case, a cryptocurrency portfolio — and updates its training based on reward signals.

CryptoRLPM applies feedback from RL throughout its architecture. The system is structured into five primary units which work together to process information and manage structured portfolios.

These modules include a Data Feed Unit, Data Refinement Unit, Portfolio Agent Unit, Live Trading Unit, and an Agent Updating Unit.

Screenshot of pre-print research, 2023 Huang, Tanaka, "A Scalable Reinforcement Learning-based System Using On-Chain Data for Cryptocurrency Portfolio Management"

Once developed, the scientists tested CryptoRLPM by assigning it three portfolios. The first contained only Bitcoin (BTC) and Storj (STORJ), the second kept BTC and STORJ while adding Bluzelle (BLZ), and the third kept all three alongside Chainlink (LINK).

The experiments were conducted over a period lasting from October of 2020 to September of 2022 with three distinct phases (training, validation, backtesting.)

The researchers measured the success of CryptoRLPM against a baseline evaluation of standard market performance through three metrics: “accumulated rate of return” (AAR), “daily rate of return” (DRR), and “Sortino ratio” (SR).

AAR and DRR are at-a-glance measures of how much an asset has lost or gained in a given time period and the SR measures an asset’s risk-adjusted return.

Screenshot of pre-print research, 2023 Huang, Tanaka, "A Scalable Reinforcement Learning-based System Using On-Chain Data for Cryptocurrency Portfolio Management"

According to the scientists’ pre-print research paper, CryptoRLPM demonstrates significant improvements over baseline performance:

“Specifically, CryptoRLPM shows at least a 83.14% improvement in ARR, at least a 0.5603% improvement in DRR, and at least a 2.1767 improvement in SR, compared to the baseline Bitcoin.”

Related: DeFi meets AI: Can this synergy be the new focus of tech acquisitions?

Rakurai Raises $3M Seed Round to Accelerate Development of High Throughput Solana Nodes

Decentralized storage platform introduces perpetual storage and community satellite

The latest update would incentivize the community to participate in the ecosystem and make enterprise storage viable for all.

Decentralized storage networks are getting increasingly popular over mainstream centralized ones such as AWS, Google and Microsoft. The primary reason for the shift is low cost of operations and security. 

Some of the notable decentralized storage platforms are Filecoin, Siacoin, Bititorent, and Storj. Among these platforms, Storj has developed a new scalable solution called Storj NEXT, promising more scalable decentralized solutions for Web2 and Web3 firms alike. With a focus on community building, the latest upgrade introduces a new economic model that provides for broader participation in the Storj ecosystem. 

Storj is a decentralized system of distributed object storing, which keeps information encrypted. Storj is based on Bitcoin's blockchain technology and peer-to-peer protocol in order to provide safe and efficient cloud storage.

Storj utilizes unused storage on computers around the world with the help of encryption and blockchain. It breaks the uploaded data into smaller fractions and distributes it across the network so that no single company or organization can have access to all uploaded data.

The decentralized storage platform is introducing a new crypto-enabled perpetual storage feature, where dedicated wallet addresses for Storj accounts can unlock perpetual storage using Ethereum smart contract payments with STORJ. The feature will allow network participants to be rewarded for depositing STORJ, the Ethereum-based fungible token used across the Storj network.

The new model will accommodate storage needs for both- node operators and independent satellite operators. Storj claimed its latest update will allow Web2 and Web3 businesses to reduce cloud costs without sacrificing reliability or performance.

The latest update will enable staking as well, which would allow node operators and community satellites to make way for passive income for network participants.

Related: Polygon launches decentralized ID product powered by ZK proofs

For node operators who wish to move beyond operating nodes to operate a storage network, the platform is adding capabilities with code, test data, and more.  This would allow enterprises to operate their distributed storage networks globally without capital and energy-intensive data centers, calling it a community satellite model. 

Storj’s claimed its decentralized solutions are increasingly becoming popular among Web2 firms amid the rising cost of storage servers. In the last year, Storj has scaled from 13,000 to 20,000 nodes, leading to a 40x rise in its network use.

Rakurai Raises $3M Seed Round to Accelerate Development of High Throughput Solana Nodes

Decentralized storage providers power the Web3 economy, but adoption still underway

Decentralized storage providers are proving to be the backbone of Web3, but what does this mean for centralized web service providers?

The promise of owning and managing one’s own data is revolutionary, creating increasing interest in Web3 platforms and applications. For instance, recent findings show that the Web3 market was estimated to be worth around $2.9 billion last year, yet this number is expected to reach $23.3 billion by 2028. Web3 is also capturing the interest of venture capitalists, as Cointelegraph Research found this sector to be the most sought-after investment deal in 2022. 

The rise of Web3 has also resulted in the need for decentralized storage solutions, which will ultimately allow users to archive, retrieve and maintain their own data. Findings from Huobi Research Institute further show that increasing global storage data volume will elevate the cost of security and high power consumption, which will fuel the trend toward decentralized storage. The report states, “World storage system demand has progressed from remote storage to instant cloud storage, and now blockchain decentralized storage which we shall call Web3 storage.”

Breaking down decentralized storage

In order to better understand the potential behind decentralized storage, it’s important to explain what these solutions provide and how they differ from centralized platforms. Marta Belcher, president and chair of the Filecoin Foundation — the organization facilitating governance of the Filecoin network — told Cointelegraph that decentralized systems offer an alternative to centralized systems for storing data and making websites available. She said:

“Today’s internet is centralized — right now, the majority of data making up the many websites we use every day sits in data warehouses owned by just three companies: Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud. We have often seen these companies suffer blackouts, and swaths of the Web go down for hours — that’s the problem with having single points of failure.” 

With these challenges in mind, Belcher explained that decentralized storage providers like Filecoin are capable of creating a better version of the Web by combining the storage capacity and computing power of many individual devices into a supercomputer-like network that can store multiple copies of data. “On this decentralized version of the internet, websites stay up even if some nodes fail, and the availability of information is not dependent on any one server or company,” she said. 

To facilitate this, Belcher explained that Filecoin uses a programmable money concept to create a decentralized storage network. “If a user has extra storage space on their computer hardware then they can ‘rent’ it out to others who will pay them with Filecoin tokens. We think of this as a foundational technology for the next generation of the web,” she remarked.

Belcher elaborated that Filecoin is based on an incentives model, which means users get paid each time they store information on the network. To date, the Filecoin model has been successful, as Belcher shared that the network has 18 exabytes of storage capacity and over 4,000 storage providers powering more than 1,460 new projects.

While this may sound unbelievable, Belcher pointed out that centralized storage providers like AWS are dependent on a particular server or company to store and provide information. Yet, Filecoin is built on top of the InterPlanetary File System, or IPFS. 

“Rather than retrieving content where it is located, the IPFS retrevies content by what it is through leveraging content addressing with a cryptographic hash,” she explained. As such, content availability is no longer dependent on one server or company, meaning information can be retrieved faster while also decreasing latency in networks. Belcher explained the Filecoin Foundation recently announced a partnership with defense contractor Lockheed Martin to make InterPlanetary networking possible from space. She said:

“Imagine there is a satellite on the moon and there is a multi second delay with data going back and forth from the moon to earth. IPFS could allow satellites to retrieve data from the closest locations without having a delay. This makes networking across systems faster.”

John Gleeson, chief operating officer of decentralized storage network Storj, told Cointelegraph that decentralized infrastructure is the most credible disruptor for the centralized internet:

Although the concept is revolutionary, Belcher noted that the project is currently in an exploratory phase. “We are still identifying the right demonstration mission that will make this viable for space technology.” In terms of data storage, Belcher pointed out that many users may not even realize that they are using the IPFS today, noting that the vast majority of nonfungible tokens (NFTs) are stored on IPFS. She added that Starling Lab — a project from Stanford University and the University of Southern California’s Shoah Foundation research center — uses the Filecoin network to house sensitive digital records of human history. 

“Starting a service to compete with AWS, Google or Microsoft in Web2 requires billions of dollars. Through crowd-sourced capacity, trustless abstraction layers and token-based incentives, decentralized infrastructure can provide more private, secure, performant and economical infrastructures than Web2 hyperscalers.”

Similar to Filecoin’s incentive model, Gleeson explained that the Storj network consists of “storage nodes” that are used to store data for others. Contributors are paid for allocating their storage and bandwidth. “All data stored on storage nodes is client-side encrypted and erasure-coded,” he said. 

Gleeson added that Storj uses “uplink clients” to enable developers to house information on Storj decentralized cloud storage. Files are then split into 80 pieces and distributed across the network of storage nodes. “Each of the 80 pieces is stored on different diverse storage nodes with different operators, power supplies, networks and geographies, etc., yielding tremendous security, performance and durability advantages,” Gleeson explained.

While the features provided by Filecoin and Storj are very different from those offered by centralized systems, a number of Web3 platforms specifically require these solutions. For example, the decentralized Web3 infrastructure provider Ankr Network helps a number of blockchain companies run their node infrastructure.

Greg Gopman, chief marketing officer of Ankr, told Cointelegraph that 17 of the top 20 proof-of-stake blockchains use Ankr’s remote procedure call (RPC) service to allow access to their blockchain data. Every time Ankr handles an RPC request, a node is required to fulfill it, which Gopman mentioned is Ankr’s core service. According to Gopman, Ankr uses both Filecoin and Storj to store images of nodes, along with blockchain transactions. He said:

“BNB Chain, Polygon and Avalanche use our solution, and behind the scenes we use decentralized storage providers to make our operations faster. When we need to spin up a new node we can do it 90% faster using decentralized storage providers versus AWS.”

To put this process in perspective, Gopman explained that Ankr manages archive nodes for different blockchains. “The ‘archive node’ is all the historical data of every transaction that happened on a blockchain network,” he said. Ankr manages these archive nodes for different blockchains, meaning the platform needs to have a snapshot of all transactions that have occurred on a specific network. This information is then put on a server and spun up to create a new node.

Gopman added that Ankr initially used AWS for this process but that the platform was slower and more expensive. “AWS wasn’t optimized for Web3. AWS is set up for distributed systems, yet we run profiles on servers for decentralized infrastructure. Moreover, AWS only has 13 geo-locations and we have around 30.” 

The rise of decentralized web services

In addition to storage, other solutions are being offered to ensure an entire suite of decentralized web services for the Web3 economy. For example, Akash Network is a marketplace for underused compute resources. Greg Osuri, CEO of Akash, told Cointelegraph that the core of Akash consists of an auction marketplace that allows users to place an ask with providers who have endless amounts of computing power. According to Osuri, prices are market-driven, making cost savings 97% less expensive than AWS. 

In terms of use cases, Osuri mentioned that Equinix Metal — one of the world’s largest data center and infrastructure providers — integrates with Akash to offload their compute resources in a decentralized manner.

Web3 projects are also taking advantage of decentralized computing platforms. For example, Colin Pape, CEO of decentralized search engine Presearch, told Cointelegraph that users could run nodes for their platform on top of Akash. According to Pape, Presearch user nodes collect search results from across the web and are used to power the Presearch network. Like other incentive-based models, node operators are rewarded with Presearch’s PRE tokens when they successfully handle a user query.

Pape shared that there are more than 70,000 user nodes around the world powering the Presearch network. Although many of these nodes are running in data centers using a virtual private server (VPS), he pointed out that Presearch encourages node operators to use as many different platforms as possible to run their nodes. He added that decentralized cloud providers are helpful for ensuring an additional layer of resilience to the network since they are more distributed than nodes that operate in a single instance.

It’s also interesting to point out that solutions capable of aggregating different types of decentralized storage networks are coming to fruition, highlighting market growth. For example, Max Li, chief operating officer and founder of Computecoin, told Cointelegraph that the company aims to provide all key AWS services such as computing, storage and machine learning in a decentralized manner. “Our storage solution — Oortech Storage Service (OSS) — provides a decentralized storage solution with a Web2 user experience. Rather than building the infrastructure from scratch, OSS aggregates all types of decentralized storage networks such as Filecoin, Storj and Crust — similar to Expedia, which aggregates hotels,” he explained.

According to Li, OSS aims to simplify the process of leveraging decentralized storage solutions. He believes this is necessary, noting there is a steep learning curve for end users utilizing decentralized web solutions. “Developers require at least a few weeks to understand how to deploy a website on Filecoin. It may take less than one hour to deploy a website on AWS,” he said. Li added that non-crypto native users need to learn how to use crypto wallets for purchasing Filecoin tokens on exchanges and then leveraging them for data storage.

Will decentralized storage solutions overtake centralized web services?

Yet, the benefits provided by decentralized web solutions may outweigh any issues associated with utilizing these platforms — at least for Web3 projects. For instance, Gleeson pointed out that decentralized storage solutions offer enhanced privacy, performance, durability and cost-efficiencies. “All data stored on the Storj DCS service is encrypted (both data and metadata) and users own their own encryption keys. This means that users are in control of their data and that data can’t be compromised or mined,” he explained. 

Gleeson added that decentralized cloud storage takes a completely different approach by crowd-sourcing capacity via operating expenditures rather than capital expenditures. He said:

“By tapping into massive latent capacity all around the globe and paying only for what's used, decentralized cloud storage delivers comparable durability and availability to centralized cloud storage, at a price that is 80% lower than AWS.”

Given this, the question remains if centralized storage solutions will soon become irrelevant. According to Gleeson, as the decentralized tech matures, the use cases will crystalize and the benefits will be realized by enterprises. In turn, he believes that adoption will accelerate, especially as the rest of the decentralized stack evolves with compute and tool kits for common integration patterns. However, Gleeson is aware that decentralized storage and other services are still new technologies and must therefore undergo development. “IPFS for instance provides content addressing and is innovative, but some of the largest IPFS pinning services store data on centralized providers,” he remarked.

Wilson Wei, co-founder and chief operating officer of CyberConnect — a decentralized social graph protocol — further told Cointelegraph that AWS as a whole provides a much wider range of services beyond storage. Therefore he believes that AWS won’t die out. Wei added that most current decentralized storage systems are only robust when providers work under some economic incentives. Yet, he noted that these incentives could become extremely volatile and lead to performance/data availability degradation. He said: 

“It’s easy to host a simple front-end page using IPFS, but if the website needs some complex computing environment, developers still need to spawn a computing instance on cloud providers like AWS since the centralized servers can offer the most efficient and performance computing resources. Choosing between centralized and decentralized storage always carries trade-offs.”

Rakurai Raises $3M Seed Round to Accelerate Development of High Throughput Solana Nodes

One Low-Cap Altcoin Skyrockets by More Than 140% in Just One Week As Crypto Markets Rebound

One Low-Cap Altcoin Skyrockets by More Than 140% in Just One Week As Crypto Markets Rebound

A low-cap altcoin is erupting in the last seven days as the broader crypto markets flash signs of strength toward the end of the week. STORJ, the native asset of Storj, a decentralized protocol designed to provide an end-to-end encrypted cloud storage platform, has more than doubled its value in just one week. From a […]

The post One Low-Cap Altcoin Skyrockets by More Than 140% in Just One Week As Crypto Markets Rebound appeared first on The Daily Hodl.

Rakurai Raises $3M Seed Round to Accelerate Development of High Throughput Solana Nodes

Small-cap altcoins push higher as Bitcoin bulls fight to hold $40,000

LINA, WRX and STORJ led altcoins higher even as Bitcoin bulls encounter resistance at the $40,000 level.

Bitcoin’s (BTC) recent surge above $40,000 injected a healthy dose of bullish optimism into the crypto market and further proof of this comes from the Crypto Fear and Greed index which has decreased from 'extreme' to 'neutral'. 

Data from Cointelegraph Markets Pro and TradingView shows that the top movers over the past 24 hours are Linear (LINA), WazirX (WRX) and Storj (STORJ).

Top 7 coins with the highest 24-hour price change. Source: Cointelegraph Markets Pro

The overall market conditions continue to improve following the now denied rumors that Amazon would begin accepting cryptocurrencies as payment at some point in 2021 which helped spark an increase of more than $155 billion in the total cryptocurrency market capitalization over the past three days.


The top performer over the past 24-hours has been Linear, a decentralized delta-one asset protocol that is cross-chain compatible and capable of creating, trading and managing liquid synthetic assets.

VORTECS™ data from Cointelegraph Markets Pro began to detect a bullish outlook for LINA on July 25, prior to the recent price rise.

The VORTECS™ Score, exclusive to Cointelegraph, is an algorithmic comparison of historic and current market conditions derived from a combination of data points including market sentiment, trading volume, recent price movements and Twitter activity.

VORTECS™ Score (green) vs. LINA price. Source: Cointelegraph Markets Pro

As seen in the chart above, the VORTECS™ Score for LINA began to turn green on July 24 and reached a high of 84 on July 25, just one hour before its price began to increase by 48% over the next three days.

The latest round of momentum for LINA came after the protocol announced that it would be listing PancakeSwap on the Linear exchange and this move appears to have helped the price recover above its 50-day moving average.


The second-biggest gainer in the past 24-hours was WazirX, an India-based exchange that claims to be the fastest-growing Bitcoin and cryptocurrency exchange in the country.

VORTECS™ Score (green) vs. WRX price. Source: Cointelegraph Markets Pro

As seen in the chart above, the VORTECS™ Score for WRX began to register green on July 22 as it reached a high of 74 and again climbed to 71 on July 25, around seven hours before its price began to increase by 38% over the next three days.

Related: XRP price skyrockets by 17% as double bottom chart pattern takes shape

Activity on the platform has been on the rise over the past couple of days as a result of an “India Wants Crypto” campaign that the exchange is running to help engage its community.


 Storj, an open-source cloud storage platform that utilizes a decentralized network of nodes to host user data and offers rewards to users who donate their computing resources to the network, also saw a strong breakout in the last 24-hours.

STORJ/USDT 4-hour chart. Source: TradingView

Data from TradingView shows that after hitting a low of $0.85 on July 27, the price of STORJ rallied 33% to an intraday high at $1.13 on July 28 after its 24-hour trading volume surged from an average of $25 million per day to $186 million.

The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Cointelegraph.com. Every investment and trading move involves risk, you should conduct your own research when making a decision.

Rakurai Raises $3M Seed Round to Accelerate Development of High Throughput Solana Nodes

Blockchain Object Storage Company Filebase Raises $2M, Aims to Incorporate Filecoin and Arweave Networks

Blockchain Object Storage Company Filebase Raises M, Aims to Incorporate Filecoin and Arweave NetworksFilebase, a blockchain-based object storage company built on top of the Sia network has revealed the business has closed an initial seed round gathering $2 million from investors. Interest in decentralized storage networks has blossomed in recent months and Filebase expects the growth of global data to surpass 175 Zettabytes by 2025. The project is […]

Rakurai Raises $3M Seed Round to Accelerate Development of High Throughput Solana Nodes

VORTECS Report: Storage coins rev up gains as Markets Pro rides the green wave

Cointelegraph Markets Pro delivered a market-moving NewsQuake on Storj to subscribers this week, while the VORTECS Score picked up bullish conditions for Filecoin.

It’s been another great week for altcoins as the total market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies moves within spitting distance of the $2 trillion mark.

And it’s been equally positive for the Cointelegraph Markets Pro platform, which tracks crypto market conditions and real-time headline news in the blockchain industry to deliver market intelligence for every investor.

Markets Pro offers two unique features: The VORTECS™ Score, an algorithmically-derived weighted score that compares current market conditions to historically-similar marketscapes, and NewsQuakes™ — the industry’s most rapid aggregator of market-moving news, analyzed and collated from over a thousand primary sources every minute.

In this weekly report we analyze the most important highlights from the week’s events on Markets Pro.

Top VORTECS™ Score gains this week

Between March 26 and April 1, the three best-performing assets identified by Cointelegraph Markets Pro were Storj (+121%), Filecoin (+115%), and Holochain (+111%). All three rode green waves powered by patterns of trading and social activity that the VORTECS™ model has seen before — as described in our description of how the algorithm works.

Analyzing STORJ

As the graph above demonstrates, the cloud storage token STORJ recorded a streak of high VORTECS™ scores, marked by the first red circle, roughly 60 hours before the price spike on April 1 (first and second red boxes).

This price increase could also be explained by the effect of Storj-USDT margin swaps being listed on Huobi Futures the same day, an announcement captured in a NewsQuake™. Those using Markets Pro intelligence in their market research had the advantage of this powerful dual-validation pointing to both historically auspicious market conditions and favorable news around the asset following its recent listing on Coinbase.

Analyzing Filecoin (FIL) and Holochain (HOT)

Indeed, this has been a good week for storage coins. The second-best performer, Filecoin, pulled off a rally that saw it appreciate from around $125 to $233 in two days.

As seen in the graph above, some 24 hours before the price took off Filecoin’s VORTECS™ Score ventured into the 80+ territory for a few hours, marked by the red circle.

The rise of another big winner of the week, Holochain (seen below), also unfolded following a sequence of strong VORTECS™ scores, ranging from high 60s to high 70s, with a peak of 82 (red circle in the graph) coming around 50 hours before the asset began its ascent from $0.010 to $0.019.

Understanding VORTECS™: The relationship between the score and Newsquakes™

Some users wondered whether NewsQuakes™ are a constituent part of the VORTECS™ score. The short answer is no. These are two completely different functionalities within Markets Pro that can complement each other but can also be used separately.

In fact, some of the NewsQuakes™ feature assets for which the score is not yet generated: One example is this week’s announcement of a partnership between DAFI and DIA saw the latter asset, not yet indexed by the VORTECS™ model, appreciate by almost 22%.

That said, oftentimes the two work in conjunction. The example of Filecoin already mentioned above showcases how a high VORTECS™ score and a subsequent NewsQuake™ can be used to boost users’ confidence that the conditions for a coin are favorable.

In other cases, a positive VORTECS™ score can follow the news: Once a favorable announcement is absorbed by market participants, trading and social conditions can align into a pattern that the model identifies as bullish. And sometimes, the two can be completely unrelated.

Analyzing 0x (ZRX)

The graph above shows the price of 0x starting to climb steadily after the news of the asset’s listing on OKEx went public — all while the VORTECS™ score remained neutral.

Testing results: Week’s top strategies

This week, 17 of the 42 VORTECS™ strategies currently tested outperformed both Bitcoin and an evenly weighted portfolio of all the top 100 altcoins. Of those strategies, 8 were score-based (Buy at VORTECS™ X  / Sell at VORTECS™ Y) and 9 were time-based (Buy at VORTECS™ X / Sell after Y hours).

The table below contains information on ROI that the top-5 strategies of the week have generated up to April 1st 2021. For more context, you can also see these strategies’ monthly and all-time returns (tracked since January 5th 2021). 

These strategies are designed to represent benchmarks for the VORTECS™ model’s aggregate performance. To discover how these tests are performed, consult the methodology help file.

Testing results: All-time leaders

The table below presents three best all-time strategies in each category (score-based and time-based) and their performance this week. As the table demonstrates, strategies that do well in the long run can have a downward blip in any given week: Buy at 90 / Sell after 168 hours is a particularly conspicuous example this time. At the same time, two of the all-time best have also had a solid showing this week.

New alerts system

A total of 107 VORTECS™ hit Markets Pro users this week, featuring 27 different coins.

One of the most frequent requests we’ve been getting from the community is to enable notifications at different levels of the VORTECS™ score. There are now 12 dedicated Discord channels designed to alert subscribers when an asset goes above or below a specific threshold.

Powerful NewsQuakes™

A total of 86 NewsQuake™ notifications went out to the Cointelegraph Markets Pro community this week, including 44 exchange listings, 25 partnerships, and 17 staking announcements.

Markets Pro also tracks the most consequential news identified by NewsQuakes™ and the price action of various crypto assets following the headline. This week the most consequential news items were followed by significant price gains over the course of the week:

· Storj listing on Coinbase: +161% peak return

· Ankr Network listing on Coinbase: +109% peak return

· Filecoin’s partnership with Chainlink: +48% peak return

Cointelegraph Markets Pro is available exclusively to subscribers on a monthly basis at $99 per month, or annually with two free months included. It carries a 14-day money-back policy to ensure that it fits the crypto trading and investing research needs of subscribers, and members can cancel anytime.

Important disclaimer

Cointelegraph is a publisher of financial information, not an investment adviser. We do not provide personalized or individualized investment advice. Cryptocurrencies are volatile investments and carry significant risk including the risk of permanent and total loss. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Figures and charts are correct at the time of writing. Consult your financial advisor before making financial decisions. Full terms and conditions.

Rakurai Raises $3M Seed Round to Accelerate Development of High Throughput Solana Nodes

Coinbase listing effect reemerges as Ankr, Curve (CRV) and Storj rally

Ankr, Curve and Storj each saw double-digit rallies shortly after Coinbase announced plans to list each token this week.

On March 23 the Coinbase listing 'bump’ reemerged as the exchange announced that it would list Ankr (ANKR), Curve DAO Token (CRV), and Storj (STORJ) on Coinbase Pro.  

A blog post from the top U.S.-based cryptocurrency exchange stated that inbound transfers for ANKR, CRV and STORJ are available beginning March 23 with trading set to “begin on or after 9 AM Pacific Time (PT) Thursday, March 25, if liquidity conditions are met.”

CRV/USDT vs. ANKR/USDT vs. STORJ/USDT 1-day chart. Source: TradingView

While there has been previous debate as to whether or not a Coinbase listing could still affect price movement in a positive way, today's announcement resulted in double-digit rallies for all three projects on an otherwise red day in the market.


The Ankr network is a blockchain-based distributed computing platform that aims to create an easy and affordable way for developers to deploy multiple blockchains to leverage idle computing power from devices and data centers.

ANKR/USDT 4-hour chart. Source: TradingView

ANKR has been on a hot streak since the beginning of February, with its price skyrocketing 900% from a low of $0.011 on Feb. 1 to a record high of $0.109 following the announcement from Coinbase and multiple partnership announcements and protocol upgrades led to a steady increase in trading volume.

According to data from Cointelegraph Markets Pro, market conditions for ANKR have been favorable for some time.

The VORTECS™ score, exclusive to Cointelegraph, is an algorithmic comparison of historic and current market conditions derived from a combination of data points including market sentiment, trading volume, recent price movements and Twitter activity.

VORTECS™ Score (green) vs. ANKR price. Source: Cointelegraph Markets Pro

As seen in the chart above, the VORTECS™ score for ANKR began to pick up on March 18 and reached a high of 70, roughly 12 hours before the price increased 32% over the next two days.

Following a pullback in ANKR price on March 21, the VORTECS™ again began to climb and reached a high of 76 on March 23, five hours before the price spiked 36% following the listing announcement.


Curve Finance is an Ethereum (ETH) based decentralized exchange and automated market maker protocol that is powered by the CRV token. The primary goal of the exchange is to facilitate swaps between stablecoins like USDC, DAI and other ERC-20 tokens like WBTC and renBTC.

CRV token holders have the opportunity to stake their coins on the network and participate in governance votes directing the future development of the platform as well as receive a share of the fees generated by the protocol.

CRV/USDT 4-hour chart. Source: TradingView

CRV benefited from the growth of decentralized finance (DeFi) during the first two months of 2021, seeing its price rally almost 600% from a low of $0.52 on Jan. 11 to a high of $3.67 on Feb. 6.

VORTECS™ data from Cointelegraph Markets Pro began to detect a bullish outlook for CRV on March 22, prior to the recent price rise.

VORTECS™ Score (green) vs. CRV price. Source: Cointelegraph Markets Pro

As seen in the chart above, following a spike in the price of CRV between March 17 and March 20, the price began to fall while the VORTECS™ score began turning green late on March 20.

CRV price continued to decline over the next two days while the VORTECS™ score remained stable and turned green on several occasions, reaching a high of 66 on March 22, ten hours before the price would stage a 48% rally.


Storj (STORJ) is an Ethereum-based token that powers a cloud storage platform called Tardigrade that uses a decentralized network of nodes to host user data in a secured way using advanced encryption.

When users upload files to Tardigrade, pieces of each file are distributed to the global network of independent nodes which store the data until someone requests a specific file, at which point it is securely recompiled and made available for download.

This process enables secure file storage without the need to trust a centralized data center such as the Amazon Web Services or the Google Cloud. Users of the network who contribute their resources like unused hard drive space and bandwidth to Tardigrade earn STORJ tokens as a reward.

STORJ/USDT 4-hour chart. Source: TradingView

Since reaching a low of $0.445 on Feb. 23 when the cryptocurrency market experienced a sharp correction, the price of STORJ has rallied 311% to a high of $1.83 on March 23 following the Coinbase announcement.

While the significant price growth over the past 24-hours for ANKR, CRV, and STORJ demonstrate that the Coinbase bump remains a potent source for price movement, a more significant driver of their price action has been the steady growth and adoption of project.

From cloud storage, computing power and unused bandwidth to decentralized finance and exchanges, decentralized networks are growing in prominence and strength with no signs of slowing down anytime soon.

Rakurai Raises $3M Seed Round to Accelerate Development of High Throughput Solana Nodes

Coinbase to List ANKR, CRV, and STORJ

Coinbase is adding fuel to the bull run as it continues listing more tokens to its retail platform. The San Francisco-based cryptocurrency exchange revealed that it would add support for Ankr, Curve DAO Token, and Storj, sending prices into higher highs.

Tokens Moon on Coinbase Listing

In a recent blog post, Coinbase Pro announced that starting on Mar. 23 users will be able to transfer Ankr, Curve DAO Token, and Storj to their respective accounts. Trading will kick-off two days later only if the “liquidity conditions are met.”

Once the required supply of ANKR, CRV, and STORJ is met on the cryptocurrency exchange, all of these altcoins will be available for trading against Bitcoin, the US dollar, the Euro, and the British Pound.

If successful, Coinbase Pro will make these cryptocurrencies easy and accessible to a wider audience.

After the announcement was made, the price of Ankr, Curve DAO Token, and Storj shot up. ANKR and CRV rose by more than 40%, while STORJ stole the spotlight after a 100% upswing.

Coinbase to List ANKR, CRV, and STORJ

Ankr, Curve DAO Token, and Storj are the latest beneficiaries of the well-known “Coinbase Effect.” This is a phenomenon where a token’s price skyrockets after being listed on the San Francisco-based exchange.

Although Coinbase is not the biggest trading platform in the market, its reputation and popularity play a vital role in the massive price jumps that cryptocurrencies go through when added to this platform.

With this in mind, market participants must implement a robust risk management strategy when trading ANKR, CRV, and STORJ. Even though these altcoins may have more room to go up, insiders who bought in earlier are likely to dump their holdings on the new surge of retail investors.

Disclosure: At the time of writing, this author owned Bitcoin and Ethereum.

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