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Io.net responds to GPU metadata attack

Io.net responds to GPU metadata attack


Source: Coin Telegraph

The founder of Io.net will host a livestream on April 28 to demonstrate live cluster creation and rest the fear, uncertainty and doubt.

Io.net, a decentralized physical infrastructure network (DePIN), recently experienced a cybersecurity breach. Malicious users exploited exposed user ID tokens to execute a system query language (SQL) injection attack, which led to unauthorized changes in device metadata within the graphics processing unit (GPU) network.

Husky.io, Io.net’s chief security officer, responded promptly with remedial actions and security upgrades to protect the network. Fortunately, the attack did not compromise the GPUs’ actual hardware, which remains secure due to robust permission layers.

The breach was detected during a surge in write operations to the GPU metadata API, triggering alerts at 1:05 am PST on April 25.

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Author: Amaka Nwaokocha